
One Person

Amara pointed at the two long C-shaped curvy white couches and asked everyone to make themselves feel comfortable, the two couches were separated by a white coffee table which was in the middle, if there was no table in between and the two couches were joined then it would have made a perfect circle.

Following her instructions, everyone made themselves comfortable on that couch.

"Dan, what is your plan?" Amara asked in a serious tone and directly came on point.

She meant what was his plan about recruiting Joshua in the team.

"I have called James. He would be coming here in an hour" he explained.

Dan himself is an associate who works under James with the other three associates – Jim, Carl and Vic but since James was not present during the mission they went on, Dan took the lead to guide the other three associates as he was more experienced of the four.

Michael wanted Amara to handle this mission so he didn't let James go with them, he wanted to see how Amara would be working with the associates without having their soldier around them.

Since Amara let them make the decision for Joshua, Dan's decision was final and after waking up he informed James about Joshua and how he decided to let him tag along with them.

So, James agreed to come to Amara's apartment to meet Joshua before deciding what to do with him.

Amara asked everyone to freshen up and ordered breakfast for them.

After an hour the doorbell to Amara's house rang and as expected it was James. Before he reached the place, Amara informed the security in advance, so he easily got entry to her society.

Everyone was done with the breakfast by the time James reached.

"Congratulations to all of you" James first congratulated them on completing the mission.

Amara handed over the pouch full of diamonds to him.

James took the pouch from her and lightly smiled and said, "Mr. X will be very happy, I'll inform him soon that we successfully got his diamonds back"

Amara said nothing and just nodded at him.

James then asked Dan, "Now tell me what exactly happened, I didn't get a grasp of the situation when you explained it on phone."

Dan then explained in detail what happened during the mission and how Joshua got the diamonds. He also informed James of how Joshua had been insisting on joining their mafia gang and seeing him defeat Jim and Carl in a fight to prove his physical strength, Dan believes he is a good addition to their gang.

James heard everything and said, "So, technically this mission was completed by one person?"

Everyone became silent hearing his question.


Mystical_nightcreators' thoughts