
three years

"Three days," Xiaoxi muttered to herself, staring at Ling Buyi, who lay quietly on the hospital bed. "Three days, and he hasn't shown his face. What kind of man…"

Ling Buyi stirred at the sound of her voice, slowly opening her eyes. Her gaze met Xiaoxi's, and there was a brief moment of understanding between them. They both knew what was unspoken—Yuanfei's absence wasn't surprising, but it still hurt.

The door to the hospital room suddenly creaked open, and both women turned their heads to see who it was. Ling Buyi's heart dropped when she saw her mother rushing in, tears already streaming down her face.

"My daughter!" Mrs. Ling cried out, rushing to the bedside. "My poor daughter! Why didn't you tell me?"

Ling Buyi sat up as much as her weakened body allowed, managing a small smile. "Mom…"