

It was quiet, there were no birds, no squirrels, nothing. Yet in a moment, the quiet peace of the void was disturbed by the echo of a footstep. The ground he walked on was one of endless concrete, which he proceeded on until he reached seven thrones, six of which were lined up with each other, and the seventh was facing the rest.

"SINS" His voice boomed over the empty void, impossibly louder than what he should have been able to produce with his small size. Suddenly, a large, red, flaming ball appeared above the stone thrones, before exploding on the one second to last in left to right order. It expanded, encompassing the thrones in a red, gassy mixture before condensing into a vaguely humanoid shape.

"WHY HAVE YOU SUM-" The red being was interupted by more fireballs manifesting above their thrones, each being a different color, first in the list of thrones was yellow, then pink, then green, orange, the throne containing the red being and a final blue fireball, which all exploded in a similar fashion as the red being. after they had all formed, they looked at each other in shock, for the existence of more than three if them insinuated something big.

After a moment of silence, the being formed of yellow tentatively asked "Why have you called us? Have the sins declared war on us?" The other five listened intently, waiting for the small figure to answer the question asked of him.

The small figure looked at the entity's before him as he spoke. "yes".