
My Seven Beautiful Sins!

Every cultured man knows this, a man of culture should have certain aspirations such as wealth, power and most important of all women. And our MC is a very cultured man. With a smile, he inquired, ''If I am compelled to make a selection, wouldn't it be wise to opt for the finest ones?'' Indeed, a man of culture. °°° Tags: Harem, Action/Adventure, Smut Scenes a lot,Romance,No Ntr,No Rape,No Yuri! Alternative Title: A Man's Fantasy °°° More votes more daily chapters will be released and even bonus

Nickaido · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Morning Jog

Back in his cozy haven, Adonis stubbed out his second cigarette, the embers glowing faintly in the ashtray. The night air felt cool and refreshing against his skin, a welcome contrast to the warmth of the stew he ate. He knew it was time to call it a night.

Heaving himself out of the chair, he stretched.


His muscles protesting after a long day.

With a final glance at the star-dusted canvas above, he retreated inside, the promise of a good night's sleep beckoning.

He walked towards his bedroom, the wooden floorboards creaking softly beneath his feet. The gentle hum of the woofer speaker drifted down the hall, a familiar melody chosen specifically for its calming effect. He switched it on, the soft strains of relaxing music filling the small house.

Sliding under the covers of his simple bed, he let out a contented sigh. The day's adventures, the lingering mystery of his origin, and the blossoming hope for the future all swirled in his mind. But as the soothing music lulled him towards sleep, a single thought rose above the rest – tomorrow was a new day, filled with new possibilities. And Adonis, the adventurer with eyes like twilight, was ready to face them.


The following morning.

A shaft of sunlight, a bold scout for the approaching dawn, speared through Adonis' window, landing squarely on his sculpted form.


A groan escaped his lips as he instinctively turned away from the unwelcome intrusion, burrowing deeper into the warmth of his blankets.

"Few more minutes, please~" he mumbled, a voice thick with the remnants of sleep.


Just then, the shrill ring of his digital alarm clock shattered the peaceful silence. Adonis flinched, a surge of frustration threatening to erupt. He almost lunged for the offending device, ready to silence it permanently.


But with a deep breath, he managed to tame the rising tide of irritation. A new day had indeed begun.

Swallowing his desire for a few more moments of slumber, Adonis threw back the covers. The urge for a few more moments of sleep battled with the thrill of a new day's possibilities. With a decisive sigh, he rose, muscles protesting slightly from yesterday's adventures. There was no time to waste he had things to do today after all

But first, a ritual. He slipped on comfortable clothes and shoes, the familiar feeling a welcome comfort.

''Huff~~ Ah!"

Stepping out onto his balcony, he took a deep breath of crisp morning air, the city already abuzz with the promise of a bustling day. A smile tugged at his lips. He thrived on this energy, the chaotic symphony of human activity a constant reminder of the world waiting to be explored.

Following his established routine, Adonis headed out, his steps light and his heart brimming with purpose. He wouldn't be starting his day battling slimes or Ratmans in the sewers – today, a different kind of challenge awaited. But before tackling today's tasks, there was another matter to attend to – his morning jog.

Exercise, he firmly believed, was an essential part of an adventurer's life. No matter your profession or social standing, a healthy body was a cornerstone of a long and productive life. Strong muscles meant better endurance, faster reflexes, and the ability to recover quickly from injuries – all crucial assets in the unpredictable world of adventuring.

As he rounded the corner onto his usual route, a familiar path that snaked through a nearby park, Adonis fell into a comfortable rhythm. The rhythmic pounding of his feet against the pavement echoed his rising determination. With each stride, he visualized himself conquering the notice board, securing a mission that would showcase his skills and prove his worth. The image of Rosy's smile, a silent encouragement, spurred him on.

By the time he returned to his house, sweat beading on his forehead and a healthy flush warming his cheeks.

The invigorating jog had served its purpose – Adonis's mind was sharp and his body a finely tuned instrument.


As he stretched, his muscles humming with renewed energy, a strategic plan for the day unfolded in his mind. Today was a multi-pronged attack on his goals. First, the adventurer's guild and the elusive D-rank mission. But his ambitions stretched beyond that. He needed to expand his knowledge, to delve deeper into the arcane arts that fueled his ice magic. New spells, powerful and versatile, were needed to elevate his skillset and push him further on the path of a successful adventurer.

''So visiting the library is a must!"

With a determined nod, Adonis headed back inside. Taking a shower was the first order of business. The cool water washed away the sweat and grime of his jog, leaving him feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Towel in hand, he strode into the kitchen, a symphony of delicious smells already teasing his senses. Breakfast wouldn't be a rushed affair this morning. A hearty meal would fuel his body and mind for the challenges ahead.

While his meal sizzled on the stove, Adonis rummaged through his bookshelf. Nestled amongst well-worn adventure novels lay a worn leather-bound grimoire, its pages filled with cryptic symbols and arcane script. This ancient tome held the secrets of powerful ice magic, spells waiting to be unlocked by a determined student. He skimmed through the pages, his brow furrowed in concentration.

But deciphering the grimoire's cryptic instructions wouldn't happen in a few stolen moments. He needed a dedicated study session, a deep dive into the world of magic. The library beckoned, its vast collection of arcane knowledge waiting to be explored. With a satisfied smile, Adonis finished his breakfast.

Today was the day he'd take a significant leap forward – not just as an adventurer, but as a mage wielding the power of ice. The library awaited, and Adonis, with his hunger for knowledge and magic, was ready to devour it.

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