
What is a Prophet?

So to help out a bit I thought I'd give everyone some information just in case since I don't cover it extensively for a long time.

Prophets in this story are almost like vessels who hold power a small bit of power from the ancient gods that no longer protect the humans of every world.

Prophets are destined to stop the demon lord until he/she is killed unless told otherwise by their assigned protector. The prophet is mainly around to keep the world from falling to complete chaos even if it means sacrificing themselves to do so.

This usually results in the process of them being reincarnated into another world so they can try again to do something different. Not all will get that chance if the demon lord doesn't reside in that world.

Prophets also don't know how to use their power right away and have to learn over time or from their protectors. It could take days, months, or even years to fully be able to use the power within them.

The prophet is also always mortal no matter the reason and once the power awakens completely they are immune to death by age. It is one of many plus sides of being a prophet in the first place.

They also have the gift of fast learning to help them understand how to use their power even sooner.

(Thank you for reading about the prophets.)

If you like auxiliary things like this please let me know. This will be one of many ways to find out things not covered directly in the story.

Such as the demon hunters order, the lore behind the prophets creations, what happened to the gods, etc. Let me know by commenting or by joining my discord and discussing :3

Happy Reading!