The merry sound of laughter could be heard as we entered into the kitchen. Fiona immediately left me and bounded to someone who was chopping vegetables.
"Mum!" she leaned into Hannah.
Words couldn't express my shock as I stared at the duo. When did Hannah get married, not to talk of having a child. The sound of banging pans and rushing water paused around me, but I wasn't paying attention, all my mind could focus on, was Hannah, Fiona and Jake who I assumed was her husband. I guess I should have payed a little more attention to my surroundings. I felt the effect before I could see my assailant. My body was crushed by another and from the low amount of oxygen my brain was working on, it interpreted such squeezing as a hug.
"Ca-can't br-breathe." I squeezed out.
"Ava, let the poor girl go. I'm sure she's not as excited to see you as you are, to see her." I heard the voice of my mother.