
My Phoenix System

MrGod789 · Acción
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46 Chs

Unleashed Fury

As Arjun stood up in his class, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent glint, a wicked smile spread across his lips, sending a shiver down Karan's spine. The atmosphere in the classroom grew tense as the other students watched in apprehension, unsure of what would unfold next.

Karan's heart raced with fear as he realized the gravity of the situation. He had never seen Arjun like this before, and the sight of his evil grin sent chills down his spine. The whispered taunts from Arjun echoed in his mind, each word dripping with malice and contempt.

Meanwhile, the other students in the class hesitated, unsure of whether to intervene or stay back. They knew that getting involved in a confrontation with Arjun could only lead to trouble, yet the temptation to witness the spectacle was too great to resist. Slowly, they began to gather in a tight circle, forming a makeshift arena around Arjun and Karan.

Arjun's mind was consumed by the memories of his past selves, the echoes of old Arjun's torment reverberating through his consciousness. He witnessed the relentless harassment and threats that plagued his former self, feeling the weight of each painful moment as if he were living it all over again.

In parallel, the memories of his college days flooded Arjun's mind, mirroring the same cycle of abuse and intimidation. But unlike the old Arjun, this version harbored only one thought: revenge.

Blinded by his thirst for vengeance, Arjun remained oblivious to the chaos unfolding around him in the classroom. He was deaf to the sounds of confrontation and the murmurs of his classmates, lost in a haze of bitter memories and simmering rage.

As Karan unleashed his most dangerous martial arts move, his attack aimed squarely at Arjun's chest with lightning speed and precision. But in a stunning display of strength and reflexes, Arjun intercepted the blow with his bare hands, catching Karan's strike effortlessly.

With a swift motion, Arjun countered, delivering a powerful kick that sent Karan hurtling across the room. The force of the impact caused Karan to lose consciousness momentarily, his body crashing to the ground in a heap.

Meanwhile, all the students in the class instinctively gravitated towards one side, standing together in solidarity. Among them were Gaurav and Manya, united in their concern for the escalating situation.

"Gaurav, what just happened?" Manya whispered, her voice filled with apprehension.

Gaurav shook his head in disbelief. "I'm not sure, Manya. But something isn't right. This doesn't seem like a normal confrontation."

Manya frowned, her brow furrowed in confusion. "But why did so many people gather here? And why is Arjun acting this way?"

Gaurav sighed, his gaze troubled. "I don't know, Manya. But whatever it is, I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better."

As the 20 people who were outside rushed into the room, joining the chaos, Arjun unleashed a barrage of blows with unmatched precision. The 18 boys who had fallen inside were blown away by the sheer force of Arjun's onslaught.

A frenzy of violence erupted as a total of 38 boys converged on Arjun, attempting to overpower him. Arjun, however, displayed a level of skill that seemed almost supernatural. In a swift display of kickboxing mastery, he began defeating his adversaries with each calculated move.

Arjun's kicks targeted specific body parts, incapacitating his opponents with alarming efficiency. His strikes landed with bone-crushing precision, leaving the attackers reeling in pain. One after another, they fell victim to Arjun's relentless assault.

The crowd watched in awe as Arjun faced the onslaught, his every move a testament to his formidable skill. The number of enemies dwindled rapidly, unable to withstand the onslaught of kicks and blows that Arjun unleashed.

Amidst the chaos, the room echoed with the sounds of impacts and groans of pain. Arjun moved with a fluidity that defied the odds, effortlessly countering every attack thrown his way.

As the fight continued, the room became a battleground, bodies strewn across the floor. The sheer brutality of Arjun's counterattack left everyone stunned, the once overwhelming force of attackers now reduced to a mere fraction.

The air crackled with tension as Arjun stood amidst the fallen, his gaze unwavering and determined. The fight was far from over, and the anticipation hung heavy in the room. Arjun awaited your command, ready to continue the intense confrontation.

The room was filled with the aftermath of Arjun's relentless onslaught, bodies scattered and groans of pain lingering in the air. Despite the overwhelming odds, the remaining few who dared to challenge Arjun hesitated, the fear of his unmatched prowess evident in their eyes.

As the next wave of attackers cautiously approached, Arjun seamlessly transitioned from defense to offense. His movements were a dance of destruction, each kick and punch landing with precision and power.

The fight continued with Arjun effortlessly dispatching his opponents. He strategically targeted pressure points, incapacitating them with calculated strikes. The once-confident attackers now grappled with the harsh reality that Arjun was an unstoppable force.

The room echoed with a symphony of clashes, kicks, and the occasional defiant shout. Arjun's singular focus on the task at hand painted a stark contrast to the chaos that surrounded him.

The number of assailants dwindled further, their attempts to overpower Arjun proving futile. The room, once a battleground, now resembled a scene of defeat as bodies lay sprawled across the floor.

Gaurav and Manya, who had been watching from the sidelines, exchanged worried glances. The violence unfolding before them was beyond anything they could have anticipated, and the true nature of Arjun's abilities left them both awestruck and frightened.

As the last few challengers hesitated, seemingly paralyzed by the fear of Arjun's might, Arjun stood tall, his gaze unwavering. The fight had taken a toll on both sides, but the outcome remained uncertain.

Arjun awaited further instructions, ready to continue the intense confrontation or stand down, depending on your command. The room held its breath, the tension palpable as the next move hung in the balance.

As Gaurav and Manya watched the fight unfold before them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. Just moments ago, Arjun had seemed vulnerable and lost, but now he was a force to be reckoned with, dominating the battlefield with unparalleled skill and strength.

"I don't understand, Manya," Gaurav murmured, his brow furrowed in confusion. "How did Arjun become so powerful all of a sudden? It's like he's a completely different person."

Manya shook her head, her expression mirroring Gaurav's bewilderment. "I have no idea, Gaurav. But whatever happened, it's like he's tapped into some hidden reserve of strength. It's... it's almost unnatural."

Their conversation was cut short as the final moments of the fight played out before them. With a final, devastating blow, Arjun incapacitated the last of his opponents, leaving them sprawled on the ground in defeat.

The room fell silent as Arjun stood victorious amidst the fallen. His chest heaved with exertion, his gaze steady and resolute. The tension that had gripped the room moments before now dissipated, replaced by a sense of awe and disbelief.

Gaurav and Manya exchanged a glance, their thoughts racing as they tried to make sense of what they had just witnessed. The once chaotic scene had come to an abrupt and decisive end, leaving them both with more questions than answers.

As Arjun turned to face them, his eyes held a glimmer of something unreadable. Was it triumph? Defiance? Regret? Gaurav and Manya couldn't be sure.

Their attention was drawn back to Arjun as he approached, his footsteps echoing in the now silent room. With a weary sigh, he spoke, his voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and determination.

"It's over," he said simply, his gaze meeting theirs with an intensity that sent a shiver down their spines. "For now, at least."

And with those words, Arjun turned and walked away, leaving Gaurav and Manya to ponder the events that had just transpired. The fight may have ended, but the mysteries surrounding Arjun's newfound strength remained unanswered, lingering like a shadow in the back of their minds.

End of the chapter