
My Psychic Systém: The Only Psychic In A World Of Magic!

A man like no other, a living legend, at the age of 29 he solved nuclear war conflicts, at 30 he became the President of 2 countries and at 54 he finally United the whole world. Only to die at his 54th birthday by the poisoned soup made by his own son. 'What unfortunate life...' Or so he thought, but then he realized that he is still alive... Just in the body of another guy, in a different world, with a system. ______ This Story's Volume One is like riding a Rollercoaster and till chapter 25th the rollercoaster is ridding up after that it pick up it's pace. All rights belong to Drag0n777, Helius_666, Dragon S and DrAGOn all are pseudonyms for the same person.

DrAGOn · Fantasía
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20 Chs

1 Week Ago

Inside of a spacious room,

Several boys and girls of different ages, gender and race can be seen. There were humans, elves, beastkins, and many other kinds of demi-humans all there.

While all of them might be different from each other they all had one common thing, and that was all of them were wearing neat and clean proper noble attire.

This place was a classroom, more specifically, this classroom is one of the many classrooms of the Serpentine Noble Knight Academy, the academy responsible for nurturing the future geniuses and prodigies for the kingdom of Balbamoth.

Currently, a free period has been issued to class 3-A

And because of this most of the people in the class are gathered in their friend circle, chattering like the teenagers they are...

The atmosphere is quite lively, indeed.


At the corner most seat, a chubby boy with freckles is talking with his rather slim friend,

"It's good to have a refreshment break once in a while, don't you think? Alfred?" Said the chubby boy to his friend, whose name was Alfred.

"Yeah, no shit, especially when you can see Matilda's titties bouncing and going all jiggle jiggle...!! Aww, I will kill to get a Tj from them once..right, Mikey?" Said Alfred with a very lustful smirk on his face, as if he was thinking something very perverted at the moment.

"Tch, pervert I bet you will become a skeleton by the end of your first shot" Mike clicked his tongue at his comment and continued "Even if you somehow got the chance to sleep with her you won't be able to satisfy her, you gotta have a real shaft like mine."

"You? All you have is a fat- bang!!

Suddenly, Alfred got interrupted by the sound of something that seemed like a mini-explosion, the next second his eyes widened when Mike's head was gone as his headless body fell to the ground, lifeless.

The entire room went silent, pin-drop silence. No one managed to process the fact that one of them just died, this silence continued for half a minute before it got interrupted by someone

"Bullseye! Haha..!! Die, you ugly bastard!"

A boy, a boy with white hair and purple eyes, when they looked at him everybody was shocked. But that was obvious after all, this boy even though he was extremely handsome was a talentless, weak, and dormant guy.

"You..!!! Wha-!! How dare you!!"

Alfred was the first to react to this when he realized that the guy whom he and his best friend used to bully was the one who did this, he just couldn't take the fact that a weakling just killed his best friend, his pride was wounded by this and as tears fell from his eyes he created a massive fireball that looked like a miniature sun and directly shot at the white-haired boy,

"What the!?"

"Stop him!?"


By now everyone was back to their senses, but they once again panicked when they looked at the giant fireball that was still growing bigger and brighter...

Except for the white-haired boy that is, who was smirking as if everything went just as planned.


On the 13th day of the 1st month of year 309, for the first time in the history of Serpentine Noble Knight Academy, a classroom full of high-class noble hiers mysteriously died by an explosion.

How it happened, who was responsible for this, nothing was found.


Such a classy and wholesome intro for my story, isn't it? Anyway, for those who are reading or hearing it, whatever happened right now must've made no sense to you all! So to understand what's going on here we have to look through the events that had happened exactly 1 week ago.


New York, US

August 27, 2099

Even after decades, the only big difference in the city was a humungous skyscraper exactly in the middle of the city, but that still doesn't make it a 'big' difference what does, however, was the texture and colour of the building. The building was black with red and purple aesthetics, from a distance it looked immaculate, ethereal, divine even... Very befitting for the man who is, and will be known as the living god.

Inside this skyscraper, on the highest floor, a man in his early fifties, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and red-coloured butter jeans...was tiptoeing towards a room, he had a huge smile on his face, almost reaching ear to ear, the reason? Today this guy is going to celebrate his 54th birthday.

Yup, you guessed it! It's me! From my description, you must be thinking...this guy must've had a happy family, and this and that. So no, my wife cheats on me, my kids are trying to kill each other for my heritage, and today my eldest son's birthday present is his handmade soup which is filled with potassium cyanide, the deadliest, and fastest poison in this world.

So why the hell am I smiling? It's simple really, I just want to die. You see, my life's goal was to unite all the countries, make it a better place, all the while enjoying life to its fullest...

Somewhere along the way 2 major things happened.

Firstly, I forgot about the whole enjoy my life part, and now I try to enjoy every moment of my life by putting up a smile on my face.

Don't know how many days this facade will keep up.

Secondly, somewhere along the way I picked a girl, married her, then made a few kids but I was just so busy chasing my dreams that I left my family behind.

When my wife first slept with another man, 2 minutes, that's all it took for me to get the news about it. But instead of feeling immense sadness, grief and pain all I felt was relief. I knew my wife was lonely, I knew she was helpless, but I still couldn't be beside her so when she did find someone she liked I didn't intervene.

The same story with my children, my eldest son fell for his not-so-young maid who has been with him since his childhood and ended up getting manipulated, even still I am sure he's oblivious about the gravity of the thing he is about to do. My eldest daughter went all incest with my youngest son and now they are fighting their eldest brother to get my inheritance. My other kids are also like this...

And if you're wondering I have 6 children...though 4 of them are not mine.

Anyway, right now, the reason for me to intentionally stand in front of death's door has many reasons, you just found out about a few of them, but the main reason is I have achieved my ultimate goal, yes I have United the world. Sacrifices? I have made. Do I regret them? I do, Heck I am literally dying to forget about them.

Am I happy?

....I don't know.


And as the door opened with a robotic ring I entered