
So called bff❤️

we have been best friend's for ever basically

so this is how it started .....

we went to the mall and went shopping for our parents Christmas presents and we saw this guy walking around everywhere we went so I asked my sister to ask him to stop following us around and

my sister did but they ended up exchanging numbers

my sister is gorgeous she has brown hair blue eyes and an great personality people told me that my sister was prettier than me but she denied what they said but to be honest I was kinda jealous of her

but this guy was kinda sketchy but he looks an average guy but I knew something was off so I told my sister not to this guy and she promised not to talk him so a few weeks later I went to Florida for some

event and my parents had all night shifts so it left her all alone I asked if she wanted to come with but she said she'll be fine and I believed her but little did I know she called this guy and asked if they could meet up and he said yea they met at the park so after they hung out they kept on hanging out when I got back she wasn't there and I decided to come home earlier so I could suprise her and it was strange

cause the guy who was talking to her was by the doorstep dropping off my sister and so when I saw them I confronted her and my sister and caught up with eachother and turns out there dating

and I tried to be happy for her so I didn't break her heart so when they went out for a date I followed them and they went to the most dangerous arcade in my city and your probably wondering it's an arcade it's not dangerous but in this area was filled with such edgy people and sometimes they kinda get aggressive so when my sister got home she told me about her date she said they went out for a picnic but I clearly know she was lying I followed her and I saw with my own eyes and so I tried to find some info on this guy and he looks like he was basically like 35 and he told my sister he was 17 right he was 35 my sister is 17 and I got curious so I got more info and he 38 and now he's in jail for dating a 17-year old girl and my sister was mad at me for telling my parents but she apologised and promise never to lied to me again and I hope she keeps the promise