
My Senior Crush

Get to know about the life of Jane (Janet Friola) and swoon over her crush of a lifetime. Brace yourself for the emotional rollercoaster starting from the first butterflies to intense passion. Curious about how it turned into a love story and whether or not they get their happily ever-after? This novel takes you through the experience leaving you wanting for more...

Star_Queen · Adolescente
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15 Chs


The movie ends after a long hour of awkward silence and avoiding eye contact out of embarrassment about what was just going to happen. I grab my purse and frantically get up from the seat. Still smiling nervously, I ask, "Shall we go home now?" He looks at me with a mixed expression of confusion and thoughtfulness. Then he schools his face and sighs heavily, as if given the chance, he would've asked me to stay a little longer.

"Yes, let's go! I'll drop you off!" he says. "No, you don't have to..." I quickly add. Afterall I'm too bothered and flushed about the incident which almost took place just an hour ago and if he asks me anything about it, I won't be able to answer him keeping a straight face. "You don't have to. I can call a cab." He smirks and says, "Jane, I invited you here, so it's my duty to send you home as your doting boyfriend."

'What?! What did he say? My Boyfriend? Doting? Did I hear that right?! Oh my God, this guy won't let me live today.' And just like that my body starts to grow hot all over again. This is so not how I wanted him to see me as on our first date!!! "Are you okay Jane?" "Yeah, I.. I'm p..perfectly alright." I stutter. "Let me check your temperature...Your ears and cheeks are turning red. Did you catch a cold in the hall?!" He sounds concerned and then all of a sudden put his palm on my forehead. Please someone tell him to stop. My heart beat rate is running dangerously high right now. I can't even get my voice to co-operate with me as my breathing comes in laboured pants. I try my best to calm down and take a deep breath. Holding his thumb, I muster up the courage to say, "I.. I'm alright"

I look up at him and see him smirking again. My eyebrows slightly twitch into a confused frown. "Are really alright?" he asks with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Ye..yes!" I answer. "You're sure that you aren't blushing?" He looks down at me as if holding in a smile. My eyes widen and I get flustered at suddenly being caught. I look at him again and he breaks out in laughter. Ughhh, I hate myself for melting so quickly. And then another thought struck, 'Did he know it all along. Was he teasing me?' I lightly punch him on his chest as a punishment. "Oww!" he exclaims. "Did it hurt?! I'm so sorry!" I panic and keep rubbing my palm on his chest to soothe the pain. Suddenly he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. I look at him transfixed. "Let's go home." he says in a deep voice. "Ye...yeah" I reply.

He drives the car in front of the stairs and gets out. Then he goes the other way and holds the door open for me to get in the passenger seat beside him. I quickly get in and he starts the engine.

The whole ride was quiet. As we reach home, I quickly unclasp the seatbelt. I'm getting ready to open the door when he grabs my arm and turns me towards him. I was going to protest, when he takes a hold of my waist to pull me flush against his body and presses his lips on mine! I was stunned for a moment, processing the situation. But it didn't take more than a few seconds for me to melt against him and kiss him back. He kisses me softly at first, as though caressing my lips with his. It quickly accelerates into a deeper one. I open my mouth to let him in. Our tongues swirl with each other, the sensation making me dizzy.

I don't know how long it went for, but after a while we pulled back. We looked at each other and smiled, knowing that we have crossed the first step to sealing the promise made to each other.