
Chapter 561

I have never been so embarrassed on my life, I tried all my best to check if I could calm myself down, even sprinkling some water on my face all just to ensure that everything is going the way it is supposed to. I started to think of how I would be able to face his mother of I see her face to face, knowing how petty and extremely childish he is, I know he must have gone in search of her to tell her what I had admitted. Once it gets to her, it must also get to the rest people in the clan, how can I leave here today?,

I kept banging my hand on the floor trying to let out my frustrations but it only served to make it worse. Maybe I should talk to someone, it would also help to clear my head if the person is someone that I can flow easily with. I would have preferred going to the garden and sitting down there, I knew none of them there would judge me but they would just let me do what I want in solitude and I left to do whatever I want to do, including cry and no one would call me weak for it,

" I did not slave for you all morning, just for you to ruin my tent and put it in shambles" her voice startled me at first because I was not expecting her, that it even took a while for me to be able to understand the words she said immediately.

I do not know the meaning of slaving but I knew that staying outside for some minutes does not amount to slaving. I was already getting riled up from my situation with the elder earlier, and she is harbouring me in her tent, she is his mother and she deserved to be treated better than this so I held my tongue back,

She gave me two little squares wrapped in some leaves, despite how hungry and curious I was about it's content, I refused to open it and even attempted to refuse it on the basis that I was angry with her but I did not allow it to seem rude, I kept telling her that I was not hungry and had earlier had something to eat. She kept persisting untill I had no choice but to finally accept it from her,.

I even asked if she could open up the garden for me so I could have sometime to myself, she stared at me for a while and then shook her head in the negative. Her actions hurt me so bad, I knew she must have reasons for it but all I wanted right then and there was for everything to go my own way, which made me angry and kind of unreasonable. I was no longer responding to anything she was saying and even worsened it by turning my back on her after a while too