
My Second Life, in The Class Room of The Elite World

Ryan is 85 this year and laying in his bedroom without much strength in his body. Despite his old age and his limited body movement, his eyes are still fresh and his way of thinking never stops makes those around him amazed and entertained. You know why? He was once a youth with a lot of hobbies, sports, books, outdoor activities, and of course, he loves LN, anime, and manga so much! His last hobby is one of the causes of his outgoing nature because he wants to enjoy his life to the fullest and thinking "how is it to life in those manga/anime?" . . . . . . ......... English is not my first language, so please bear with it and feel free to correct my grammar or anything in the comment so I can learn better. The fan-fic is a mixed story between the canon and my own story. There will be a few cross-over characters but not going to affect the story. For harem lover, sorry, this is not going to be harem fanfic. Rest in Peace! Yes, a few female characters will fall for the MC but he is not 'gotta catch em all' type of MC. He will only choose one of them. ......... I've just learned how to write to satisfy my imagination, there will be a lot of mistakes but please remind me if you find one. I'm a beginner after all... *hiks* ........... I don't own the Classroom of The Elite (Youzitsu) it's all owned by the real author Kinugasa Shougo. And I don't own the crossover characters except for my OC. .. Feel free to visit my p*treon page: https://www.patreon.com/Kazuyagami

Kazuyagami · Cómic
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101 Chs

Moving On

(Ringo POV)

"Ringo, I'm sorry."

I have expected this kind of answer, but why it feel so hurt to hear it from him?

I can't stop my tears, they keep flowing even though i don't want to cry.

Is this how broken heart feels?

So uncomfortable, so vexing, it hurt so much!

But, i don't know why, somehow, i feel like a big burden has been lifted from my heart.


(Ryou POV)

"Ringo, I'm sorry."

I know, after i said that word, i'm hurting her, i give her a scar in her heart, a bitter first love.

I already accept whatever she is going to do to me. Hate me, hit me, or maybe leaving me like she don't know me at all.

But one thing i'm sure about, i will keep smiling at her, i will keep in my heart she is my childhood friend. A friend, that i love the most!


(Third POV)

Ringo stop crying after around 10 minutes, Ryou keep looking at her, not even once he turn his head.

He is ready to accept whatever she will do to him.

But in the middle of her sobbing sound, she is smiling at him.

Ringo: "Thank you. Thank you for giving me a clear answer. Thank you for giving me this feeling for the first time. It is not how i wanted, but at least, i understand you will never play with girl's heart, i know you will never give me a false hope. And starting now, we're back as what we are, my beloved childhood friend. Thank you, Ryou!"

Illuminated by the fire light, she give him her brightest smile.

Ryou stand up from his seat and walk to her, he squat in front of her. He reply her with a smile too.

'She is a strong girl'

Ryou: "You are welcome, my beloved friend."

Then he hug her, giving her his warmest hug.


Morning, and class 1B start their day.

The worker team is no more,now, they work as food hunter.

As usual, they are doing a class meeting before starting their job.

Ryou: "Today, the workers team will be working as food hunter. Ueno, can you please stay at the camp to help the girls support team and maintain security around our camp?"

Ueno: "Okay."

Ryou: "Thank you. Any question?"

Honami: "We're not going to secure the hiding spot?"

Ryou: "In my opinion, we don't really need to do that. I already got the gist who is the leader of each class."

Ryuji: "What? When?"

Ryou: "Sorry, i already doing a scouting on their base at the first night. I don't want to inform any of you because i don't want to disturbing our class focus."

Fumino: "Are you okay? The distance between classes is not short right?" she said in worried voice.

Ryou: "Don't worry, i'm okay."

Yui: "Don't push yourself okay, your doing the most job here."

Ryou smiling at his classmates.

Ryou: "I keep my daily exercise, my stamina is pretty good."

Ringo: "Yeah, yeah, you are right 'Mr. Perfectly Fit'!"

'Looks like she already got herself back. She is trying her best, i know how she feel deep inside her heart still hurt'

Ryou: "Don't you know Ringo, there's big snake over there when i hunt for food."

Ringo: "Hii....Y..you're lying!"

They laughing at how both childhood friend act.

Ringo is trying to treat the wound inside her heart, thats why she will act like they usually did.

There's no way a wound inside her heart will heal only in hours.

Ryou: "Lets take a slow pace today, we don't need to push ourself too much. We will start our activity at 10."


(Ryou POV)

Before we start our day, something unexpected occured in front of our camp, a student of class 1C coming to us and said he is kicked out by Ryuen Kakeru and he hate him so much.

I immadiately calling Honami to the trees behind our hut.

Ryou: "This is a trap, he just want to spy on us."

Honami: "How can you so sure about that?"

Ryou: "Just think about it, he said that he is kicked out by Ryuen and now he hate him. If he really kicked out and hate him, why don't he go back to the ship? at least he have a strong reason to do that."

Honami: "Hmm... thats possible. But what should we do?"

Ryou: "Let him in!"

Honami: "But..."

Ryou: "But before we let him in, lets inform our classmates in emergency meeting, leave Ueno to keep him in check, our friends will inform him later. Now, you should act like what a class rep should do."


(Third POV)

Honami: "Hello Kaneda-kun, mind if we hold a short meeting first?"

Kaneda: "Its okay, i understand that."

Honami: "Ogata-kun, can you keep Kaneda-kun accompany?"

Ueno: "Okay..."


Behind the hut.

Ryou: "Now, lets get to the point, Kaneda-kun will betray us, he is a spy!


They shocked about my information.

"How come? He is kicked out by class C!"

Then Ryou explained to them what he tell to Honami before.

Ryou: "We will act like what usually we do, for our leader don't worry, he will not be able to know who it is as long as he didn't see the card. Any question?"

Sho: "Don't we have to keep him in check everyday?"

Ryou: "No, let him do what he want. He will never be able to identify our leader. Okay, from today onward, the night shift from boys will be 2 people. Any objection?"

They nod and agree to Ryou.

Ryou: "Good. Hotaru, Tetsuya and Ao, you will stay here and if Ueno come here, tell him what we're talking right now. Please don't miss any single information, i want you three remind each other if someone forget the information. And this is more or less will misleading Kaneda-kun about who is out leader."


After that, they let Kaneda join their camp.

He is surprised seeing how class B camp is.

Kaneda: "Your basecamp is amazing!"

Ryota: "We're following our class rep afterall."

Ryou tell his classmates to refer whatever they did is instructed by the class rep, that is Honami.


Everyday they do what they usually did,finally on the 6th day, Kaneda nowhere to be found just like what Ryou said to his classmates.

August 7th, the last day of their test

They are at the beach of their starting poin.

"I'll announce a tally of the trial's result. Please wait for a moment. Due to the trial being already over, we're kindly asking people wanting to use toilets or drink to use the rest spot."

With this announcement, the students went to gather in the rest spot in unison. Among others, there were tables and chairs prepared under the temporary tent and it seemed as if you could take plenty of rest.

Class B hear a commotion between class D and Class C, Ryuen Kakeru to be exact, he is alone without his classmates.


A/N: Cliffhanger-sama is here!

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"