
Chapter 504: Unwritten Rules_1

The votes doubled, which due to their increase in numbers, immediately caused Little Tangyuan's voting percentage to drop to 52%.

Ye Lu was so excited that she was about to jump out of her skin. She knew her adorable treasure wasn't some pushover who would concede easily. Roar! If things continued like this, it would be incredible; the vote count might just overtake the others.

She could very well pocket two hundred thousand. Hehe.

During the fifteen-minute mid-show advertising break, Ye Lu rushed excitedly backstage, draped her two gems in hugs, and gave them a kiss leaving a mess of spittle on their faces: "Wonderful, my babies, you've truly made mommy proud."

"Naturally, look at us!", Ye Yiyi said, swanking no end.

Ye Yuan wiped the spit off his face impatiently: "You'll spoil our makeup."

"We're definitely going to win!" Ye Lu was already delightfully imagining the scene of her clutching two hundred thousand in her hand.