
Insignificant Scoundrels

"The Haoran Academy, quite it," observed Deity Wuyun, gazing at the colossal academy, envisioning the serene life of jesting disciples in his later years. Teaching, a necessity, he resolved to stay.

The mental processes of the Four Sages of Jiulong Island and Deity Wuyun were akin. They weren't prodigies, their origin of cultivation impure, and the likelihood of achieving the Major Way was minuscule.

However, if they could guide outstanding disciples, it would count as a life well spent.

Di Xin attentively observed Deity Wuyun and the Four Sages, his apprehensions alleviated. He favored such pragmatic subordinates.

It appeared that their inclination for wealth-seeking had already begun. The news of the Taoyun Academy taking root had a grand and magnificent aura, elevating the Haoran Academy to new heights.

Following Di Xin, the fervent fans witnessed their idol's charismatic appearance, exclaiming in praise of the wise monarch.

News of Di Xin possessing a divine artifact spread rapidly, drawing an increasing crowd of onlookers.

As expected, the rumored divine artifact was none other than the Haoran Academy.

Visitors flooded in, one after another, and stubbornly lingered, impossible to shoo away. "Oh, Your Majesty, we implore you to accept our children for learning here, even without accommodation!" Many started shouting outside the Academy.

The crowd grew restless, fueled by the prospect of their children studying long-term and flourishing under the benevolent and enlightened ruler.

Surely, the current king, so amicable and sagacious, would grant their wishes.

"Be gone, you wretches!" From a distance, Fei Zhong and You Hun rushed over. Sensing the commotion, they were eager to find Di Xin.

They intended to curry favor with flattery, praising the king for summoning divine artifacts.

At this moment, Di Xin remained oblivious to Fei Zhong and You Hun's arrival.

He was deep in discussion with the newly arrived teacher, Deity Wuyun, and the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, deliberating on matters regarding teaching and guiding.

Di Xin employed his time-tested strategy – verbal prowess.

Showering praise on the Jie Religious Sect, he extolled its virtues, emphasizing the profound cultivation and abundant achievements.

"May I ask the esteemed immortals if they would honor me with their presence for a meal? We can delve into the details of teaching and guiding afterward."

Di Xin, portraying a love for talent, successfully won the hearts of the five teachers. They promptly agreed, and everything was prepared. In this moment of anticipation, a scream shattered the tranquility.

As Di Xin stepped out, he witnessed Fei Zhong and You Hun ruthlessly whipping the commoners he had painstakingly won over.

The brutality inflicted injuries on several of the people.

Observing their actions, Di Xin, nearly infuriated, thought, "These scoundrels dare to mistreat the citizens I worked so hard to unite! After all my efforts, they ruin everything with a few strokes of their whips."

"Where is King Wucheng?"

"Here," responded the partially concealed Huang Feihu, emerging from the crowd.

"Arrest these two rebels, Fei Zhong and You Hun."

"As you command."

Huang Feihu obeyed Di Xin's order effortlessly, lifting the two villains amidst their retinue.

The aura of Huang Feihu, coupled with the fact they were opposing King Wucheng, frightened them into breathless silence.

Firstly, King Wucheng outranked them. Being one rank higher pressed down on them.

Secondly, they stood no chance against Huang Feihu.

"It's the King, it's His Majesty who saved us!"

The citizens, treating Di Xin as an idol, surged toward him like a tidal wave.

Di Xin gestured to calm them, and understanding, they quieted down.

The recent atrocities by Fei Zhong and You Hun had already left the commoners resentful, but Di Xin's appearance steadied their emotions.

The previously unruly crowd, agitated by Fei Zhong and You Hun's brutality, now adhered to silence, heeding Di Xin's gesture.

Bi Gan and Shang Rong were once again astonished. When did these unruly people become so obedient? Did they take some sort of medication?

"Huang Feihu, cease your insolence! Release us immediately; his Majesty is watching!"

The two, Fei and You, in hoarse and exhausted voices, cried out. Their superb flattery skills won them the favor of the King of the Zhou, and under his patronage, they became arrogant and disdainful, showing contempt for everyone.

King Wucheng, being a crucial minister in the Shang Dynasty, had long grown weary of these two scoundrels.

If it weren't for the king's constant protection, he would have taught them a lesson ages ago.

King Wucheng, exceptionally valiant with a robust stature and arms like steel, effortlessly lifted the two insignificant individuals and disdainfully tossed them before Di Xin.

The two once favored courtiers, scrambling on the ground, clung to Di Xin's legs and tearfully pleaded, "Oh, Your Majesty, King Wucheng has humiliated us without any regard for justice. We beseech Your Majesty to arbitrate on our behalf."

As the words fell, the previously silent crowd of commoners eagerly anticipated the King's response, while hushed whispers filled the air.

Some elderly individuals, initially resigned and sighing, doubted that Fei You and Zhong Hun would face punishment. They even feared repercussions for King Wucheng.

Throughout the capital, everyone knew that Fei Zhong and You Hun were unparalleled in sycophancy, excelling in flattery and seeking favor. Emboldened by the King's favor, they bullied the common folk with impunity.

"Well, it's time to stand up for my people. Do you two acknowledge your guilt?" Di Xin's voice carried an imperial aura, silencing the murmurs.

Di Xin's unexpected response left the commoners astonished; the King showed no intention of defending his favored courtiers.

"Oh, Your Majesty," they pleaded, "what crime have we committed? We observed celestial signs, recognizing Your Majesty as the divine ruler who brings blessings and peace to the realm."

Fei Zhong and You Hun, especially skilled in sycophancy, showered Di Xin with highly-sung praises. However, their egregious actions could not be easily forgiven.

Winning the people's hearts was crucial to ruling the realm. If these two troublemakers were left unpunished, it would be a great injustice.

The divine occurrence could serve as a convenient distraction, allowing Di Xin to maintain an image of a wise and just ruler, oblivious to the misdeeds of his courtiers.

Today's misconduct jeopardized Di Xin's claim to be a virtuous sovereign—a stain on the otherwise impeccable reputation.