
My Secret Desire

The flamboyant heir to the Xi group, Xavier Clashkov, becomes caught up in a web of personal conflict and family expectations in the buzzing city where ambition and desperation mix. Xavier finds himself on a dangerous path as his fiancée Melissa turns out to be an inappropriate match as the pressure to marry grows. A ticking clock and disapproving parents force him to consider an unusual solution: a contract marriage. Chloe Rosett is a strong young lady whose life took an unexpected turn after her family was destroyed in a car accident. Juggling several jobs to provide for her sister and mother who was subjected to a wheelchair. She unexpectedly crosses Xavier's path, and the two set out on a voyage filled with deceit, intrigue, and possibly even unexpected love. Chloe soon learns that her father-in-law was the one who caused her father's untimely death. Will she seek revenge for all the pains the Clashkov family has caused her? Will she succumb to the love she feels for Xavier?

DaoistsUVxkF · Ciudad
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5 Chs


***Chloe POV****

I got to the flower store an hour late, and my worst nightmare was meeting Mrs Isabella.

"Chloe, do you have any idea what time it is?" she snapped as I entered the store.

"I'm sorry ma, my mum was ill and we had to…". " I don't want to hear your excuses girly. You're always late. The only reason why I haven't fired you yet is because you have a pretty smile and customers like you. Other than that, you would've been gone a long time ago. My boss, Mrs. Isabella lectured me with a menacing frown. I sighed "I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I apologized. She waved her hand in dismissal. "Whatever, I don't care. Go brush your hair. It looks disheveled. I'll be going for an appointment at the hospital." I pursed my lips as she walked away. I quickly changed into the store apron, arranging the flowers while the radio played my favorite tune. I was humming to the song when he walked in. It felt like time had frozen as he strode towards me. I gulped and I felt a lump in my throat. He was tall with broad shoulders, his statue towering over me. He had black curly hair that pooled down to his shoulders, his eyes were gray with a perfectly shaped jawline. He had a tattoo on his left arm. Giving off a Greek-god-like aura.

"Hello, how much for this flowers." his voiced reverberating across the store. I felt my heart skip a beat. I had never felt this way before, especially towards a stranger.

"That would be $20 bucks sir" I said, taking the flower from him to wrap it. Our gaze intertwined, I felt his hand brush against mine. There was an awkward silence as he looked at me intently before I broke the silence. "Would you like anything else?"

I asked, avoiding his gaze. A little smile danced on the corner of his lips, which made me blush.

"My name is Xavier Clashkov." he said with an outreached hand.

"I'm Ch.. Chloe Rosett" I stuttered, as I shook his hand

"Nice to make your acquaintance Chloe. You seem new around here." He squinted.

"Not really, I just started working here few months ago…" I was interrupted, when a lady walked in. From her style of dressing and the way she clung tight to Xavier, it was obvious that she was a model and they two had a thing for each other.

"Baby, what's taking you so long?" the lady said, as she chewed on her gum.

"This here is my fiancé, Melissa" Xavier introduced her to me. "Melissa, meet Chloe".

Melissa grimaced at me without saying a word.

"Baby lets go please. Aren't you done with the flower?" she frowned, pulling Xavier out of the store.

"You forgot your change sir." I yelled from behind them as they made their way out of the store, and into their car as they sped off. I sighed in relief catching my breathe. Zoe walked in with two shopping bags, out of the blues. She was materialistic and would do anything to get the fancy things of life. "And where are you coming from with all those bags." I pouted. She laughed hysterically. "I won't bother you with the details my dear. I've got even better news for you." she started. My heart skipped, my ears eager to hear what she had to say. "A fund raiser is coming up in a few days, The top one percent of the elite class will be there. I was able to get us slots to serve as waitresses during the fund raiser. The pay will be worth it." she said, handing me a black card which had my name on it as one of the waitress. "Oh dear, where would I be without you?" I said, pulling Amelia into a warm hug. "Okay, I can't breathe. Don't ruin my makeup." Amelia chuckled, breaking the hug. We both laughed heartily, as she tells me of her sexescapade with an older man who took her shopping after a pleasurable night.

"You should try it out, Chloe. I seem to wonder what you're afraid of." she said.

"You already know my stand on that. I can't sell my body." I replied. Her jaw dropped as she gawked at me. We were best of friends, with different interests. I wanted to become a nurse. While Zoe wanted to be an actress. The day slowly gave way to the night, as I walked home. I wasn't in the best of moods to resume work at the grocery store. So I informed Zoe, I'll be calling in sick. It was 9:30pm by the time I got home. Mum was asleep in her room. And Amelia was sitted in the living room watching her favorite program.

"Welcome sis," Amelia rushed me into a hug. I smiled, ruffling my hand through her hair. "How are you kiddo?" I smiled at her.

"Did you give mum her meds before bedtime" I asked with a scrutinizing look.

"Yes sis, I did all of that. I'm not little any more you know" she pouted. I just turned 21 and Amelia was 17. We were all we got. We always looked out for each other.

"Here I brought you lasagna." it was her favorite. Amelia frown vanished and was quickly replaced with a grin. "Thank you sis, thank you " she hurriedly yanked the paper bag from my hand as she rummage through it. " I was able to save up $5000 as installment payment, for mum to start her treatment at the hospital. I purred. Amelia whirled towards me with a bewildered look on her face. "Where did you get that kind of money Chloe!?" Amelia panicked. "Did you rob a bank?"

"Come off it kiddo." I chuckled. "I didn't rob a bank. I've been saving for a very long time now and this here is the result of that savings. I'm glad we are using it for something useful."