
My Peaceful Nightmare

It was meant to be a punishment but it turned into a living nightmare for me. In this unfamiliar place with twisted people he was my only peace and my only terror. *WARNING* The story contains strong abusive language, sexual and physical voilence, detailed discription and mature themes.

NIXA · Ciudad
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6 Chs

Chp.3 The Payment

I scooted back after seeing his badge, his hair free from the hood were blowing to the side wildly as I reached the edge when he smirked lightly and snaked his arms around my waist, he pulled me closer as I crashed into his chest and looked up.

He stared down at my eyes then down my nose towards my lips and leaned down, I flinched and went stiff as his lips brushed against mine and then captured them whole.

My eyes went wide as I tried to struggle out of his grasp, I wanted to push him but my hands were caught inside the hoodie. I opened my mouth to yell at him but he took that opportunity to deepen the kiss. I felt a knot in my stomach and tingling in my chest as he sucked my tongue and licked my lips.

When he opened his mouth I bit his lips and he backed off rubbing the wound, tears were flowing down my cheeks as I glared at him while he stared at me with a blank expression.

"What was that for?" I questioned and he stood up dusting his pants.

"That was a payment for saving your ass from getting ravaged by those guys."

"...." I didn't know how to respond to that, those guys back there really did look like bad people and if he had been indifferent to me instead of saving me they definitely would have done something unimaginable to me.

But doing this was also wrong of him.

While I was busy in my thoughts he crouched down and grabbed my chin with his thumb, "What..." I was cut mid-sentence as he tilted his head and bit my lips catching me off guard causing me to hiss in pain, "And this is for biting me."

I touched my lips and hissed again as he leaned closer and whispered in a low sweet honey-dipped voice,

"Good night Little swan."

"What is that a new nickname?" I asked with a scoff and he smirked standing up.

"But no one other than me can call you that."

"Why?" I asked but he didn't answer me and just jumped down from the upper roof and walked out of the door.

I sat there bewildered trying to figure out just what happened.

'He....took advantage of me... didn't he?'

The cold wind blew by making me clutch to the hoodie tighter and shiver.

"Should I be happy that I lost my first kiss to a handsome guy or should I be sad that it was not someone I liked?"

I passed my hand through the sleeves and wore the hoodie properly. Climbing down the ladder I walked out of the door closing it on my way out and walked downstairs. I was about to reach my room when I saw the same group of guys waiting by my door.

When I entered the hallway they turned towards me and gave a vile smile looking me up and down with lustful eyes.

"There you are our White Rose," They spat in a tone full of lust.

They advanced on me and I flinched backing off, they were close enough when they suddenly stopped and looked at the hoodie.

"Isn't this....what Isaac was wearing earlier....then the girl he was with," they all looked at me and gulped hard.

"Let's go I don't want trouble with that guy," one said patting the other's shoulder and they all passed by me peacefully without making things hard.

I clutched the hoodie tight as I looked back at the retreating figures and was thankful to Isaac for lending me his hoodie, right now if not for him I definitely would have been in grave danger.

I rushed into my room and locked the door properly, I was about to relax when I remembered these guys were dangerous and for precaution, I dragged the desk and placed it in front of the door along with the chair.

I flopped on the bed and gave out a loud tired sigh.

"Just two hours in this school and I became the centre of attention, got a weird nickname, almost got..... and lost my first kiss..... how am I supposed to endure two years here?"

I lay down looking up at the ceiling and started fiddling with the hem of the hoodie. I touched the bite on my lips and remembered the way his dark pink lips captured mine, my face turned red both angry and flustered as I shook my head hard.

"That fucker!" I cursed and jerked up from the bed taking the hoodie off and tossing it on the ground. I took off my uniform and hung it in the closet and after rummaging through my luggage pulled out my pajamas.

After I was dressed I decided to unpack since I hadn't found any way to get out of this place. If only the driver would have stayed till night I would have run away as soon as I got a hold of the situation.

I let out a frustrated sigh and started unpacking. It took hours to unpack my luggage and all the food that I ate earlier had already been digested. I laid down on the bed with a growling stomach and my eyes fell on the hoodie that I tossed on the floor earlier.

I extended my hand and picked up the hoodie placing it beside the pillow and closed my eyes.


The next morning I woke up with a loud ring of alarm and groaned turning to the side, My eyes fluttered and opened slightly to find myself in unfamiliar surroundings. I jerked up and looked around to breathe a sigh of relief.

I forgot I came to Etnomia High yesterday. I also forgot how fucked up the situation outside that door was.

I gave a big yawn, looked at the clock and flinched in shock, it was already 7:30 in the morning and I only had half an hour to make it to the dining hall. I scrambled off the bed and rushed inside the bathroom, taking a quick shower I wore my uniform and brushed my hair.

I dropped the idea of doing makeup and taking my bag pushed the desk and chair aside running off to the dining hall. The school seemed empty which meant everyone was already present in the hall and I was going to be the center of attention as soon as I walk in.

The mere idea made my stomach twist in a knot. I reached the hall and tried to enter as casually as possible but one step inside and everyone had their heads turned towards me. I clenched my fists and made my way towards the food counter.

The whispering continued behind me and I was hoping the main character of their gossip was not me, but my hopes turned futile the moment the girl from yesterday approached me with a big frown on her face.

"You....you got together with Isaac?" She asked sounding both pissed and confused.

"No," I replied gaining a 'I don't believe you.' Look from her.

I filled my plate with food and sat on an empty table followed by the girl. She looked worn out today, but I wasn't sure if it was alright to ask what happened, so I didn't.

"There are rumours about you and Isaac fucking each other on the roof," she spat disgustingly and I coughed hard patting my chest to calm down.

"What??" I asked in disbelief, he merely kissed me and there was already a rumor of us fucking each other? "Unbelievable!" I muttered under my breath and took a wild bite of the toast.

"So Isaac hasn't claimed himself as your master, has he?" She asked cautiously and I frowned tilting my head.

"What do you mean by master?"

"Oh right, you still don't know since you stormed off early yesterday...." the girl looked around and leaned closer, "There are three ways to survive here, first be strong enough to scare everyone off, second find someone strong enough to become your master and third endure everything they do to you quietly."

"What method you used?" I asked and she flinched averting her gaze and leaving the question unanswered.