
My silent wolf

Trauma from always being a victim of bullying since childhood made her not want to have friends. Her life slowly changed since she met a young man who reached out his hand and also wanted to accompany her anytime. But there is one thing she doesn't know. She didn't know the young man's name because he always looked silent. Until 10 years later, when she carried out her first job as an elementary school teacher, but ended up having bad luck due to almost becoming a victim of a crime, she met again. She still remembers his cold and reserved demeanor to this day. She really wanted to tell him and also really wanted to thank him. But it was difficult for her to be able to say such a thing. There was so much she didn't know. Moreover, the feelings that grow in the depths of her heart. She wished, she could do something to hear his voice.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Chapter 05 : Anxiety appeared..

After a long time of calm, talking, and taking care of the groceries. They decided to take him home first.

"I'm sorry. You two even helped me and wanted to take me home. I'm causing you trouble." he complained.

"No need to apologize. It's us who should be thanking you. If it weren't for your quick response to pretending to call the police, we would surely be victims of a crime. Wouldn't that be, laura?"

"That's right. This is the least we can do to thank you. So you have nothing to be ashamed of."

Somehow, hearing their words felt so warm. It was as if he hadn't felt that way in a long time.

"Thank you. Ah! Sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm anthony j. Lyxia. I'm usually called antonio. I only live with my older brother. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, antonio. I'm michella rozelyn."

"My name is laura cloveryla."

"You both have beautiful names. Hope we can get along. Especially my brother..."

Somehow, every time Anthony said his older brother, every time he felt doubt and sadness.

"I'm sorry. It's just my bad habit. Nothing to be concerned about."

But he tries to look tough and always looks cheerful.

Even though it was late, the two of them were still enthusiastic about taking Anthony home.

Even when they arrived at his house, they also helped Anthony into the house. As they were about to open the door, they were both surprised to find it...

"Ah. Brother! I'm home."

They were both greeted by a man who was known to be Anthony's older brother. However, somehow Michella was a little scared because the man's stature looked cold. Especially wearing a black mask and wireless headphones. On the other hand. Laura was silent and kept staring at him. She saw that the man had a glazed look.

"He's my brother. His name is alexander j. Lyxia. Despite his quiet demeanor, he's the best mechanic here."

Without thinking long, Alexander pushed his younger brother's wheelchair into the house.

"Wait a minute, brother. Why don't we tell them to come in? Actually, there's a reason why they want to take me home. Please!"

Even though Anthony's explanation was quite convoluted because he was worried, it immediately made Alexander stop.

The funny thing is, when alexander saw the girls. Instead of being calm, they seemed to be afraid again.

Without hesitation, Alexander took Laura's hand and led her outside.

"Ah! If that's what you want. Make sure to comeback to home so we can have dinner together! Come on. Don't you have to go home too, michella?"

Michella suddenly followed Alexander and Laura.

However, Anthony, who knew what his brother was doing, could only smile and wave his hand. Until then quickly entered the house.


(I'd better tell uncle about this. Maybe he knows about the strange things that have happened recently. Hopefully my brother can continue to live a normal life..)


As they walked, the surroundings were quiet. Even the night wind blows quite hard. Until laura and michella started to get cold. Even so, Alexander remained silent and continued to accompany the two of them.

For some reason, Laura couldn't stop staring at Alexander.


"Ah! That's my house."

They didn't expect that this time they had arrived at michella's house.

"Thanks for take me home, alexander. As for Laura, she's staying in a small apartment not far from here. Laura, make sure you tell him the right way!"

"Shut up!"

Even though only Laura was left, Michelle still teased her. She felt that there must be a reason why Alexander didn't want to let go of Laura's hand.

Even so, whether coincidentally or not… apparently there were eyes watching the two of them from the shadows. Looks like it's stalking prey.


(It seemed that the girl would become a valuable item for the boss. That precious flower, we must be able to take it from him.)
