
A little talk

"Here, let me show you exactly what I am talking about…"

After the Phoenix had said that senseless sentence of her, the hell-like world changed like a dream. The reality of hell in front of me had trembled for only a second, and suddenly, the burning environment had changed into that of a beautiful paradise.

'Does she have control over hell and heaven or something?' I couldn't help but wonder, because… WTF?

I mean… It's not bad that the surroundings have changed into something more pleasant, but, but… Why? First, she's talking about skin care, and now she's showing me some beautiful mountainous landscape with beautiful flora…

Don't tell me… She's now advertising perfume?!!

Oh no… Was I wrong about the Phoenix this entire time? Maybe she just has such an arrogant temper because of her perfume and beauty products sale not going too well…