

DANIEL CLIFFORD (35 years) Jean Aideen's best friend as a famous actor in New York City, really loves Jeany his first love. Since Jeany decided to marry Jian, the man she loves so much, Daniel's life has been thrown into darkness. Daniel became a cigarette addict and heavy drinker as well as drug user for years, making Daniel suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Dhenisa Zee (23 years), a young doctor who was chosen by her senior doctor to care for and take care of Daniel's health, so that unconsciously love has grown in the heart of Dhenisa who will marry Justine. How is the story of the continuation of the love life of a Daniel? will his love end sadly for the second time?

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145 Chs


"Sorry Zee, I'm Bony, Justine's teammate, I'm using Justine's cellphone because at this time Justine is in the hospital in a critical condition, he was hit by a bullet while at the border base. Maybe in a few days Justine will be sent home at the request of his parents. Justine tells a lot about you so I tell you." Said Bony before ending the call.

Dhenisa was silent holding her cellphone very tightly.

"Oh, my God??? what test did you give me today? two people who mean in my life now are both in critical condition, what should I do Oh God?" Dhenisa cries silently. Dhenisa's tears could no longer be stopped.

"Drrrt.. Drrrt.. Drrrt"

Dhenisa picked up her cellphone again when she found out that Luna Kent's mother Justine called her.

"Zee..did you already know Justine's condition? Yesterday Justine called Momy he said he had proposed to you and intends to marry you after returning from assignment. but now what happened Zee? this is all not right Zee?" Said Luna in her loud crying voice.

"This is all true Mom, his friend Bony also told me that right now Justine is in a very critical state." Dhenisa replied in her voice that was hoarse because she was crying too much.

"Zee, where are you now?" Asked Luna who was still crying.

"I'm at the hospital Mom, my uncle today also had an accident, his condition is also critical Mom." Dhenisa answered honestly.

"All right, which hospital are you in? Today Momy is going to Justine's place to pick his up." Said Luna who couldn't bear to let Justine be there.

"I'm at the Medistra hospital, Mom." Dhenisa answered, actually she wanted to accompany Luna, But at this time, no one accompanied by Daniel.

Beta said, Daniel's sister Diana. could not be contacted.

"Mom, can I come there? " Asked Dhenisa who also wanted to know Justine's situation.

"No need Zee, you just wait ... Momy will take Justine to the Medistra hospital, so you can take care of Justine and your uncle." Luna replied understanding Dhenisa's situation.

"Yes Mom, I'll wait right here, Mom." Said Dhenisa with her chest tightening.

"Yes, Zee, take care of yourself." Said Luna while ending the call.

"Zee." Call Lenus with a face that looks sad. Seeing Lenus's sad face made Dhenisa's heart feel even more deep sadness.

"Doctor, don't tell me anything happened to Uncle Daniel." Dhenisa said in a trembling voice.

"Zee, we can't do anything else but we accept it patiently." Said Lenus with teary eyes.

"What do you mean Doctor?" Asked Dhenisa with her heart that seemed to stop beating.

"Daniel's condition dropped and fell into a coma. As soon as possible we have to find a liver donor for Daniel, Zee." Said Lenus as he rubbed his face with a sad heart for Daniel.

"It's all my fault Doctor, if I hadn't gone away like a kid maybe Uncle Daniel wouldn't have ended up here." Said Dhenisa, wiping her tears.

"Already Zee, everything has happened ... at this time we can only pray and try to find a suitable heart donor for Daniel. And hope that Daniel can survive because we cannot determine the coma. It all depends on Daniel's desire to stay or not." Said Lenus at length.

"So Daniel has revealed his heart to you Zee? Do you love Daniel?" Lenus asked seriously repeating his question that Dhenisa had not yet answered.

"Did Uncle Daniel tell all his feelings for the doctor?" Asked Dhenisa with a complicated look.

"He called me last night when you were looking after Justine at his house. And Daniel just come clean if he is jealous and says he loves you. I told his that you want to know Zee loves you you can prove it by making Zee jealous, and I think he did." Said Lenus with regret.

"Uncle Daniel did it. Doctor and I don't know that. Uncle Daniel has managed to make me jealous and it ended up like this." Said Dhenisa with tears again.

"Then what about Justine? Don't you love him too?" Asked Lenus staring into Dhenisa's eyes looking for sincerity in Dhenisa's eyes.

"I also love Justine Doctor, even I am engaged to him and should be in two weeks I will marry him. But on this very day, when Uncle Daniel's accident, Justine also suffered a gunshot wound at the Cheyenne border. And now that Justine is also in critical condition, Justine's mother will bring Justine here." Said Dhenisa feeling guilty to Justine and Daniel.

"Why can it be together? Is this what is called destiny, Zee? between Justine and Daniel who do you love Zee?" Lenus asked seriously.

"I don't really know how loving it is, Doctor, which is clear in my heart I love them both. They are two different men, I feel calm and comfortable with Justine. And my feelings for Uncle Daniel I can't explain. It seems I know him very well, and even more so at times we can talk heart-to-heart without speaking. I'm confused, I don't understand all this Doctor." Clearly Dhenisa with a complicated heart and feelings.

"And Zee, if both of them survived all this who would you want?" Asked Lenus to give a difficult question to Dhenisa.

"I chose Justine, Doctor, because I promised to marry him and I love him too." Dhenisa answered with an increasingly complicated heart.

"Then Daniel will die without you Zee." Said Lenus in a deep voice.

"Don't give me a hard choice. Doctor, I love both of them. I'd better go if they survive." Said Dhenisa with a deep hurt.

"Hopefully both of them are safe. Zee, you don't want one of them to die, do you?" Asked Lenus with a smile.

"Yes Doctor, I'm fine..I'm going. The important thing is Justine and Uncle Daniel are safe." Said Dhenisa and promised silently.

"Tell me when Justine comes, I'll take care of Justine." Said Lenus seriously.

"Right Doctor, maybe tomorrow morning will be here." Said Dhenisa with an increasingly chaotic heart.