
My Path to Apex{OP MC x Multiverse Fic}

This is story of a Young Man from our world died because he has too high karma for his own good to reincarnate into DxD Universe then travelling Multiverse but is that all? No there is a big mystery to solve but is this story just about that no! This a story where Young Man(Mc) realizes his desires and ambition with goals he wants to achieve Young Man takes steps to Apex That Beyond Of All

Feilnaught · Cómic
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13 Chs

Childhood 3 and Glimpse of Truth

First world he will travel is chosen and I will make a really dick move in this chapter but if I didn't done it in this chapter I would make it in later canon plot so here it comes brace yourself, goodbye.😉


(Heavy Plot is coming be ready)

Thanks to my treasure map I found 3 treasure sites that can't find normally by anyone first of them is riches Mordred stole from King Arthur when he was not in Camelot, in this treasure site I find some of those stolen riches like Mordred's signature weapon Clarent and Prydwen that can shield lots of powerful attacks like nothing. In second treasure site I find Marmyadose and Carnwennan which is another King Arthur legacy if I knew finding them this easy I would have start from England thou I describe this like it is very easy but it took five days in each treasure site because there was always a hidden condition that needs to be fullfilled like some hidden puzzles needs to decipher before entering and passing mini labyrinths with dangerous traps in these treasure sites especially last labyrinth is literally a chaos it took my four days to just reach it's treasury with not counting travelling which I did with only magic my father mastered flying magic and there is tons of treasures in it because this treasure

site in the past owned by original Beowulf

which has probably all the treasures of King of Savages this is without a doubt a great thing but most important part is Beowulf's weapons Hrunting and Naegling now I already have six great weapons and eight sacred gear which is three of them are Longinus I feel like I get drunk from this feeling but remembering Aestoroia's words for a second stopped me from thinking more about power like this and I first choose to master my swordmanship, spearmanship and if possible with a mentor magic or with just notes of Merlin.

Done with bounding all artifacts and treasures to myself which was very easy I left this treasure site with flying magic, I reached to our territory at first people got shocked how I entered Pendragon Family territory but after I stopped using shapeshifting artifacts powers everybody start greeting me as I am King Arthur's second coming this guys are more fanatic than ones outside of our clan but unlike fanatics outside of our clan they can see and meet me so this guys don't make a problem and really devoted to me with out a problem I reached my home and slept like wood after bathing because of living in a cave and treasure site for a long time my young body needs to rest .


Next day I woke up with Le Fay hugging me probably my sis-con part is already awaken but what can I do she is too cute.

When she woke up we went to breakfast and I told them my journey with some lies but I told them details about treasure hunt they got angry naturally like any parent but when I showed them 3 of those weapon my father give error signals and nearly fainted but after seeing I am become these weapons master my father get serious and said he will let me inherent Caliburn when I become twelve years old and told me he find the magician mentor that have all criters we were looking for, at first it seems he personally tested this person as this person also gonna become personal maid of Le Fay from now on. That person passed the test and become personal maid and magician mentor of Le Fay and probably my magician mentor too.

Her name Elaine Westcott she was born to the Westcott family, whose ancestor William Wynn West cott founded one of the major Magician associations, the Golden Dawn. Elaine learned magic, becoming a skilled  Magician among the members of the Golden Dawn.As a descendant of the one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, William Wynn Westcott, Elaine is said to be a very skilled magician. Her skill was such that she trained canon Le Fay Pendragon into a very powerful Magician in her own right and even Vali Lucifer acknowledged her capabilities in canon DxD.

And she is lover of Original Arthur Pendragon in canon DxD but Elaine in front of me is not same one in canon as she just start learning how to be a maid sure she is dutiful but her airheadness sometimes causes little troubles but after six month of maid training and getting used to our clan and my family she become a really great maid but when ever she saw she has great respect for even more than respect she shows to my parents, I even prosumed she is a Arthur Cultist for a while but she didn't show any bad signs so I discarded that idea.

Speaking of Arthur Cultist those guys are no joke, it seems my miraculous birth caused a new organization that holds believers of god, magicians and knight clans on the same roof thou it's an incredible thing they are too much problematic like some of them wish to see me for even giving up their life I don't know how to do something about them and it seems higher ups of cult is mainly people who affected by my birth miracle personally or their loved ones haah...

I think like a normal prince I should show my face to make my reputation not fall in my kingdom and satisfy those supernatural cultists.

After another six month Elaine completely become a maid of Pendragon Family and from now on she will start teaching me magic at first when she heard that she is gonna teach me too she got really shocked because she taught I only have swordsman aptitude but after we explained my "true talent" she got shocked more than we expected from her and after that she checked if we were serious about it and got same answer as before she start teaching me magic.


It's been 3 years since I start learning magic from Elaine. At start I wasn't sure if she could really teach me because even though in story she was good at teaching magic doesn't mean current Elaine can do the same. But when she started teaching me my doubts gone Elaine really knew how to teach andp she is really good at it that she tries her best to describe all conditions and uses of magic coupled with Merlins notes I could see details that not lots of magician could see in their usage of magic and mastery over it.

In just these three years I just by using magic can defeat low ultimate class beings, I currently mastered

Elemental Magic:

1-Fire Magic

2-Water Magic

3-Ice Magic

4-Lightning Magic

5-Wind Magic

6-Light Magic

7-Darkness Magic

8-Summoning Magic

9-Teleportation Magic

10-Illusion Magic

11-Duplication Magic

12-Hypnosis Magic

13-Strenghtening Magic

14-Defensive Magic

15-Black Magic

16-White Magic

And ones with compatible with my weapon mastery I achieved perfect fusion of weapon energy, magic and miracle's which I named purge which can even dealt damage to weak gods.

But even after having this much power I feel like something is wrong I can't put my finger on this I'm not sure what is this feeling.

Yet I hope this is just my illusion...


(Six Months Later)

Everything looks like a picture from end of world there is nothing to do no way to change just an unchangeable truth...

Arthur or should I say what left of him is currently looks at the destructed Pendragon territory all of his clansmen and family died because he didn't have enough power to stop it and now in front of his dead sister Le Fay he is crying nonstop he thought this life of his would be his chance to reach immortalty and have a life full of happiness. Since he can't achieve such a life in this life he is gonna take his revenge.

He got 5 more Longinus which is Sephiroth Grall, Aeon Balor, Alphecca Tyrant, Annihilation Maker and Telos Karma.After done with getting more sacred gear he copied all devil magics, stole excalibur's, found where is Excalibur Ruler resides, fused in 4 months after that for 2 and half a year he killed bastards whom is responsible for his clans destruction which is very cult that has his name in it.

After reaching peak super devil class power he killed them all from their roots and killed their spy in every faction which is the reason for him to get strong enough to confort those bastards in every faction.

Done with his revenge he could feel he finally understand something he shouldn't have suppressed his ambition just Aestoroia said it if he released his ambition and desires fully at that time he could stop those threats before they can harm his family and clan.

Nothing left to do he fight Vali who wanted to fight him to death with him and let Vali kill him in the end of their fight so he can finally rest.

And as he died in DxD world he appeared in void again seeing the goddess he hate a lot in his very existence but for answers he need he puts a stoic face and asks:

Arthur:"Tell me did you know this was gonna happen?"

Aestoroia:"Yes I indeed knew you were doomed but this was necessary as you're aware of it now is it gives you empty feeling?"

Arthur:"Did you make me feel like that too!!! Or you played with my life when I was living my second happy life!!!"

Aestoroia:"First I didn't not interfere second I didn't make you feel like that because that life was a fake life a tutorial for you, you can say it was a long dream but like any beatiful dream it will end one way or another but before you ask further I will tell you truth about myself and where we are."

Arthur didn't know what to do his reality fucked up again he really felt that life of his was a dream too if not why didn't he atleast get reasonable enough to resurrect those he lost or why does that life felt like it's empty sometimes. Can he handle this truth?It is unknown but there is one thing to do know he will never hold back his desires from now on no matter what happens he will live as he wants no more good or bad shit just the way he wants to live.


[Please don't get this wrong this will be true start of story previous chapters can be treated as interlude now story will truely start and if I did this move in further plot everybody was gonna hate story so keep reading for finding out. From now on story will be more understandable]

(Arthur didn't use flying magic when he was in China because he doesn't now how they will react aganist him)