
The Darhk Mansion

As we pulled up to the giant gates of the Darhk mansion, I was once again taken aback by the large structure that was my home.

'To think that I would return here' I thought. The large castle that was the Darhk mansion could never get old to me. It was gently nestled atop a lush hillside and one would have to drive up to reach the large castle like gates.

On the interior, it had exactly 50 parking spaces and the environment was lined with various exotic flowers that were tended to everyday by the best gardeners.

The entire area contained 3 buildings with 3 floors each and 2 basements. With the central building being stationed at the middle of the three.

The building on the right was set out for guests, parties, and official purposes and the one on the left were the workers quarters.

It was truly a sight to behold and a sense of nostalgia hit me as we pulled up to the front of the central house.

I got down from the car as the driver opened the door for me. My father had been informed of my arrival and didn't deem it fit for me to be greeted.

I walked up to the front door and pushed the large oak doors open as I stepped into the interior of the central building.

As I walked in I was greeted by a butler who I recognized, Benjamin. Benjamin had been working for the Darhk family his whole life and was one of the oldest and first employed.

I was very fond of him as a child and when he saw me he walked up to me and embraced me tightly.

When my mom died he was my only form of a father figure and I appreciated him to this day for it, as he treated me like his own son.

I hugged him back tightly and he spoke first.

"How have you been, Damon?" He said tears welling up in his eyes.

"I've been fine" I said, cracking a genuine smile, something I hadn't done in a long time.

"Where is he?" I said, returning back to my normal demeanor and Benjamin pulled away from me. "He's in his study, you should-" he was going to speak but I cut him off.

"I know, I know, I'll go see him, please take my bag to my room." I said.

"Understood, welcome home Damon," he said smiling and I nodded, smiling back.

And with that my brief moment of happiness had come to a close as I approached the study to greet my father.

I finally got to the study and knocked three times before opening the door.

I walked in and saw my father, his chair facing the opposite direction from me as he stared at the bookshelf behind him.

The great study was lined on all sides with books and my father spent most of his time there.

"Father, I'm home." I said with a confident voice.

"Go to your room and freshen up, I'll call for you when I'm ready. I'm busy" he said, not turning to face me.

"Understood" I said and I left the room and slammed the door gently.

As I proceeded to my room I couldn't help but wonder how life was before my mother died. It was perfect, I was actually happy, a very distant feeling from me now.

Her death broke him, it broke both of us.

'No! I'm not making excuses for him, he should've been there for me. He should've been my father, instead he abandoned me.' I thought, I was getting angry.

I calmed myself down, there was no point getting worked up. What had happened had happened and I was content with my new life. I didn't need a family, I didn't need anyone, I had myself.

I reached the door of my room and was about to open the door when I heard a familiar yet not so pleasant voice behind me.

I felt myself fill up with rage and anger as I recognized the voice. I turned and saw the two people who I could say I hated the most in the whole world.

My stepmother and stepbrother.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise, when did you get back home Damon?" She said, faking a smile.

"He probably did something to anger father again and that's why he's here." My brother said, chuckling.

"Oh stop Stephen, he's probably here because he misses us. Right Damon? Isn't that why you're home?" She said and they both burst out laughing.

This was the worst. I'd tried my best to avoid any confrontations with them but I just knew that would come to spite me.

I'd gone through a lot from these people and would prefer to be left alone, but since it came down to this I wouldn't back down.

'I should give them a little taste of the new me.' I thought and I finally faced them both.

I gave an icy stare that felt as if I was looking through their souls. Looking at me and how much I'd added weight, muscle and I'd worked on my facial structure, they both couldn't hide their surprise.

"Gloria, Stephen, I see you two haven't changed a bit. Whatever I'm doing in this house is strictly between me and my father and I would advise you to mind your business, for both your sakes." I said, with an aura that emanated fear into their hearts.

I wasn't the same person they used to torture and I wouldn't let them push me around anymore.

"How dare you call my mother by her first name, are you trying to threaten us? Apologize right now!" Screamed my younger brother.

"Stephen, that's enough" said my step mother and I could hear the shakiness in her voice.

"But mother"- he said but she cut him off.

"I said that's enough, let's go" and she grabbed his hand and hurriedly led him away.

This was my first victory against them and I reveled in the fear that my step mother felt.

As they turned the corner I shouted "have a lovely day you two!" And laughed loud enough so they could both hear me.

It felt good to put them in their place and as I walked into my room, memories came flooding back to me.

I took my clothes off and lay on my bed, reminiscing about the memories I'd made in that very room.

Damon has finally returned home, what confrontations will occur between him and his family, keep reading to find out.

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