
My SI Stash #83 - The Waifu Scrolls: Skyrim by Dis Lexic (Skyrim)

-The ridiculous anime-ness of this story is just epic~ Tsundere Alduin carried this hard/

Synopsis: After getting Isekaied into Skyrim, I thought I knew what I was in for. Slay Alduin, save the world, not hard and I already knew the game like the back of my hand. However, there are two problems with that line of thought. Number one, reality doesn't act like a video game and number two, Alduin won't stop following me around!

Rated: M

Words: 12K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13688325/1/The-Waifu-Scrolls-Skyrim (Dis Lexic)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

My ending came suddenly and violently. One moment I was walking home after a particularly long day at work and the next I was hit by a truck, with my last living memory from the world of my origin being seeing the words 'Truck-kun Deliveries' stencilled on the vans side. The next thing I knew, I was slowly coming too in a rather hard seat that was rattling around like crazy, which did absolutely nothing for my throbbing head. It certainly didn't help that it had suddenly got extremely cold, which, considering that Britain was in the middle of a heatwave, was rather jarring to say the least. I groaned as I slowly forced my eyes open, blinking as I tried to get my vision to clear.

Once I could see again, I found myself sat in the back of a wooden, horse drawn cart that was slowly making its way down a rather bumpy path, surrounded on all sides by pine trees and snow covered rocks. The air was freezing and fresher than anything I'd ever experienced, with nary a hint of pollution, aside from the smell of unwashed bodies. I tried to move, but quickly found myself unable to as my hands were bound with thick, strong rope.

Said unwashed bodies apparently belonged to the men sharing the cart with me. Across from me was a large man with long, blonde hair, a rough beard and startling blue eyes, clad in what appeared to be leather armor.

Beside him was a grubby looking man with dark hair wearing ragged...rags and a frightened and angry expression. He had the air of someone who was sincerely regretting whatever choices he'd made that had led him to this point.

The final man in the cart was a little more well groomed than the others, which, along with his rather more impressive armour that had a thick, fur cloak draped over the back, suggested that he was likely of a higher standing. In addition to having his hands bound, he was also wearing a gag that was tied tightly enough that I could see him wince slightly whenever the cart went over a bump.

"Hey, you," said the first man, drawing my attention back to him, "You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there."

I glanced at said thief as he scowled while trying to figure out why this entire thing seemed so damn familiar.

"Damn you Stormcloaks," growled the apparent thief, "Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell!"

I froze. Stormcloaks? Hammerfell? SKYRIM?! Oh shit, I'm...FUCK! I shook my head and pinched myself, hard. It hurt. A lot. Combined with the fact that things weren't flying and I wasn't losing my teeth, the chances that this was a dream seemed rather low. Then again, the last thing I remembered was being hit by a truck, so maybe I was in a coma or experiencing my brains last gasps of life before it faded into oblivion? It was that or I'd been Isakaied and considering where I was, I think I'd rather it be the other option.

The horse thief turned to me, apparently unaware of my minor breakdown that was going on in my head.

"You there...You and me, we shouldn't be here," he said, "It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."

"We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief," said Ralof.

"Shut up back there," said the soldier driving the cart.

"Whats wrong with him?" asked Lokir after a moments silence, nodding to Ulfric.

"Watch your tongue!" snapped Ralof, "Your talking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King!"

Lokir went stark white.

"U-ulfric? The Yarl of Windhelm?" he stuttered, "Your the leader of the Rebellion! But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?"

"I don't know were we're going, but Sovngarde awaits," said Ralof softly.

Lokir went even pailer, to the point where I was worried he'd pass out before we got to Helgen, and started shaking and whimpering. Honestly, I can't blame him and if I wasn't still partly convinced I was dreaming, I probably wouldn't be much better.

"N-no, this isn't happening!" he whimpered, "It can't be happening!"

"Hey, what village are you from, horse thief?" asked Ralof softly.

"Why do you care?" snapped Lokir in a shaky voice.

"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home," said Ralof, now sounding wistful.

Lokir glared for a moment, before he deflated, looking utterly defeated.

"Rorikstead," he muttered, "I'm... I'm from Rorikstead."

"General Tullius, sir, the headsman is waiting!" called one of the soldiers driving the carts.

I turned back to the front as we passed through the gates into the town. The place looked a lot like the small village from the games, although there was a rather different air to it. Maybe it was because I could also smell the scent of wood smoke and horse dung in the air, which made it seem that much more real. Honestly, the smell more than anything was what was making me become more and more convinced that I wasn't dreaming. It just smelt to...real if that makes any sense.

I ignored Ralof's angry mutterings about the General and the Thalmor and Lokir's muttered prayers as I watched the residents of the town quickly begin to hustle into their houses and wondered just how many would survive the imminent attack. Probably not many and those that would would either be rendered homeless or murdered by the bandits that moved in after the flames went out. It was a...rather sobering thought. I also had to wonder if I'd be around to see it considering that I wasn't entirely sure that I'd be able to escape when the time came. I wasn't exactly in the best shape after all.

I was pulled from my short introspection as the cart came to a stop

"Get these prisoners out of the carts!" shouted the captain, "Move it!"

"Why are we stopping?" asked Lokir, sounding rather nervous.

"Why do you think?" asked Ralof, sounding slightly amused, "End of the line. Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us."

"No! Wait! We're not rebels!" shouted Lokir.

"I don't think they care that much," I muttered as we stood and jumped out of the cart.

I stumbled as I landed, feeling strangely out of sorts all of a sudden, almost as if my limbs were a different length than I was used to. Fortunately, Ralof caught me before I fell and I shot him a grateful look.

"Face your death with some courage, thief," said Ralof

Lokir ignored him.

"You've got to tell them!" he shouted, now sounding desperate, "We weren't with you! This is a mistake!"

"Step towards the block when we call your name," said the captain, completely ignoring Lokir's hysterics, "One at a time."

"Empire loves their damn lists," muttered Ralof.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm," said Hadvar, making a note as the bound Jarl stepped forwards.

"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric!" said Ralof.

"Ralof of Riverwood."

Ralof followed his leader without protest, although he did shoot a glare at Hadvar, who barely reacted.

"Lokir of Rorikstead."

"No, I'm not a rebel!" shouted the thief, "You can't do this!"

I briefly entertained trying to stop him, but he made a break for it before I could. I winced as the guards shot him down without a second thought and looked away. Yeah, I was in trouble.

"Anyone else feel like running?" demanded the captain.

Naturally, there was no response and she indicated for Hadvar to continue. The soldier turned back to his list, glanced up at me then frowned.

"Wait, you there, step forwards," he said, pointing at me with his quill, "Who are you?"

I hesitated for a moment, then sighed. Its not like there was any real reason to hide anything.

"I'm just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time," I said, "My name is Marcus."

"Hnn, I thought you looked a little out of place," said Hadvar, "There aren't many Bretons who'd join the Stormcloaks."

He turned to his superior, a slightly pleading look on his face.

"Captain. What should we do?" he asked, "He's not on the list."

"Forget the list, he goes to the block," said the captain.

Hadvar sighed and shook his head regretfully.

"By your orders, Captain," he said, "Follow the Captain, prisoner."

He hesitated, then sighed again.

"For what its worth, I'm sorry," he said, "I'll make sure your remains are returned to High Rock."

I gave a slightly weak smile and followed the captain over to where the rest of the prisoners were standing. I tuned out Tullius' dressing down of Ulfric in favour of considering what Hadvar had said. It made a certain amount of sense that he'd think I was a Breton as I'm not exactly the largest of men and Highrock was, to my understanding at least, somewhat based on old Celtic cultures, including Britain. However, I had to wonder how deep that went. After all, I didn't have any elfish blood in me, so the question was, had I been transformed into a full on Breton by whatever dropped me here or was Hadvar just making an assumption?

I shook my head slightly and put that aside for now. My race wasn't really relevant right now. What was relevant was the thought that came along with the idea of being a Breton, namely whether or not I could use Magic. While everyone on Nirn had some aptitude for Magic, I wasn't a native, so there was a chance I couldn't use it. On the other hand, I had been Isakaied and the trope was that the poor schmuck who got Truck-kuned ended up blessed with unimaginable power compared with everyone else. Plus, it appeared that I was the Dragonborn, which indicated that I might just have at least some power.

Alternatively, I could just be some unlucky smuck with nary a hint of power who'd get eaten by Alduin before I could even start a journey.

I quickly tossed that thought deep into my mind and locked it away. Instead of even considering that idea, I closed my eyes and focused. I had no idea what I was doing, but with any luck, I could find something that would indicate that I wasn't completely powerless.

Fortunately, it didn't take long.

I'd barely even thought about bringing my hypothetical Magic to the surface when I felt a deep warmth appear in my chest, just above my heart. I could feel it flowing through me, following the same path as my blood and surfusing my entire body. I could also feel the energy flow out of my mouth with every exhale, only to be replaced with every beat of my heart. It was a very odd feeling, but it felt entirely natural, as if it had always been there.

I took a deep breath and attempted to take control of the flow of energy, finding it surprisingly easy to take the excess energy and channel it through my body, feeling it strengthen my bones and muscles as it flowed through them. I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands as I pool my Mana in them, making them begin to glow. I grinned at the sight and channelled more Mana into my hands. Just a bit more and I could...

A loud roar snapped me out of my trance and reminded me of where I was. I paled and quickly dispersed the gathered Magika before anyone could see. Now was NOT the time to start conjuring fireballs when I was surrounded by twitchy guards who thought I was affiliated with the Stormcloaks.

I dropped my hands and rolled my shoulders as I waited for the next part to play out. I mostly ignored the Last Rights and the Stormcloak soldier getting his head lopped off in favour of looking out over the mountain in the direction I knew Alduin would come from. It might have been my imagination, but I could almost see a massive shadow swooping down towards us.

"Next, the Breton in the rags!" shouted the captain, drawing me back to reality.

Again. I hope this zoning out thing isn't going to become a thing…

I walked over to the block and stopped, staring down at the bloodsoaked wood and swallowed. This...wasn't a place I ever thought I'd be. God I hope Alduin wasn't late.

A rough hand on my shoulder forced me to my knees and a foot between my shoulder blades forced me down onto the bloody block. Suddenly, the idea of blowing some things up to escape wasn't looking so bad after all...

Another loud roar shook the air, followed shortly by an almighty crash as Alduin himself swooped down and landed on the tower with enough force to shake the ground and knock anyone stood.

"WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT?!" shouted Tullius as the Imperial Guards pulled themselves together and drew their swords.

"DRAGON!" shouted someone as Alduin threw back his head and let out a roar that shook the heavens.

Literally as the sky went reddish purple and started spewing flaming rocks everywhere.

"Don't just stand there, kill it!" shouted Tullius, "You, get the townspeople to safety!"

I scrambled away from the block as Alduin let out another roar and took off, swooping over the town and setting fire to some of the houses. The flicking flames made the World Eater look every bit the malevolent beast he was.

"Hey you, Breton, get up!" shouted Ralof, seizing me by the armpit and hauling me to my feet, "The Gods won't give us another chance!"

I let the Nord haul me over to the tower where the rest of the Stormcloaks had taken refuge and slumped against the wall to wait until my head stopped spinning and my ears stopped ringing.

"What was that thing?" demanded Ralof, "Could the Legends be true?"

"Legends don't burn down villages," said Ulfric grimly, "We need to move, now!"

"Up through the tower," said Ralof, "Thats our best option. How are they?"

"Their hurt, but they'll live," said one of the Stormcloaks who had been checking on his injured comrades, "Another second out there with the dragon, and they'd both be dead..."

Ralof nodded.

"Good, get them up," he said, "Come on, up through the tower! You to Breton!"

I heaved myself off the wall and followed the Nord up the stone steps to where another Stormcloak was trying to move some fallen blocks of stone.

"We just need to…"

He was cut off as the wall exploded and Alduin stuck his head through the gap. I stumbled as I tried to stop, but between my bound hands, the uneven floor, still slightly dazed state and some asshole running into me from behind were all enough to make me stumble forwards towards the Dragon as he opened his jaws to bath the tower in flames. I let out a yelp and closed my eyes, expecting either a sharp pain as Alduin bit me in half or a very painful death as his Fire Breath engulfed me. Instead, my foot caught a bit of upraised stone, I fell forwards and hit something small, warm and soft. There was a startled, surprisingly feminine yelp and both me and whatever it was that I hit went tumbling, landing in a heap and ending with my lips pressed against something soft, warm and smelling of wildflowers.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a pair of startled, yellow eyes set into a pale face framed by black locks. It took a moment for me to figure out what the hell was going on and when I did, I jolted back, breaking the completely unlikely accidental kiss and finding myself looking down at an adorable girl with long, black hair, large yellow eyes, fair skin and slightly elongated canines. She was wearing what appeared to be a black and red dress with an Amulet of Akatosh around her neck and a pair of black, horn-like decorations in her hair.

As I tried to figure out who in the hell the girl was and where in the hell the giant fuck off Dragon who had been about to roast me had gone, the girl slowly reached up and touched her lips, looking like she had no idea what had just happened.

"Um, are you...OK?" I asked, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

The girl stared at me for a moment, then her face went red, tears welled in her eyes and she took a deep breath.

"You ASSHOLE!" she screamed and shoved me.

Despite her small size, her shove sent me flying back and the moment I left her immediate area, her scream transformed into a roar and Alduin was back. Before I could properly register what that meant, I slammed into the unforgiving stone wall with a loud crack, prompting my body and mind to decided that they had had quite enough and I blacked out.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

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