
My Psychic Systém: The Only Psychic In A World Of Magic!

A man like no other, a living legend, at the age of 29 he solved nuclear war conflicts, at 30 he became the President of 2 countries and at 54 he finally United the whole world. Only to die at his 54th birthday by the poisoned soup made by his own son. 'What unfortunate life...' Or so he thought, but then he realized that he is still alive... Just in the body of another guy, in a different world, with a system. ______ This Story's Volume One is like riding a Rollercoaster and till chapter 25th the rollercoaster is ridding up after that it pick up it's pace. All rights belong to Drag0n777, Helius_666, Dragon S and DrAGOn all are pseudonyms for the same person.

DrAGOn · Fantasía
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20 Chs

The Quest

"What are you getting at?"

He asked in his sagely voice, alright now we gamble.

"You have said that I am not worthy, what if I prove you my worth? What if I say I will change this academy's education system into a system where there will be equality and equal opportunity?"

I said, with a strong posture.

"Huu..huahahaha…huahahaha! Do you think you can do that? Do you think anybody hasn't tried it? Do you think I haven't tried it?"

The headmaster laughed like a maniac, but his laugh contained rage. Did I say something I shouldn't have?

"Listen boy, you're not worthy to even dream about it." He cautioned with empty eyes.

"I will do it, I am sure I can do it, and my confidence doesn't come from my ignorance, if you just give me one year- "

I got interrupted harshly.

"So for one year you want me to blindly put faith in you and provide you protection under my name?"

Yes exactly, but if only I can say that.

"...Just give me a chance, a chance to prove my worth." I let out quietly, staring at the ground.

"Very well, I shall give you six days, in six days do something that has never been done before, something that was impossible before you made it possible. Make a legend in this school."

Wha-How is this any different from saying no to the face! I say bullshit, bullshit I say! No, there is still a way to work around it.

"Understood sir, you said you refuse to give me your protection for a year but would it be possible to give it to me just for this week?"

I asked, as respectfully as possible.

"You are a quick one aren't you? You will get my protection and say that has never happened since the inception of the academy, won't you?"

I got caught faster than I could blink.

"You could always just give me something like a letter or a pass that allows me to get something easily."

I said, otherwise living or even surviving would be very difficult.

"What are the things you need?"

He asked, probably thinking that I have something specific in mind.

"Nothing in particular as of now, sir. But I would be needing a lot of things in the future for the week."

"...very well, I will give you something of convenience after you answer this. Tell me how you knew that I knew that you were lying or not?"

Well, that's an easy one.

"Because I knew that the toddlers were behind me the whole time."

I smiled as I started feeling the glare of the flying babies, I was right.

"When did you first notice it?"

He asked with widened eyes.

"When you turned your head to the side, I suspected something was off then. Then when I looked down, I noticed shadows materializing on the ground and that shadow had a pair of wings, after that, each time you would wait for a bit before answering me while staring at me."

I said, with utmost respect, making sure that I don't hurt his pride.

"It seems you use your eyes well,"

He said before the scenery changed, and soon we were again at the library. Could it be that he is sending me off without giving me anything, he won't be that cheap-

"Show me your dominant hand." He ordered, and when I did it I saw an imprint in my right forearm.

It looked like the letter S except there were a lot of symbols on it.

"This is the convenience I spoke of, this is an incomplete ancient rune called [Partial Recreation]. Although the one you have is incomplete with this you can transmute anything into anything. The only conditions are: the object that you transmute must never be bigger than the palm of your hand, and you must also never mention anything about me or what happened here be it directly or indirectly. If you break any of those two conditions even if you successfully managed to create a legend in a week's time, I will not acknowledge it. Now then, I hope to see you in a week."

This is good, but not good enough but before I could voice out my opinions I found myself in front of those menacing looking gates again.


I did it, it took a lot of time and it went wrong in a lot of ways but now I have something, and something is better than nothing. I thought to myself as I saw the sick tattoo that looked like the letter S.


[A Quest has been issued!]

[Dawn of the Legend!]

[Difficulty: AAA-SS+]

[The Master of purgatory is unsatisfied and somewhat disappointed in you, he believes you're incapable of doing what you say you can, prove him wrong.]

[Objective: Create a new legend, do something that has never been done before in less than a week.]

[Reward : Elemental Slash, Absolute potion x1, Recreation.]

[Failure : Torture followed by death.]

What is this…it's a quest, but it's so weird what do you mean by difficulty AAA-SS+? Does this mean the difficulty is anywhere between AAA to SS+? That's so vague…I suppose it can't be helped.

Oh well, I have more things to worry about anyway, if I cross paths with Alfred I am pretty much dead. My plan was to get at least some kind of a prestige mark from the headmaster that will instantly make my status high and stop that homicidal brat, but now that that plan is thrown out of the window am I going to die here?

I suppose I will head to my room first, at least I will be safe there.

Or that's what I initially thought, but then I remembered right now the magic practice classes are ongoing so Alfred must be busy with that. Probably now is the best time for me to do some bonus tasks and who knows this might be the last time I will be feeling the fresh air for a while.

It's been about four hours since my meeting with the headmaster, now I am heading towards my dorm because soon the magic classes will end and Alfred will come to find me.

In the pretense of doing Bonus tasks I also bought a lot of things, it's probably enough stuff to fill up a few convenience stores, thanks to my inventory storing that much stuff wasn't hard in the least. All the stuff I bought varies from needles to greatswords to herbs and medicines.

What do I plan to do with it you ask? Well there are two reasons for that.

The first reason is that I want to test out my new ability [Partial Recreation] with all kinds of different things, basically to gain as much insight I can get on this skill as well as figure out different applications of it.

And the second reason is, since I can think 100 times the speed of a normal human, along with my previous life's intellect, [Almighty Awareness] and the inventory's time freeze perk, I plan to set the record of the youngest guy to ever become a scholar in the world.

I have checked that the youngest scholar earned his title at the age of 48 beating that record at the age of 16 sounds pretty legendary.

Alright, time to start experimenting with Partial recreation.

Inside of a dark space a lot of different things are floating, it looked akin to a space junkyard floating in space.

And in the middle of that junkyard, there was a boy sitting there, he was constantly grabbing one thing with his left hand and throwing it to his right hand and with his right hand he was transforming it into dice sized cubes.

[ Blue Jacket's Stinger

Contains poison that's comparable to that of a king cobra.

Estimated value : 19 silvers.]

[ Light Squid's Ink sack

It's a Squid that shoots white colored ink. It is possible to extract all the 7 colors from this ink.

Estimated Value : 50 Silvers ]

[ An Ogre's sword

It is a sword that's made up of hundreds of different kinds of metals. It is imperfect and flawed but it exhibits an impossible amount of power.

Estimated value : 100k Golds ]

[ Processed Iron plates

Processed Iron that has been naturally reinforced with mana. It is stronger than the iron from the host's world.

Estimated value : 10 silver per unit ]

It's been a while since I have been experimenting with partial recreation, the [Appraisal] skill is coming particularly handy right now.

I am appraising things with my left hand and transmuting it with my right hand.

So far I have found a few things about the creation skill and it's more useful than I initially anticipated.

For example, the condition that the item I am transmuting must fit the palm of my hand is size relevant and not mass relevant. Meaning, as long as the thing I transmute fits in my palm no matter how much weight or density it has it doesn't matter.

Which means I can increase the mass of something indefinitely by combining two heavily dense transmuted cubes and repeating it over and over again.

Alright, now it's time for my final experiment. So far everything that I brought I have concentrated it into tiny little cubes and after combing all those cubes I was left with a single cube that probably weighs about ten tons. Now it's time for the ultimate experiment, I steeled myself as I placed my hand on the cube that's floating around in the inventory.

Let's make it, let's make a weapon that's strong enough to one shot Alfred.

Thinking that I started transmuting it…

The theory of relativity says that mass and energy are related and can be changed from one to another. Right now, I am trying exactly that, I am trying to transmute matter into energy and see if it works or not. It should work as the headmaster said I can transmute anything into anything.

I closed my eyes trying to visualize exactly what I want to make, my brow squinted as I felt a warm sensation from the tattoo. When the warmth disappeared I questioned myself, Did it work?

When I opened my eyes I saw it, it looked like a purple marble ball, but I knew this was dangerous.

My instincts were screaming to get away from it. Ignoring my instincts I tore off a piece of my cloth and gently dropped it on top of the marble and the moment it made contact with it the piece of cloth caught fire. Alright, now I just need a container for this energy core. For now let's get out of inventory first.

I wanted to buy some new items right away but right now it's 8:31 pm which means that magic classes ended a minute ago. I shouldn't go outside of my dorm room. It will be over for me once Alfred finds me, going outside would be sooo suicidal…

I am suicidal!!!

Even though I know I could run into that guy anytime I still ran towards the market, my thought process was it will take him a while before he comes to my dorm room to find me so before that happens I will quickly go to the market and buy everything I need. But really I just wanted to experiment with my new toys as soon as possible…Oh well, I just need to take the right turn and I will be there-

"Found you, you bastard!"

Except before I could turn to my right the all too familiar face of Al-fuckin-fred appeared in my vision.

I am dead-No! Gotta live!

Quickly shaking my head, instead of slowing down I started to charge in even faster, I need to get to a shop any shop to buy some items, if I just take anything that's not bought from the shop on my own name and transmute it to make a container for the core then it will be seen as destruction of school property and the punishment for that is worse than death.

Steeling myself I charged forward!


When the headmaster suddenly called Yin I was slightly scared. How the hell is that pretty punching bag related to the legendary headmaster?

They say the headmaster hasn't called for anyone in the last century, I thought I was definitely going to get punished but I didn't, and the teachers said not to worry about anything.

Now that I know that I am not getting punished, I should go and find Yin. I wonder what the headmaster wanted from him, maybe he gifted Yin some special relic, indeed I must talk to Yin after the classes ends.

"Why…are you smiling like that Al?" George asked,

I looked at him, "It's nothing my friend, it's nothing."

I was about to head towards Yin's dorm room but then I remembered that the market will close soon. My orb got damaged in today's class so I suppose I will buy a new orb now, and then go to his dorm room.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Yin heading towards the market at this hour.

"Found you, you bastard!"

I called him up, and he was visibly startled but for some reason he didn't have the fearful face he used to have..did he change? I guess my speculation that he got something from the headmaster was right. That's why he isn't scared now.

If before I was somewhat doubtful about my theory, now I am sure as I looked at the charging Yin. He has something, that's why he was vigorously running towards us, oh well whatever it is I just have to stop him.

Thinking that I started conjuring a fireball.