
My silent wolf

Trauma from always being a victim of bullying since childhood made her not want to have friends. Her life slowly changed since she met a young man who reached out his hand and also wanted to accompany her anytime. But there is one thing she doesn't know. She didn't know the young man's name because he always looked silent. Until 10 years later, when she carried out her first job as an elementary school teacher, but ended up having bad luck due to almost becoming a victim of a crime, she met again. She still remembers his cold and reserved demeanor to this day. She really wanted to tell him and also really wanted to thank him. But it was difficult for her to be able to say such a thing. There was so much she didn't know. Moreover, the feelings that grow in the depths of her heart. She wished, she could do something to hear his voice.

Scarlet_Wolf96 · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Chapter 02 : This feeling..


15 minutes later..


Since facing the incident, Laura realized that soon the school where she would teach would be closed soon. Ignoring the incident is certainly not an easy thing for her.

Luckily, she was able to get there in time before the school bell rang.

The school principal had visited her because he was worried, but Laura tried to be calm and not nervous either.

She listened carefully to how to teach and also gave directions so that the students could understand. Because sometimes the teachers who teach there have to be able to overcome situations that occur in some students.

While she was teaching, she was able to adapt well. Even though it was in introduction mode, not a few of the students started to like what Laura taught.

Without realizing it, the recess bell rang. The lesson ended and the students left the classroom.

Even if it was for a moment, she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

When she was about to go to the teacher's room, she was greeted by Michella, who is a friend and fellow teacher. And the funny thing is, Michelle even took her to a vending machine and was quite far from the crowds.

"Michella. You know I don't like coffee at work." annoyed.

"Relax. I know your habits. But on the other hand, there's something I want to talk to you about. You know? I was really worried because you were almost late. You didn't wake up late, did you?"

Laura was a little irritated every time michella teased her. But actually, michella always knows when when she really wants to talk. She took a deep breath, and then explained the situation she was in.


"WHAT!!!! You almost became a victim of a crime by a group of unknown people! How is that possible?" She shouted..

"Calm yourself, michella. Besides, your voice is too loud. I don't want the others to be shocked and worried about this."


"How can I calm down when you can experience this on your first day as a teacher. Didn't I tell you to leave together. It's obvious that I'm really worried about you, you know!"

Because of worry, Michella even made Laura dizzy, causing her to drop the drinking bottle due to the strong shock of panic.

After they had calmed down enough, they continued the conversation.

"I see. You were helped by a man who happened to be passing by and he immediately hit them so they didn't dare to come near you again."

Hearing that, for some reason it made Laura nodded while blushing.

"He seems calm most of the time. However, it's like he can't feel pain. If I only knew his name, I'd definitely want to thank him. But he was.. i don't know what to say."

Laura looked at the sky through the window. Somehow, she felt that the man who had helped her at that time... was someone she knew. Long enough.

On the other hand..


At that time..


Even though they stared at each other, but for a moment Laura let go of her hand because she was worried that she had held the man's hand long enough.

"You're okay. I mean.. your hand hurt. Doesn't it hurt?"

Even though he was injured… the man didn't say anything, nor did he show his emotions. Even thought that the wound was not a problem for him.

Normally, people who were injured after experiencing a fight would definitely feel pain.


He looked back at his hands which had been covered with bandages.

For him, this was the first time someone covered the wound on his hand. Unfortunately, he still can't say it because the feeling is still locked and makes him unable to speak. Something that has made him have to bear the burden and also pain in his soul, until now has not healed.

As he was about to open the door, he was surprised to find that it was already opened. And..

"Welcome back, Brother!"

He had been greeted by his younger brother.