
My Regressor System

[Do You Wish To Be Regressed?] [Yes] [No] Damon was a loser who couldn’t make it in life, and after finally getting a promotion, he was stabbed to death by a stranger. Thanks to a mysterious System, he regresses over twenty years into the past, when he was just a young adult preparing for his college exams. Now that he has been given a second chance at life, Damon intends to stop being the failure he once was. Using the help of his System, and knowledge of his past life, Damon wishes rise to power and conquer the very world that held him down. “I’ll become the most powerful man in the world. Just watch me!”

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190 Chs

Death Of A Failure

My big break had finally arrived; I guess fortune had finally smiled upon me.

I'd been yearning for this promotion for a very long time, and finally, it began to materialize. The atmosphere created around me by my team and everyone who came to celebrate my promotion with me felt surreal.

Laughter, toasts, and congratulations filled the air, and I couldn't be happier.

As a 40-year-old marketing consultant, I, Damon, had nothing to show for it but a shady apartment, a salary that could barely take care of my needs, no girlfriend – I mean, I didn't even have a car.

Pretty sad, huh? But I wouldn't think too much about it.

Right now, I just enjoyed the pleasant demeanor around me and drank the night away.

"A toast to the brand new marketing manager of Moonwolf Corporation, cheers!" Everyone retorted as they began clicking their glasses together in a rather noble fashion.

The rest of the night went on as a blur as the effects of the several wine glasses I'd had finally began to take effect, and I gradually lost control over my actions.

I staggered to the restroom of the bar and washed my face under the sink. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't be more proud of anything.

Brushing my bushy hair over my head, I revealed a face that honestly wasn't so bad. In another life with proper care and attention, I could've been described as quite handsome, but alas, the effects of the poverty I'd faced in my world stood tall on my features.

I left the restroom, and a loud cheer was made when everyone saw me again as I hurriedly downed another glass of wine.

As the night finally came to a close, and everyone started leaving, I was offered a ride home by my colleagues but declined as I wanted to enjoy the solitude of a solo walk home.

"Are you sure, sir? Your apartment isn't so far from here, but it's pretty late. Why don't you just let us take you home? I'm sure you're still a little under the influence," said one of my junior colleagues showing concern towards me.

"No thank you, I'm not that drunk, I just need to collect my thoughts. I'll be fine, and that's manager to you," I said chuckling, and we all laughed.

We said our goodbyes, and I set off on my walk.

The allure of the nighttime atmosphere greeted me happily, and I embraced it.

'Best night ever,' I thought.

The cold night air felt invigorating, and my thoughts danced around the possibilities that this promotion would bring to my life—financial stability, a brighter future, and a sense of accomplishment.

I envisioned leaving my current modest apartment for one befitting my new role, driving to work in the official company car, and finally affording the clothes I'd been eyeing online.

I was already 40; the realization that time was slipping away nudged me toward thoughts of settling down.

Maybe I could finally get a girlfriend; I wasn't getting any younger anyway.

Lost in contemplation, the quiet streets welcomed me, and I hardly had my guard up.

I mean, why would I?

I'd walked this same route every other day to get a taxi, and I was lost in thought, which is precisely why I failed to notice that I was being followed.

My blissful reverie shattered when a firm hand covered my mouth, and I was forcefully ushered into a dim alley. Panic surged as a hooded figure confronted me.

"Who are you?" I screamed, attempting to create some distance between us, thinking it was a mugging.

"Take everything I have, just please don't hurt me," I pleaded, hoping to de-escalate the situation.

Unmoved, the figure closed in, pulling out a knife. This wasn't a run-of-the-mill mugger; I felt like a target.

As he rushed towards me, I panicked and had no idea what to do. Fear gripped my heart, and I was frozen in place. I could've tried to defend myself, but my limbs refused to move, and all I could do was hopelessly watch as this man of much larger frame charged towards me.

Suddenly, he lunged at me.

Still a bit tipsy from the celebration, I struggled to defend myself. Dodging at the last moment, I tripped and fell.


Before I could react, he was on top of me, overpowering my feeble attempts to resist. With a single motion, he plunged the knife into my chest.

I tried to scream, but my voice seemed to lose all effect. My vision blurred as the figure continued his assault.

My hazy consciousness registered the pain, the hot liquid gushing from my chest.

It was a gruesome way to die.

He forcefully removed the knife from my chest, and the blood began to pour out profusely from the gash made by the stab.

As the masked figure finished his sinister act and walked away, my life played out before me.

Lying on the cold pavement, I reflected on missed opportunities and paths untaken. The dreams celebrated in the bar now seemed like distant echoes, replaced by haunting thoughts of what could have been.

I gritted my bloody teeth in pain and agony. I worked too hard and heavily for this to end this way.

In a final attempt to uncover my killer's identity, I screamed out with my last breath, "Who are you?!"

The figure stopped, pulling down his hood and stealing a final glance at me, revealing a face I couldn't recognize, and then disappeared into the night.

The final moments brought a stark realization: alternate futures faded away, leaving an unsettling void.

The city remained oblivious to the tragedy, and my dreams were extinguished, replaced by unanswered questions. As I searched desperately for answers, I came to the realization that none of it mattered.

On this spot, I would die, alone and without help.

"So this is how it ends, huh?" I thought.

I closed my eyes and succumbed to the pain, realizing that this was it.

In the aftermath, the city carried on, unaware of the stolen potential and dreams left unfulfilled.

The bar's celebration became a distant memory, overshadowed by the cruel twist of fate that befell me on my journey home.

I closed my eyes for the last time and let the darkness envelope me as I succumbed to the deep slumber.

I guess this was it… or so I thought.

As my world went black, I heard a strange sound followed by a system window appearing before my eyes.


[System Notice]

<The system recognizes your struggle and has chosen to give you a second chance>

Do you wish to be regressed?

[Yes] [No]

The words flashed before my eyes at the panel seemed to be the only thing illuminating the dark void I found myself floating in.

'Regression! System!' What the hell did all this mean?

It was all too much for me to take in, but I understood one thing.

The words *Second Chance* kept flashing in my head and I immediately agreed to go for it, if I was getting a second chance I wouldn't miss it.

I tapped the tab with the words [YES] written on them and the system panel disappeared.

Another appeared with the words *Initiating Regression…* boldly written on them and before I could think my world went black once again.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, please consider sticking around and add this book to your library.

I’m in a contest, and this goes a really long wayx

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