
My SI Stash #33 - The Regent of the Red by Akallas von Aerok (MHAXWorm)

-SI fic got mad potential with the MC reminding me of SCP-179 but male and actually more interactive... Downside is author do be dropping fics sometime

Synopsis: Adam's Angel in My Hero Academia, but MHA is but a small part of this bigger Earth... What am I going to do with all of the powers I've been given?

Rated: ???

Words: 3K

Posted on: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-regent-of-the-red-mha-worm-cyoa-interactive-v6.898388/ (Akallas von Aerok)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics/originals mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

When one reads a story, they tend to come and believe that story is central to something. This thing may be a concept, object, self, society, or even subjects beyond mortal understanding.

I too read a story. It was about a young teenager seeking to achieve his dream of becoming a hero. Though he may have received his chance by a stroke of luck, he certainly did not waste it. He became a hero worthy of his title.

However, I have learned that this young hero and his story was too small. Despite the burden of responsibility and the literal decades of conflict that colored the background of the young man's story, he was but one of many stars on this world.

I watched as the young hero-to-be threw himself into training and cleaning on that once defiled beach, but at the same time on another continent, men and women bled to unite a continent whose impact will surely outshine the hero's work.

If I focused on another continent, then I saw the starting of a band of villains that no single hero could defeat, not even the young hero's mentor could at the height of his power.

I observed the world through the eyes of its inhabitants, and I could not help but question it.

Why here?

What profound cause required that I be taken from my home, be given a new form and strength that no single human could have been given, and set in orbit of an Earth so similar to mine but oh so different?

An Earth that was home to a fictional story and yet stood before me as reality?

I didn't know but I wanted to know that cause.

I continued to stare at this Earth from the vacuum of space and in orbit of the moon.

When should I act?


It's been eight months since the Red Angel appeared in orbit of the moon. they called it that because it looked like two giant wings and glowed in the darkness of space.

Glowing so brightly that it was visible during the day, the Red Angel's existence answered a question humanity has asked for along time now.

Are we alone in this universe?

The Red Angel's existence answered: no, you are not alone.

People from all over the world tried to contact the glowing being, but no response came back. There wasnt even a sign of acknowledgement.

Just silence.

It scared people now.

They asked why the angel watched Earth. It was an alien life… was it here to plan an invasion?

Was it here to simply observe?

What was it doing?

A hero fanatic he might be, but even Izuku found himself wondering.

"I think it is waiting."

Izuku turned to All Might, standing next to him in his anemic civilian form.

"For what?"

"I dont know." There was a pause but it wasn't an end to All Might's words. "But more than that, the astrophysicists at I-Island have got some concrete data on it."

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise. "You get regular updates from I-Island?!"

"No, no, no," he chuckled. "Just phone calls from my first sidekick."

"Oh. Umm… What data?"

Yagi-sensei looked around warily before he crouched down. Even though his normal self was shorter than his hero persona, the man was still far taller than Izuku. "First off, that thing is putting out massive amounts of energy. As in its equivalent to smaller stars in energy output."

Izuku's eyes widened.

"But the second one is the more worrisome information. It's been taking information from our Earth constantly."

The boy gulped before laughing nervously. "Ahaha...ha… ha… sounds a lot … like someone's preparing for an invasion...?" he finished off quietly into a murmur.

Yagi-sensei nodded. "A lot of governments have already been alerted, including Japan. If that thing is truly the vanguard of an invasion force…"

Izuku's mind spun as this new information spun rapidly in his head all the while he tried to make connections between governments, invasion forces, and -.

"You mean… the governments might start drafting people?" he asked in horror.

"I know it's new to Japan. Ever since we lost World War II, the people have been trying their damnedest to be peaceful. Even when Quirks were popping up and chaos engulfed the world, we tried, even if our methods weren't the best. But if there is an interstellar invasion force, we might have to give up on peace altogether, especially since we don't know the scale of their forces."

Izuku gulped and squeezed his cold, sweaty hands.

"But that's if it's an invasion force," Yagi chuckled. "Sorry for scaring you, Midoriya-shounen, but I just need you to keep that in mind."

He nodded hesitantly.

"Besides, if it truly was an invasion force, they would have attacked us already. It's been up there for eight months now, which is plenty of time to gather a ton of data."

"T-that's true," Izuku agreed hastily.


I knew exactly what I was. There were very few figures in popular culture or sub-culture that had the form of a giant glowing angel with a bright red core and orbiting planetary bodies while looking into the minds of others.

I was Arael, the 15th Angel from the Neon Genesis Evangelion. Though I was perhaps not the most physically able member of Adam's lineage, I was one most suited to tackling human societal structures thanks to my ability to affect the human psyche.

I knew that this situation of mine could not be natural because fictions weren't natural but also because I had more than just this new form of mine.

My wings lengthened in irritation when I saw what had to be one of the worst individuals present on this Earth. My focus narrowed down to Florida, where a serial killer stood in front of his latest victim.

Bloody Jester raised his clown hammer up, ready to add the helpless victim laughing uncontrollably under him. This helpless man would become the ten thousandth victim if I didn't do anything.

Without a word (as it was impossible in the vacuum of space anyway), I opened up a single golden portal above my head. A blade peaked out.

And then fired.

Space warped between where I flew one hundred kilometers above the sea level and where Bloody Jester was in Florida.

There was a brief flash of light before my blade shot through that warped space without even breaking the sound barrier.

A crack and a splat resounded where Bloody Jester and his victim was. A crack that came from the sound of concrete and asphalt breaking against steel. A splat from how blood spilled upon the street.

And Bloody Jester's head toppled over.

Satisfied, I returned to my vigilance over humanity. I gave no shit about what kind of reaction my first act beyond arrival caused within their upper echelon.

This power, this golden portal, was how I knew that this had to be a sick joke.

Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon from the Nasuverse didn't just naturally come together with Arael from NGE. I didn't know when I opened my eyes to this world - to the scene of a beautiful blue and green Earth - but I learned after a long enough stay.

This was a bloody CYOA but I don't remember SHIT about it.

Follow me on twitter~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)

aweirdweebcreators' thoughts