
My Skills Are All Max-Level

It was originally a game, made to be as realistic as possible with features to match. But as time passed and the game progressed there was no doubt about it. The game encroached upon reality. Not in the traditional sense, that the same monsters and people we had come to know so intimately started to appear in reality. But blank spaces that swallowed the country... the continent. And any that attempted to even reach a finger within those blank spaces of reality were consumed alongside it. I had thought myself average, that I could make some money with this game. Sanctuary. But there was a problem - a boon - whenever I gained a skill, it became max level. There was no exception. So, when the world started to fall apart, and my prowess revealed… They hailed me a hero. Despite the wrongdoings and plundering I had done in the name of wealth and power, they looked to me. To solve their problems and save the world. But could I do it? Demons and beings of absolute power. Such that even my cheat made it only marginally easier. I had no choice. It was either I fought and won, or I cowered and let the world be consumed by the cold devouring void. And so, I fight; from a beginning filled with greed, to a future filled with the hopes and wishes of mankind. Can I do it? "Heh~" Of course I can.

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79 Chs

Patch 2.07

The spell's name lit within my mouth. A whisper heard by those near and far from me, a signal to the death they would face.

"SHIT!" One yelled, their hand was armed with sword and board. A tower shield he - and others - cowered behind. I sneered.

Their death was as foretold as the drip of snow down from my hair unto the ground. A moment of silence reigned before they fought back twice as fiercely. One seemed to slip away.

My chin lifted just enough to signal Celeste. As if she had read my mind she nodded her own, a golden blur of motion whose very purpose led her to the escaped. My gaze lingered on her for but a moment.

In the interim I let myself be coerced back towards the dead and waiting. Flesh had flayed to the side, blood and guts crawled over frozen and warmed structures. They seemed to be heading towards some unknown location.

A healer? Maybe. 

I raised my hand once more only to duck under the bang of a bullet buzzing beside my ear.