
Chapter 171

I left her grave side with laughter on my lips, she hates owing anybody and I knew if she was here right now, she would have chased after me asking me to forgive her immediately so her soul can finally rest. I started to walk through the camp and remember those we built everything with while we were still complete. The grand house here, was way magnificent than the one at the camp, I could remember the fun memories I had  with the men in the process of building it. When I saw the tent which were set up for the masters subordinate, I remembered how I was brutally beaten during it's construction.

Everywhere I looked at had a memory that was attached to it, I remembered how the guard stood before the tent and asked me to go back when I went in search of Itoh, the place where Buna carved out his future dreams and expectations. I was very sure that if I looked further on, I would see the very tree that.i was tied to and left alone in the woods,  also further on, I could also see the place where Itoh and the masters ended their lives together, also when we divided ourselves into two and some decided to go their own way. While it was filled with a lot of bad memories, I still had some that I considered good.

Where Itoh sneaked food to feed me, the place where we all are together,both the masters and our people, the time I caught them in the water swimming and laughing together, the place I drew the picture of those that mattered to me and had impacted my life, although it was no longer visible, I bent down to trace the exact spot. I looked towards the woods where I saw the meadow and heard the voice that shook me to my very core, I did not have enough time to go there but I could still visualize it clearly. How I came across the boy with me, who is now under my care, these are all memories that I would cherish forever.

I decided it was time to head back so I would not keep him waiting at the entrance for me. After walking a bit further on, I turned back to glance at it for the last time but I had an inkling that I would be back here again, it may be down the future or not quite long but I knew my path would cross it. I nodded as a parting gesture, then finally turned my back to it.

I became worried when I got to the entrance of the camp and he was not there waiting for me. There was no way I could know if he was not back from his search of food or if he went in search of me when he could not find me. I did not want to go into panic, so I sat there waiting for him to find me