
My Psychic Systém: The Only Psychic In A World Of Magic!

A man like no other, a living legend, at the age of 29 he solved nuclear war conflicts, at 30 he became the President of 2 countries and at 54 he finally United the whole world. Only to die at his 54th birthday by the poisoned soup made by his own son. 'What unfortunate life...' Or so he thought, but then he realized that he is still alive... Just in the body of another guy, in a different world, with a system. ______ This Story's Volume One is like riding a Rollercoaster and till chapter 25th the rollercoaster is ridding up after that it pick up it's pace. All rights belong to Drag0n777, Helius_666, Dragon S and DrAGOn all are pseudonyms for the same person.

DrAGOn · Fantasía
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20 Chs

My First Friends 1

If before I was somewhat doubtful about my theory, now I am sure as I looked at the charging Yin. He has something, that's why he was vigorously running towards us, oh well whatever it is I just have to stop him.

Thinking that I started conjuring a fireball.

But then I noticed something weird, instead of charging at me haphazardly like how he was doing before he sharply changed his stance.

Hands Hugging his chest, legs one foot apart, tip toeing.

Looking at his stance I was slightly amused, this was undoubtedly a martial arts stance but I have never seen such a stance before.

After a quick contemplation, I delayed my attack a bit I can't feel any energy from him, there are no visible relics that he is using and there is the possibility that the headmaster might have imparted him with some ancient martial arts technique if so then it would be better for me to observe as much of it as possible.


But suddenly his speed explosively increased and he closed in the distance of a few metres between us in an instant but still it's alright he is just a normal-



'It's All about the Momentum, the momentum!'

Chanting it like a mantra in my head I prepared myself to fight him.

Back on earth I was a huge fan of MMA which stands for mixed martial arts, so standing face to face with a blonde I knew exactly what to do, but just because I knew it doesn't mean that I would be able to do it.

Regardless, biting on my lower lips I took a boxing stance, closing our distance with explosive speed I punched him straight on his right cheek.


I am an amateur so I immediately lost my balance when the punch connected,

'Please get a concussion, dear god get a goddamn concussion!' is the only thing I hoped.

Thankfully, my prayers were heard. I saw him wobble on his feet as he put one hand forward as if signalling me to stop before sitting down on the floor with a baffled look.


Quickly turning to my right I saw Goerge screaming about 30 feets apart from where I and Alfred were, his hands seeming coated in a layer of white mist and Mike pointing his right-hand toward me with glowing red eyes.


Suddenly I saw everything around us start turning into all kinds of restraints, the vine for the decor turned into thorny rope, the tiles on the floor turned into a titanic ribbon, and they were slowly approaching us, no, me.

Sensing the dread I ran as fast as I could I need to get away from here

"Alfred needs healing! Mike, go find a teacher, quick!"

As I heard the distant voice of George I was slightly relieved that they weren't chasing after me.

Good, now I just need some things so I can transmute them to make a holder for my core and make a weapon out of it while avoiding running into those guys…

Thinking that I went into the more remote places of the academy marketplace, the academy puts a heavy emphasis on nature and life so most things here have a colour scheme of green and is generally decorated with plants and trees.

The market place was the same; it was like a forest. This forest however was circular shaped and instead of soil on the ground there was white concrete, I am assuming the soil is below the concrete floor.

Anyways, the shops are densely packed in two places; at the corner of the forest forming a sort of ring of shops and at the very core of the forest where there is a giant dead tree, the majority of the people buy their things from these two places only.

But these aren't in fact the only place to shop from, there are also some shops scattered around in the middle of the forest. It's just that most people don't go there because it's hard to navigate back and forth between those places.

Currently I am headed to one of those shops, more precisely a smithy, because metal is more dense and thus has more mass than other elements in the periodic table,

Though I don't quite know about the periodic table used here and since I haven't found it through [Almighty Awareness] I believe it's either haven't been made or if someone is monopolising it after making it.

Regardless, standing in front of the Smithy and looking at the 'World Smithy' written in big white letters I knew I was at the right place.

Even through [Almighty Awareness] not much is known about it, in other words most of the knowledge about this Smithy is confidential.

'Oh well, whatever, I just want a metal weapon so I can transmute it into a cute little core holder.'


With a creak sound when the wooden door opened I saw a pretty fancy looking shop, it had white walls, a golden and white coloured ceiling and the floor had a red carpet, the colour scheme looked grandiose.

But there weren't a lot of weapons on display, at most thirty or so, ten hanging on two longer walls of the structure and five on both sides of the two shorter walls which had two doors in them one from where I came from and another opposite to me where I am assuming the Smithy to be.

Proving my assumption right a decently bulky five feet ten inch guy came out of that door.

He had red eyes, purple hair and two long golden chains in his ears, paired with his black suit he looked more like a tycoon than a blacksmith.

When he entered instead of greeting me, the customer, the first thing he did was light up a cigarette then he took a deep smoke in while looking at me,

This made me further think whether he actually was the blacksmith or another fellow customer like me-

"What do you want, kiddo?" He asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

Ah. Right, I was overthinking. Putting on a dazzling smile I said,

"I am looking for a weapon,"

"Why else would you be in my Smithy, what I am asking is what kind of weapon are you looking for?" He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Hmm, let's see…" If I want a weapon that has a high concentration of metal in it, a hammer or a blunt weapon would be good…On second thought, this is a magic world who knows what kind of better equipment I might get to see. "I would like to look around first," I finished the sentence after I relaxed from my thinking posture.

"Sure, Look around if you find something to your liking." He said,

Then he walked in front of the door. He put his arm inside his black coat as if taking something out and swiftly took out a white table along with a chair and proceeded to sit on it.


"..What? I like things nice and tidy, so if I keep everything in here then I will have to clean them everyday as well, but I am also lazy so I like to keep things to the bare minimum." He answered the answer to a question I didn't need to know.

Leaving him to his muse, I started looking at the weapons one by one.

[ The Unholy One

A spear made from the sacrifice of a priest who had gone corrupt.

Possesses something it shouldn't possess, [Locked]

Has a very sharp blade, [Locked] ]

[ Green Giant

A broadsword made from a mythical giant.

Has the strength of a thousand giants,

It has a grudge that will manifest under certain circumstances. ]

[ Blue Radiance Shield

It is a shield meant to block every spear in existence.

It has the light of a blind man. ]

At first, I wanted to [Appraise] everything, but taking a quick look around there weren't any blunt or heavy looking weapons so I checked the three weapons that looked the heaviest,

Among the spear, sword and the round shield I chose the shield because that by far looked the most heavy among everything.

"So you want the shield, huh?" Suddenly I saw the blacksmith standing behind me, the table and chair had disappeared by now.

Hiding my surprise, I smiled at him, "Yes, I would like that."

"Sure, it's just 1 platinum coin."

"What the fuc-fu-fu-fuuuhhh…"

Suppressing my urge to curse I released a deep breath, one platinum coin, one fucking platinum coin is like ten million dollars your daylight robber!

"S-Sure, here you go." I said before paying up. The con- the black Smith happily handed over the shield when I gave him the platinum coin.

"Right, What was your name again?" The blacksmith asked, right when I was about to step out of the door.

"Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first?" I said, a bit salty about the amount I had to spend for something that I will melt down anyways.

"Hmmm, right, then let's go with Pan. My name is Pan. I like lores and making things to make those lores immortal." He stared at me with wide eyes for a bit, but after much contemplation he introduced himself.

"Right, I am Yin. I like living and not dying." I casually said,

"Huhu, in that sense it appears as if we are in a symphony."

"Yeah, I won't deny that." I chuckled at his weird choice of words, as I opened the door and walked out the shield in my hand, I didn't want to use inventory in front of him. Needless to say it was extremely difficult because of how heavy it was.

I have been walking for quite a while now, I specifically took a roundabout way to go to the dorms so that I don't run into anybody from the student body, it appears that Alfred has used his influence to search for me.

And now, not just three boys but more than a hundred of them are searching for me.

They probably won't fight me but they will tell Alfred where I am if I run into them. And since I don't know who Alfred's Lackey is and who isn't, I am avoiding every student body.

Rustle, Rustle.


Again, Sorry for the late upload ( ̄ヘ ̄;)

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