
My single girlfriend

How do you know it’s love and not just another relationship? Joy never did. Relationships have never been his cup of tea. Even when he and Manika are attracted to each other, Joy gets into another relationship thinking she is ‘the one’. And when Joy’s girl walks out on him and he falls into a deep depression it is Manika who comes back into his life and nurses him to health. This, when she is already in a relationship. It’s time for Joy to act. Will he realize her importance in his life and get Manika back? Or is it already too late? My single girlfriend ! is a journey of heartbreaks, love, laughter and tears.

Oliver5641 · Real
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11 Chs

Episode - 11

We were to watch a movie together; it was my plan. A dark movie hall to hide my fidgety

self and Dolby-surround sound noise to drown out my stammering speech. That's what I

needed first … just to get my confidence going, before I could look into her eyes and talk .

I reached the Cineplex exactly five minutes before the movie was scheduled. I didn't want to spend too much time outside trying to make conversation with her. She still hadn't

reached. Jackpot!

I bought the tickets and stood at the gate. Within the next thirty seconds, she came and

smiled at me. We were frisked and rushed in. Not a word exchanged.Not a look exchanged ! Things were going well for me.

She looked fabulous in her tights and a long sweater. The sweater curved perfectly over

her breasts and I tried hard not to stare. I looked at her legs, and even in those tights, they looked awesome. I wondered what it would be like to run my trembling hands over them; I sweated. She was irritatingly hot.

My respect for Arnab multiplied as I walked with Sarah into that movie hall. He had kissed Sarah and done stuf while I was shaking, and trembling and holding on to railings for support. I also hated him a little. We we were shown our seats by the usher. The movie had already started; it was a movie starring Saif Ali Khan and Vidya Balan, and it was based on a Bengali novel: Parineeta.

Slowly, we started talking about the movie; the proximity of her body bothered me.

Ain't Vidya Balan fat?

Oh, that's a Bengali song.

She looks good.

Almost as good as you.

Thank you.

The innocuous truncated little dialogues went on for a while. Muffled snickers. Laughs. A few stolen glances. Things were going fine up until … they started becoming great. Slowly and steadily, we had leaned into each other and our shoulders touched; I wondered if it was intentional. Every time she spoke or I did, our lips were hardly a few centimetres apart. I breathed heavily and my heart pounded with nervous energy every time the inches between us decreased.

I don't know what exactly happened, or how it did, but just like that, she leaned over to

say something and stopped … I found myself staring at her lipstick-stained lips. Barely

inches away, her breath heavy on mine, the words that came out of her mouth were slowly reduced to mumbles and her lips came nearer till they hovered close to mine and quivered, and then my lips brushed against hers, the wetness of hers on mine and I enveloped her lips within mine as I always imagined I would, and felt them one at a time. They were like marshmallows, never-ending soft, sweet marshmallows .

Soon, our tongues played with each other's. My hands were wrapped around her head

and her fingers were in my hair. Slowly my hands slipped onto her neck and around her ears and she started writhing and moaning softly. My hands slipped further down onto her sweater, the moans got louder, she grabbed and clawed at my thigh, and we totally made out.