
Second Job (1)

Waking up to Irie next to me was a refreshing sight but I knew that today was going to be an odd day. It was time for a second job which I expected when coming back but didn't think it'd be this soon.

I can't say I mind it very much though since my concept of my power has grown quite a bit since the first job. This won't be as bad now.

"Morning Kamako." Says Irie while looking up at me.

Seeing her laying on my chest was nice and made me feel something different for once. It wasn't that perverted feeling but I couldn't place my finger on it.

I'll figure it out over time I'm sure.

"Morning Irie. Will you be joining me on my job?" I say before asking my question.

"I intend to." Answers Irie while sitting up.

"Good." I say before getting up myself.

I took a few moments and got ready for the day since I'd probably be out for a good while before coming back here. These jobs probably never have a guaranteed amount of time that it'll take to complete.

"Hey I already got the location so do you want to go now?" Asks Irie while getting off the bed.

"Yeah let's go." I say with a confident tone.

After that she opened up some portal before my eyes and we both walked through it together.

Fwoosh. In a moment we had appeared in a small town that seemed to be modern but was quite dead.

Not many people in sight but it wasn't a blood bath this time so that's a good sign for the most part. It makes me wonder what kind of demon could be around here.

"Stay on your guard Kamako. The demon we're hunting is stronger than the first one you fought." Says Irie while taking glances left and right.

"Alright I'll make sure to be extra cautious." I respond while looking around.

The town was really quiet and nobody seemed to be in some sort of immediate danger but it made me wonder where this demon was. I don't have the experience to determine anything myself just yet but I'm sure it's going to make its move.

Maybe it'd be best to consider focusing on harnessing that dragon magic now to be prepared for this demon.

As the thought passed I began to try and think of how this magic worked. The magic began to flow throughout my body and started to manifest upon me.

Dragon scales began to form into some sorts of plates around my whole body except my head.

"Kamako this is not magic. It is my power." Says a mysterious voice.

What the hell?

"Who said that?" I question while looking around me.

"Only you can hear me Kamako. You are quite a lucky prophet, having received my power through your generation of family members." Responds the voice.

I'm losing my damn mind aren't I? My family never mentioned anything like this and acted as if I didn't exist. So why the hell would this be kept from me in the first place?

"Who are you?" I ask with a curious tone.

"My name is Zara and I'm the last of my kind to meet a prophet. Many worlds have fallen to the Demon Lord but this one can't fall." Answers Zara with a confident tone.

"I don't get any of this but fuck it right. I'll use your power and we can discuss more later." I say while turning my focus back to the front of me.

But as I shifted my focus a sharp pain jolted through my right arm and when I looked down I was surprised by a gauntlet that had started forming. Taking the shape of a dragons claw while still remaining a small size.

What the hell is this shit?

"Hmm a prophet here to stop a demon with another demon? How odd." Says a man while coming out from an alley way in front of us.

The demon before our eyes wasn't like the one I fought last time, it was almost just like a human except it bared horns. It was wearing a nice suit and tie while it's face was covered by a black mask in the shape of a skeleton.

"Kamako watch out!" Shouts Irie while trying to charge towards me.

I didn't realize but he moved almost instantly and was already about to strike.

(Narrator View)

As Kamako turns towards the approaching the demon he goes to block the attack and instantly met with a strong punch by the demon.

Pow!!! Kamako blocking the bunch is still pushed back a bit while maintaining his posture once more.

After seeing Kamako withstand the punch the demon reevaluated the situation and went towards Irie instead for his next attack. Ignoring Kamako and going right for Irie.

It took but a moment but he was right in front of Irie about to strike.

"Irie!" Shouts Kamako as he begins to use something in his hand.

a balk of water quickly formed in his hand and was met with the ripple from before meaning it was ready to go.

"Watch out Irie!!" Shouts Kamako while throwing the ball of water towards the demon.

Fwoosh!!! The ball of water went as fast as he could throw it and directly impacted the demon from behind.

Splash!!!! It broke upon hitting him and massively damaged his back, tearing through his suit and piercing the skin a bit.

Drip. Drip. Blood fell onto the ground as the demon stopped in his tracks and looked back towards Kamako once more. Irie was out of the way and now Kamako had his attention once more.

"Thank you Kamako, we can do this!" Shouts Irie back as she begins to shape a small staff in her hand.

"Things just got interesting." Says the demon while he watches his blood Drip.

Within moments of him saying this he charges back towards Kamako once more but this time he seems to have something appearing in his hand.

A purple light appeared from his hands as he went in for his next attack.
