
Chapter 2: FLASHBACK


Princess Grace Of Tabatha, wearing an ordinary black pants with a white blouse, a flat black pump shoes and a face mask as her disguise was walking steadily along the corridors and stopped in front of a room with a signage that say "personnel lounge", opened it, eyes wandering inside the place and locked upon a black coat with a name tag Mia Fernandez. She picked it up and worn it over her clothes and walked out normally headed inside the elevator and pressed fourth floor. Passing on the reception's station, she noticed a tray of glasses and a pitcher of water. Noticing that no one is around the station. she picked it up and carry it with her and with a smile she knocked on the door and entered room 407.

The man inside sips his wine and kept playing on his cellphone, not even looking at her side told her, "Put down the tray and leave. I am still waiting for my fiancee so I do not want to be disturbed until i call you." Sounds of clinking glasses was heard then silence greets him so he thought the waitress has already left.

"Are you done?", a sweet melodious voice floated down across the room.

The man abruptly looks up and jumps with glee. "You really made it!", he joyfully shouts. "How did you escape your security?" he asked.

"James, i made a promise to meet you here despite of the odds. You know i love you so much. I want to elope with you. I cannot marry a man i do not love. Damn it, i did not know that my parents betrothed me at age five to their friend's eldest son i met at that age!", she frustratedly said.

"There, there, i am here already. I promised you my destiny is yours and i will be yours forever", James swear to her lovingly. He kissed her on the lips but she pushes him away.

"No kisses until we marry!", says Princess Grace.

James placatingly surrenders his hands up and tells her, "Okay babe, i will obey you and restrained myself on kissing you."

After an hour, the two exits through the back exit of the building at James' insistence to avoid any paparazzi or unwanted attention despite Princess Grace doubts and confusion, she lets James dragged her at the back.

Exiting the back of the building, the dimness of the streetlight greets her. While walking out, she noticed the three men standing and smoking at a far corner. They languidly walk towards them and stopped them from passing. "Oh what do we have here, a lovely lady and a gentleman. This lovely night will make us rich with your help", bellowed by the fat man.

"Come on babe, give all your belongings so we wont get hurt", James tells her.

"Here, take all our money and belongings and let us pass now", says James.

"Thank you both for being generous but i fancy this lovely lady. I would like to have a party fun time with you tonight", a malicious tone of the tall man walking towards me. He looks me up while circling around us and stopped in front of me and touch my lips.

Slapping his hand away, "Don't touch me!, i disgustingly yelled at him.

James stands in front of me and punched him and tells me to run and never look back...

End of flashback ...