The remainder of the time I sat in there we went over small things such as what to do in the event of there being multiple demons.
They told me how to deal with it if no one else is with me but it wasn't an answer that would be considered helpful.
"Just Kill them." Like who says that as an answer to person who's supposed to save the world from the destruction of the demon lord?
Either way I got up and told Irie I'd meet back with her in a bit, I haven't seen Rina since yesterday or has it been two days? I lose track of time easier than usual here so.
I walked throughout the halls until I noticed a light coming from a room on the left. It seemed to be the only one lit at this time so maybe she's in there.
Upon reaching the room I looked in and did see her just sitting in a chair reading something.
I lightly knocked on the side of the opened door and hoped to get her attention. Then she turned around and faced me.
"This world is quite interesting. A lot different from mine but I don't know if that's a bad thing or not yet." Says Rina while sitting the book down.
"Would you have preferred if I left you behind Rina?" I question while entering the room.
"No I wouldn't I guess. I'm happy you took me with you but I'm just trying to understand everything still." Answers Rina while standing up.
"I apologize I didn't check on you sooner. They had a job for me." I say with a sincere tone.
I didn't have the scales on me anymore and was my normal self but yet everything feels so different somehow. I feel like a different person and haven't figured out if that's a good thing yet or not.
"No need to apologize Kamako. This world needs you to save it from the demon lord they speak of right?" Responds Rina before asking her question.
"Yeah but I plan to make time for those who are closest to me." I say while giving her a smile.
I've grown close with Irie and Rina a bit since meeting the two of them but it doesn't mean very much if I can't see them. I need to keep making our bond stronger so they'd want to keep being like this with me.
"Can I tell you about myself a bit Kamako?" Asks Rina while signaling me to come over to the bed.
"Sure, why are we sitting here?" I respond back with my own question.
"I want to tell you about my life, give you an idea about my world before you met me." Says Rina before she starts telling her past.
(Rina's View) Many Years before meeting Kamako.
Back in my world we had become dependent on magic and needed it for almost all things just to keep the world going. Crops, wars, trade, Everything.
Everything revolved around it in some way until someone set us all free from this magic dependent world. They don't say everything to people so it's hard to find the truth in a world like ours.
A Demon Lord and hero fought a brave battle that made magic disperse for the longest time until one day someone like me was born.
I was the creation of a god and human making me half God, half human. It allowed me to manifest magic better then anyone else and I used my natural born gift to help others.
The thing was magic wasn't really gone but it had been hidden deep within the soul of the body denying direct access. Yes some people could use it like nothing ever happened but it was only a small group of people.
But it was different because for the first time since my birth I was told of a family with a rare case. A son being born with a unique gift that no one else seemed to possess.
The ability to use a power only dreamed of by other humans.
Dragon Magic but you probably know by now it's not actually magic but is referred to as an ancient power. It's rare for anyone to possess such an ancient bloodline but then all of this happened.
(Current Time Kamako View)
"You brought me here and it all made sense." Says Rina while looking into my eyes.
"Yeah the voice that spoke to me said it's been in my family for awhile." I reply while looking back at her.
This is something I wish to know more about considering my family has been away from me for so long. Was that why my life turned out the way it has?
"What does it matter if I have this power?" I question with a serious tone.
"It's powerful and will help you defeat the demon lord." Responds Rina as she slowly moves her hand up to my cheek.
"I hope so." I say while moving my hand up to hers.
This woman was strong for sure and I could probably only imagine what it must be like being in a world you aren't from. But she still doesn't seem to regret being here in any way.
"Kamako I want you to close the door." Says Rina while moving her hand away.
I didn't really think much of it but I got up and closed the door.
Coming back after closing the door everything began to move faster than I expected. She began to take her clothes off and I did the same in return.
She was even better looking naked, seeing those amazing boobs and her nice figure made me even happier about where this was going.
"Come here." Says Rina in a seductive voice.
I went right up to her and began to make out with her, feeling her soft lips once more made me realize how much I needed something like this.
Mean Author coming through. Hope you enjoyed the chapters!
I intend to get further with these kinds of scenes down the road but take what you can get for the time being :)
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