
Prelude (1/2)

(Tian Feng's POV)

"Surrender, and your family will be spared!"

"My family? Spared? Bullshit! You bastards have already killed all of them, haven't you?!"

Atop a mountain cliff, I brandished my beloved blade, 'Silent Death', and glared at my opponents. Each and every one of them was at the peak of the world. There was 'Alliance Leader Mo', 'Demonic Ruler Jiang', 'Frost Fairy Yun', the 'Golden Sun Lord'...

Against all of these opponents, even with my talent, I was restricted by age and had no way of defeating them all. However, even so, I had a trump card which could preserve my life.

'The Undying-Reincarnation Technique. By sacrificing all of one's lifeforce and Qi, the user can reincarnate with their memories intact. As expected of a scroll from the legendary 'Roaming Immortals' realm, the level of it is simply astounding compared to here...'

I gritted my teeth and looked at the faces of each and every person in front of me. Then, I smirked coldly,

"You will all die."

With these simple parting words, I lifted my sword and stabbed my chest, while activating the Undying-Reincarnation Technique. Instantly, my vision went black. The next thing I knew...

I was in a place that I didn't know.


(???'s POV)

Death wasn't really that interesting to me. Or rather, it wasn't something I cared too much about. I assumed that, like most other people, it would naturally come with age. Maybe I would be involved in an accident or had some type of disease. Or possibly, a serial killer or criminal would shoot me or something like that. Although unlikely, it was possible.

"Similarly so, the awkwardness in this situation, no, the entirety of my, life could also spell my death. Through suicide."

While murmuring this, I, Maki Kiyoshi, an innocent student in 10th grade who was simply walking home, watched as a group of middle school students ran to the other side of the street once they noticed me.

Of course, there was no reason for them to do so. I think.

'So what if I have a hunched back, a permanent frown on my face, occasionally mutter to myself time-to-time, emit a depressed aura...'

I should stop.

Ok, fine. I might be a slight bit uncomfortable to be around. Even so, it's not like it justifies other people to avoiding me constantly like they are right now. N-not that I want your sympathy or anything, idiot.

"Ah, what the hell am I even doing with my life?"

These sorts of things came out of my mouth occasionally, eventually stopping the moment I returned home. A typical 'how was school' came from my mother, to which I simply responded to with a 'fine'.

I headed up the stairs towards my room but then paused, thinking, 'maybe I'll be more attractive if I fix my look up a bit.'

So, I walked to the washroom which was a few steps away and looked in the mirror. My body posture was a little hunched up, so I corrected that. My neck was a little bent, so I corrected it. With everything fixed, I could say that my look was quite a ways better than before. Even if it wasn't too handsome, it was at least average. Wait, what do you mean that isn't something to be proud of?!

"My face has quite an awkward frown to it, eh?"

If I fix this, I'll maybe even look above average!

"Indeed it does, idiot brother. Not only that, but your eyes look like a dead crow's. Now that I think about it, isn't it ironic, your name[1]? You aren't very pure of a person. You're actually the filthiest and disgusting person possible, I believe."

Unconsciously, I frowned deeper the moment I heard her. Actually, to think about it, she's right. No, wait, I shouldn't admit to it.

Maki Akina, my little sister in her 2nd-year of middle school. Unlike when I was her age, she has both good looks and popularity. Only I knew the pure despair and abuse which was rained upon me by her black, opaque heart at home.

In response to her words, I glanced at her and gave the most frightening look I could. Rather than giving a yell of fear, though, the girl merely laughed and stuck her tongue out.

'Hey, it's not really that bad to want to beat up someone 4 years younger than you, right? It's just sibling rivalry, right?'

This thought coursed through my head, but before I could find an answer, Akina dashed to her room. I shrugged and tried a few more times to fix the frown on my face, but to no avail.

Finally, I just gave up and entered my room.

Nice, simple, and clean. Without anything extra, like books which would make one look scholarly but actually don't mean anything since people don't re-read them.

"Oh, I have homework today, huh."

After my will to persevere fought against my laziness a few times, I eventually steeled myself to open up my bags to face my homework.

Then, after a few hours, I completed it. Then, I got called down to eat dinner. After finishing dinner, I surfed the internet.

'This daily life, I wonder if it will continue forever until I die? To simply be by myself the entire time, with the exception of meals and school? No, actually, I don't have any friends in school, so I can be said to be alone in a sense.'

This thought crossed through my life after I turned my PC off and began to stretch.

Actually, having no friends is good in some ways. Although social interaction is null because of my loneliness, and my social skills are unrefined, I don't have to be bothered by people approaching me constantly. Neither do I have to go outside that much. I'm not a reclusive room-dweller, but neither do I enjoy the bright sunlight which makes my eyes burn.

Then, after I realized I had nothing to do, I crashed into my bed and closed my eyes.

To be asleep is the best state possible any sentient being. To be able to ignore the cruelness of humankind, one can simply sink into a state of sleep. For me, it's one of the most sacred things.

So, I stayed in that state of sleep for a few hours...

And then a boy went ahead and woke me up from pure bliss.

Note 1: Kiyoshi translates to 'pure' in Japanese.