
My Secret Wedding

Kevin is forced to pay a woman to become his wife so he can be free from the half-crazy woman he was betrothed to. However, who would have thought that the stranger who had just entered his life was his first love. Then, how is the story of their marriage life when everyone is trying to destroy it?

penapika · Ciudad
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24 Chs

The Man who Vega likes.

Vega was forced to wake up from his deep sleep because of the sound of his cell phone ringing loudly. Who's bothering her so early in the morning?

When she saw Mila's name on the screen of her cellphone, Vega immediately picked it up.

"Yes, hello? Why, Mila?" asked Vega the first time.


"No, I'm not busy today. Why, my dear?" Vega said it in a spoiled tone, causing Mila to snort on the other line.


"Yes, I can! No, what are you talking about? Where can you bother me? I'm going straight to the hospital now!"


"Yeah, relax! I'll be at the hospital in an hour!"


"Yes, bye! Have fun with Mr. Kevin!" Before Mila could answer her words, Vega first hung up the phone while giggling.

There's no need for Mila to say anything, Vega knows who Mila is going with.

Who else can make Mila leave when her mother just realized this, if not Kevin?

After placing her cell phone on her desk, Vega immediately cleaned up the files she had been working on last night.

Yes, she worked late all night and accidentally fell asleep at the office.

After all, who do you want to go home to?

There was no one in her house. Vega is an only woman, and her parents are also busy doing business while going out overseas.

Vega can only meet her parents maybe only once a month. That's why Vega often stays at Mila's house or at Paul's apartment.

It's okay, lonely.

After unpacking her files, Vega then went to the toilet on the floor of her room to clean herself and change into her work clothes. Luckily Vega always keeps a change of clothes in her locker.

So in this condition, she doesn't have to worry about clothes anymore.

It only took her twenty minutes to clean herself, then she returned to her room. Puts all her personal needs such as cellphones and makeup boxes into her small bag.

Then she stepped out of the room towards the automatic coffee machine, her morning routine.

Drink coffee.


"Ashh!" Vega was surprised to hear the call until her arm accidentally spilled hot coffee.

"Hey, are you okay?" the culprit who surprised Vega asked, made Vega want to curse, but...

"Hey, are you okay? Let me see your hands." Vega couldn't help but be silent as Noah touched her arm, examining the area where the coffee had spilled.

"It's a little scuffed, come with me. Let me treat it."

"Oh no, Sir. I -"

"Don't turn down my offer, Vega. I'm doing this as well as my apologies for surprising you. I'm sorry."

"But I really-"

"That's enough. Come with me to my room." Vega didn't even have time to finish her sentence, Noah cut her off again.

Noah used her hand to pull Vega's hand to follow him into his room. Making Vega's heart beat three times faster than usual.

"Why are you in the office so early?" Noah asked, he sat next to Vega who was sitting on the sofa in her study with his hand holding the first aid kit.

"Yes, Sir. I have work to do," was Vega's only reply, as she was more busy managing her increasingly uncontrollable heartbeat.

Especially when she was this close to Noah.

"Sir, I can-"

"Done." Noah said first, even though Vega was just about to take over Noah's activities treating her arm.

"By the way, what's wrong with your clothes?" Noah stuttered when he saw Vega's confused expression.

"Oh yes, Sir. Since you asked that, today I want permission to work half a day. All my work is done, Sir. So you don't have to worry if I will neglect my work."

And Noah actually laughed at Vega's words just now.

"Why are you even laughing?"

"No, it's just… you're cute, Vega."

Huh? This, Vega didn't hear wrong, did she?

The boss that she liked since a year ago said that she was cute?

God, if this is just a dream, I don't want to wake up forever! Vega thought with joy.

"I know more than anyone how competent you are at work, Vega. And I believe you will not neglect your work under any circumstances. But may I ask you one thing?"

"What, Sir?"

"Why did you take permission today? Is there any problem? I can help if you really need help."

If this is the case, how can Vega not fall in love more? Noah was just this nice to her.

"Thank you for the offer Mr. Noah in advance. But I'm fine, Sir. It's just, yes, one of my friends. Her mother is sick, and she needs my help to look after her today, because she has something to do."

Noah frowned. "Your best friend? Who? Paul?"

"No, Sir. My other best friend. The one who accidentally spilled coffee on your coat."

Mila? So, Mila's mother is sick?

Hey, why is Noah so worried about that girl now?

I seem to have gone crazy. Noah's mind commented.


Kevin and Mila are on their way to Kevin's house. The reason? Of course, to introduce Mila as his future wife first to his grandpa, before his grandmother managed to introduce Luna.

Kevin doesn't want to be matched with Luna, Mila is better than Luna on all aspects, if Kevin says anyway.

"What's wrong with you? How come you keep quiet? Usually you talk like a parrot."

Mila snorted, looked at Kevin who was driving for a while, then looked back at the road in front of her. "Shut up is wrong, nag is wrong too. What do you want?!" Mila grumbled which Kevin could still clearly hear.

"I heard that," said Kevin, but Mila deliberately ignored him.

Making Kevin open his voice again. "Don't tell me..."

"... you're nervous huh?"

"Who's nervous?! I'm fine!" said Mila. Pretending to be ignorant, even though he doesn't say anything like that.

"It's okay, it's normal. You don't have to answer too fast! Remember, in front of my family, you must be polite! Don't be like that."

"How's that?" Mila was confused by Kevin's ambiguous words.

"Yes, it's not polite to your own husband-to-be!"

Mila snorted again in annoyance, the man in front of her couldn't be for a moment not being annoying, huh?!

"Hey, Mila! Please answer me if I ask a question. Don't be silent!"

"Yes, future husband. Are you satisfied?" Mila said it in a very annoyed tone that made Kevin curl the corners of his lips up.

"That's it. It's really annoying when you do this!" Kevin's hand, which was free to hold the steering wheel, gently patted Mila's head.

Making the owner immediately throw a sharp look. "But don't forget the article in our agreement! It's forbidden to do excessive skinship!"

"Just calm down. I already told you that you're not my type."

"Tsk." Mila would rather ignore Kevin's words than have an endless debate with the man.