
The Kidnappers


Chu and I were waiting for the girls to wake up. We were playing chess when we heard a scream. We rush to the room where the girls were, and we were shock to see the other girl awake crying hard while hugging the other girl that is still unconscious... She looked at me and then Chu... Then she said "What did you do to my unnie?!"... Gosh! She's so loud, it's so irritating. I was about to put her back to sleep when Chu asked "Yah! What are you doing?!". "Uhhmmm... Putting her back to sleep..." I replied sarcastically. "You know we've been waiting for them to wake up, and now your gonna put her back to sleep?!" she asked in a bit rised voice... "You have a point though..." I said... "Hey, stop crying. It's so irritating." I said to the girl. "How am I supposed not to cry?! You killed my sister!" she replied. After than Chu and I laughed at her because of what she said. Damn! Chu is right, they're innocent... And I think this is too much innocence for an 18 year old girl... She was confused and I can see through her eyes that she's angry. Then I said to her "Don't worry, she's not dead. She's just unconscious." I said smiling. Then her expression changed into embarrassment, she then said "Oh, is that so?... I'm so sorry for yelling at you guys..." she said smiling and chuckling at the same-time. "It's fine pretty." Chu said while winking at the girl. Then I asked in confusion "Hey Chu, how come the other girl is already awake but the other one isn't yet?..." Chu replied "Maybe because you added too much scent at the handkerchief you used?.." I then said "Oh! yeah right... Gosh!"... The girl looked at us and asked "Where are we by the way? All I can remember is that I fainted..." Chu answered her, saying "You've been kidnapped baby~". The girl's expression suddenly changed into fear upon hearing that. "Rosie..." we heard a raspy voice. "So your name is Rosie...." Chu said. "No, it's only Rose. Only my unnie can call me that..." she replied with a cold tone. "Hey, don't be cold." Chu said... "Hey, glad you're awake now." I said to the girl who just woke up. "W-where are we Rosie?" she asked weakly. "We've been kidnapped unnie." Rose said calmly. "WHAT?!" the other girl shouted. "Hey, don't be so loud if you don't want to die young, miss." I said coldly. "S-sorry..." she apologized in a low tone. "Hey, Chu. Should we introduced our selves?" I asked. "Uhhmmm, yes of course." she replied. "Okay, my name is Lalisa Manoban, just call me master Lisa." I said with a cold tone. "And I'm Jisoo Kim. Just call me master Jisoo." she said kindly. "Chu, stop being kind. They're our prisoners." I said to Chu. The to girls showed a confused face and the girl asked "What are you talking about? We're not criminals to be in prison!"... I replied "Yes you do, for stealing and capturing our hearts because of your beauty."... The two girls blushed and both of them looked down.

Sorry if this is too short..

Mae_Drakescreators' thoughts