
My Skills Are All Max-Level

It was originally a game, made to be as realistic as possible with features to match. But as time passed and the game progressed there was no doubt about it. The game encroached upon reality. Not in the traditional sense, that the same monsters and people we had come to know so intimately started to appear in reality. But blank spaces that swallowed the country... the continent. And any that attempted to even reach a finger within those blank spaces of reality were consumed alongside it. I had thought myself average, that I could make some money with this game. Sanctuary. But there was a problem - a boon - whenever I gained a skill, it became max level. There was no exception. So, when the world started to fall apart, and my prowess revealed… They hailed me a hero. Despite the wrongdoings and plundering I had done in the name of wealth and power, they looked to me. To solve their problems and save the world. But could I do it? Demons and beings of absolute power. Such that even my cheat made it only marginally easier. I had no choice. It was either I fought and won, or I cowered and let the world be consumed by the cold devouring void. And so, I fight; from a beginning filled with greed, to a future filled with the hopes and wishes of mankind. Can I do it? "Heh~" Of course I can.

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170 Chs

Patch 1.13

"Why?" I raised my voice, nothing more than what had already been said, and nothing more than the pitch and tone that he had used against mine. I clutched to my side the shield. 

It was made by someone I trusted, in real life he was one of 'those' blacksmiths. He had never been into industrial efforts and rather chose to take a more traditional path. As such it was no wonder that he was able to fashion a shield to my size and specifications.

Heh- Hal would be ecstatic to know that his shield - even made with foreign materials - could take the force and effort of another player. It was never in doubt, but there was some wriggling doubt in the back of his mind, that he had voiced to me and me alone, that his efforts were not enough.

That his creations were subpar.

I turned and leapt towards the nearest branch. A feat that I would never be able to achieve within reality but here… Here it was not only possible but it was expected.

My shield raised itself, as I pulled something from my pocket, to block the incoming bullet.

"I said to leave the grave alone." He spoke. A voice that still held those melodic tones to them, almost… almost ethereal and angelic-esque. I took a deep breath and steadied myself.

The staff under my arm blazed with power and sweat poured down my forehead. Not from any heat, nor exertion. But from the power the item forced me to give. 

My eyes closed, gently remembering the circumstances I had obtained the item in. It was a situation I could not fathom to happen again. For I was spawned - not within a town, nor some snowy wasteland - but within the bowels of a tower. Their security did not find me suspicious, for I was always there. As far as they knew. My hands reached for the first item it found. Curiosity overtook my body and I swiped it under the cloak I had been given - taken - from the locker rooms.

Why in god's green earth did they have locker rooms in this fantasy setting, I don't think that I would ever know, but it was lucky for me.

Those same robes helped me sneak away from the tower and into town where I found those idiots. Who stood stock still. Their mouths gaping at the battle that occurred before them.

"Is… that what this was about…?" I could barely comprehend the words, and took them as naught but a distraction yet he… He had meant more by them.

"Yes, did you not come here to rob the grave?"

There was a slight… inflection in his tone I could not quite find. But it did not seem harmful and so I loomed over my shield. Leaped closer, he did not part from his spot. His eyes tracked my every movement.

"No, I did not." I moved my eyes towards the others and finished in my head 'But they may be so desperate.'

But like he could read my mind he pointed his rifle towards the group. Intent on killing them for sure.

"Wait. Wait, Wait. Don't kill them." I waved my hands in front of my body, my eyes shrewdly darted here and there. Trying to either draw his attention away from them - I needed them - or to at least draw him into conversation. 

And under my breath I muttered something I may have… no shouldn't have said.

"Why does it even matter…?"

He glared. No, to say that he glared was an understatement. There was true wrath wrought between those perfect brows of his. He sneered, his face scrunched into what I could only call confusion, and within that confusion he brought his tense hands towards his weapon once more.

Whatever diplomacy there may have been was broken, as the mere thought of someone trespassing within that grave of his - made by him - was seemingly incomprehensible. Like there was no greater evil.

And I understood that.

"Retreat." I spoke. And without even a speck of hesitation, they followed my orders. It was not like they had any other thoughts within their minds.

My order was relayed and seeing the danger they were able to immediately execute that same order. Retreat.

Soon after the boy turned to look at me once more.

"Leave, do not come back."

I sighed and shook my head.

"I have come too far. I will admit… that I am in the wrong but…" I looked around, gesturing with my chin towards everything around us. Until a flicker of snow fell through my fingers.

And I raised my hand.

"This is not real, a mere game. Indulge me."

He smiled, underneath that warm scarf of his.



'Why am I so angry'

A fire raged under my skin. It was not rage… not quite. But a justified anger. At she… at they who had found themselves with greed deep within their eyes.

I tried to ignore their greed, I truly had. But this was… 'Why did it mean so much to me?' I couldn't even answer that basic question. Like some haze had fallen over my mind and threatened some nascent ideal in exchange for my service.

But still. Even without that persuasion hung over my head I still would fight. My grin was telling of that.

The scarf - that I had personally tailored - fell to the ground like a signal to the fight. For within the mere moments between it reaching the ground and settling. She pulled something well hidden under her cloak.

It blazed red and I was given but a moment to decide on my course of action.

Of course I threw myself to the ground. Felt the heat pass over my hair - there might even be singed tips - and rolled to the side.

My rifle aimed at her heart. And…


"Shit!" I yelled, uncaring of the noise I made. If there was a creature more powerful than her within this forest then I dared them to come.

I threw the rifle to the side. There was no extra case of ammo, none that I could feel on my immediate body. I would have to go and buy more later.

But that didn't matter. Not for now.

I threw my arm to the side and grabbed the bayonet I had yet to attach. It settled nicely into my hand. And gave me just enough time to dash over to the girl.

In response she leaped back and swiped that wand of hers diagonally. It spewed out a hailstorm of smaller balls of fire.

But I could see sweat pour down her brows. It pooled on her nose before being flung to the ground in her rapid movement.

I leaped towards her, my movements guided by my skill. Precise movements that brought out the full extent of my agility and precise enough that not even her hailstorm of fireballs were able to stop my approach.

"Can't we just talk this out! Please!"