

Introducing my name is Christy Gabby McQueen. I am a child who has never been wanted from childhood. Why? Because when I was held by my father I didn't want to accept me and leave me and my mother. Mother remarried with an Indonesian and now she lives there with her small family whose life is mediocre but full of happiness.

I know enough and don't want to disturb their comfort even though my stepfather loves me as much as I love his two children. I live here alone before Mrs. Graham died by giving all of his inheritance assets to me because he did not have anyone. Mrs. Graham was like my own grandmother because I felt the warmth of affection from her grandmother.

I am the best graduate at Harvard University and all I pay for by studying hard. It's not that I don't want to work in the company of people or better off being unemployed but I'd rather help grandma Graham's bakery when I was in college until now.

Here I have someone who really loves me like his own family. He is Lee Antonio Xavier . The man I have considered my brother from childhood, only he has me when I need someone who embraces me. Her parents loved me like their daughter because she was the only child of the xavier couple.

They had offered my house to me when my family left me and settled in Jakarta, but I preferred to live with Mrs. Graham. With him I feel comfortable and he also teaches me to be strong and independent in living this life. And as evidenced by his teachings I was able to develop his bakery to have branches in between countries.

Until I feel bored I just run this bakery business until I ask ley to find me a job that is in accordance with my hobby of making drinks. This is where I am, at a magnificent night club with a position as a bartender as I like to work in accordance with the mood that I feel.

This night is different from the other nights. Tonight the club is very crowded and I can't help but help my friend who is a bartender. That way he has no word of keteteran and not much complaint .

At the club tonight there is no way to complain because this club is one of the famous clubs in New York City . I know the club owner well because he's a friend of my adoptive brother. He allowed me to work in his place even though I didn't do much. Yes because I'm his friend's sister, so he specializes me here.

"Leo, do you want my drink?" I laughed to Leo, who was already a little relaxed.

"A new recipe again" now leo's eyebrows were raised curiously.

"Yes" I gave a big smile as a sign that he was always right in guessing.

" Bee, you're not really going to make this club sell well with all the recipes." Leo said with a little beard.

"A little" I let out a slightly seductive smile.

"Tama took the wrong person" complained Leo with a happy face, annoyed and a little annoyed.

"Who took the wrong person" said the handsome man with a smile that highlighted the deep dimples. Who else if not all, the best night club owners in all parts of the world on this earth.

"Look at your sister's actions, I always struggled to make new recipes that she always made" leo looked at her with a look of annoyance and that I can make sure everything is fake.

"You can't pretend you're to me, leo." I pushed leo's cheek with my index finger furiously.

"There's still a drink left for my sweet sister" asked first by blinking at me.

I replied with a smile responding to his habits that never disappeared. Now I give the drink to the first and unfortunately the drink is abil by the person who just sat down.

"Hey, it's not for you," I complained irritably because he immediately played and took it as he pleased.

"Just leave it, honey, why are you Daniel?" Tama looked at the man who was quite messy with clumsiness. Even though he was messy, it remained sexy in my eyes.

The gray eyes so hypnotized me to look at them longer. His sharp nose without blemish, his lips filled with pink made me want to kiss those lips. But my sane brain reminds me that he sucks and takes what is not his right.

I looked at it with a meaningful gaze that wanted to say goodbye. But unfortunately my attention looked at Daniel who looked at me and Leo with a stare.

"Why" I asked in a practical tone.

"What is the name of her ancestor, this is the first time I feel it" her eyes sparkled indicating that she really enjoyed the drink I made.

"It's called sweet bitter, " I said by giving the last drink to the first. "This is for you tam, I have permission first, I have a need."

" Bee careful " first look at me with a meaningful look. He knows I don't like talking to new people.

I stepped out of the club and smiled broadly when I found the golden Lamborghini Reventon waiting on the side of the road.

Without thinking I went straight into the car when I knew who was waiting for me in there. The man very geantically helped me put on my belt.

"What's my sweet little sister coming home so fast" He pinched my cheek before turning on the engine of his car until it drove into a not-so-busy street.

"I didn't like to stay in a long time and there was a friend who took my drink with his forehead." My oath is endless.

Yes, only with ley I rambled on at length. Because Lee knew my personality better than myself or even my parents.

"Did he touch you?" Asked ley, looking at me with a serious face.

"Not ley ... I'm not touched. Don't know that the person who touched me will end up in the hospital room." I reminded ley of that, actually ley knew about it but stupidly I even took part in the game.

"I'm so sorry my little princess , now I take you home or go home to my house because mom and daddy miss my little brother." Ley pinched my cheeks nervously and he actually knew that I was annoyed and he easily turned my attention.

'Damn it, ' I swear in my heart. "I want to be with mom carlina and daddy josh." I say choose the family residence xavier , I'm do not want to be alone at this time.

"Good choice bee " Ley gave me a warm smile and immediately turned her gaze to the street.

Ley always calls me a bee, but her parents always call me princess and it has become her habit and her family. I can only accept it gracefully because there are still people who want me.

Until the mansion ley I went straight into the room I had provided for a stay here. The rooms made by woman are possible and filled with dolls I like. I just said ' good nigth' to ley before we entered our room which was just next door.


In the morning I wear the clothes provided by the Xavier family in the room that became my bed when I stayed here. Beautiful house dress and of course the price is expensive even exceeding my salary one year. I approached their family who were enjoying breakfast.

"Bonjour ma pere, they said" I kissed Mr.'s left cheek Xavier and Mrs.'s right cheek Xavier.

"Bonjour ma fille " Mr. Xavier gently scanned my kiss. "How are you sleeping, are you sounding my child."

"Of course dad ... Brother picked me up last night and took me safely home." I said with a happy smile and took a position on the left side of the mother of ley, Charlotte.

"You will settle down here dear, accompany mom here. They will both go abroad for one week." Charlina complained to me, because I was the only place where she complained with the behavior of the two men she loved.

"Long gone daddy, is it better for Mommy to come with Daddy?" I looked meaningfully with a bite by biting my bread that had been provided by the Xavier family.

"Just your Mommy who wants to be accompanied by your princess , she really wants to spend time with our beloved child." Sebastian smiled warmly at me.

I can't reply with words because I'm too happy to be considered part of this family.

"Tonight you have to come with us to attend the Kane family event, who knows you will find your prospective companion there." Ley looked at me meaningfully.

Yes sometimes they always invite me when there is a big event, not because I am looking for a partner for me but I have been introduced as their daughter. I just nodded resigned to what was said by Lee, not because it also made me relent but because Charlie was always clever to make me say yes to his request.

"You have to go to the boutique with mommy, we are looking for the dress that is the most beautiful for you dear" Charlotte always zeal 45 when it comes to the clothes I will wear.

"My clothes are still many moms in the room," I explained, staring at Charles, begging, there was no sign that I would win, so I asked for help from Sebastian.

"Honey ... Don't force the princess to be like that." Obviously it is a certainty that does not have the heart to look at me.

"Daddy, do you remember the last time we bought clothes for our daughter" Charlina didn't want to lose she had to win this debate. "Mommy just wants to give the best for our daughter daddy."

Sebastian looked at me with a resigned look and gave up "I'm sorry daddy, your daddys lost the debate when you saw your happy mommy face."

Ley laughed when she saw I lost because charlina "shopping a little won't make us bankrupt bee, have fun with mommy in choosing your clothes dear."

"Alright," I agreed with Lee. There was no point in arguing with Charlotte who would always win.

Everyone finished breakfast immediately went to work. And now I am brought by Carlina to visit a famous boutique to choose the clothes we will wear later tonight. And before his time the nominee of Charlie took me to a massage to calm our overly tired minds.

Until 4 o'clock in the afternoon outside finally I was ready with my appearance which looked very charming like a daughter who was raised from a respected family.