
Mr dad why does your office have flies

No!!!! said heaven Mr dad I am not pleased and why is my pumpkin not pleased because Mr dad's office have flies and you when did I mention that I want you to be my mother I know you don't like me you always say I am a spoiled brat and now to be the mother of a spoiled brat simply because you want my Mr dad's money well sorry to disappoint you madam I want miss hazel only to be my father 's wife and I will not accept anyone else beside her the assistant couldn't help but grit her teeth stupid girl how I wish I could strangle you right now she thought while stepping out of the office after she left Raymond said come give daddy a high five serves her better for not minding her own business so back to you miss hazel what is your answer hazel stopped thanking her stars right there and then she didn't know what to say but she knew one thing that she still loves Raymond when she looked at heaven's puppy eyes she couldn't resist that charm she agreed without noticing by the she noticed her answer it was too late and she couldn't refute her words because heaven was jumping up and down with joy on her little chubby face yeyy I have mommy I have mommy yey Mr dad when are you marrying my mommy I can't wait .what!!! Hazel was surprised by heaven's words what marriage this little girl is something else in the meantime the assistant was dying of jealousy outside the door. Ronald then said okay ladies let's go to have dinner at the most expensive restaurant to celebrate heaven's new mommy yey Mr dad you are the best yes let's go celebrate my Mrs mommy