
New World (3)

Drifting in and out of thought for about an hour or two while Rina gets to relax here with her thoughts made it feel peaceful.

Almost like chaos wasn't around for us to deal with for the time being, but I know this was all coming to an end soon.

I can't just hide around forever so these next few days I'm going to practice with my power and my magic. Both of them need to get even stronger so I stand a chance against the demon lord, I'm sure he is quite powerful.

"Hey I'm going to go inside and sleep. It's getting late so make sure you rest to." Says Rina as she gets up.

Before walking away she caressed my cheek and gave a loving stare which doesn't surprise me with her. I could only imagine everything she has been through in her life.

So maybe I'm the peace she needed, who knows.

Tomorrow I'll begin with magic training just like when I first met Rina, it seemed to give me the path to using it all. It's basic magic for the most part is how it looks but I wonder how far one can dive into this world of magic.

That teacher also mentioned they are dependent on magic in this world for the most part so what if I can snag some books to read. Should teach me some things about spells or even other types of magic.

Yes tomorrow I'll practice and travel I'm search of these books that can teach me about spells. It'll be the fastest way to learn everything I need to learn.

My thoughts dispersed and I got up to head back to the room with Irie. I kept her waiting long enough as is so I'll sleep with her tonight to make her feel better as well.

She was the one who started this all for me, so she deserves more of my attention than anyone else would. Or that's how it should be.

After getting back into the room I noticed Irie was already asleep so I'll just hop into the bed next to her. Of course I fell fast asleep after only a few minutes but as the sun rises I peek over and notice Irie leaning over me.

"Morning." Says Irie with a big smile on her face.

"Someone's happy this morning." I reply while gazing upon her eyes.

She does have beautiful eyes wow, but wait what was I about to do again? Oh yeah!! I need to go look for books that'll teach me more about magic, whether it's spells or different types of magic.

Either or works for me so that's what I have to do now.

"Of course, you were with me all night." Irie says back with a flirty tone.

"And now I must go but you could always accompany me." I Respond while getting up off the bed.

"Of course I will." Says Irie with an excited voice.

She then followed behind me, getting ready to go only took but a few minutes. I should've expected that she'd be coming with me because we haven't been with each other much.

So after getting ready we made our way out the building and down the hill towards the south. I could only hope I'll find what I'm looking for out there.

These books are essential in me becoming more powerful or at least I hope that will be the case for me.

I also lost focus for a moment just now when I realized what Irie was wearing. Wearing some sort of skirt and just a bikini like top, God I forget she's a Succubus sometimes.

Ahh her boobs look great in the top though so I won't say a word about it being a problem ever.

She was mine anyway right? Or at least that's the impression I'm under.

"Hey you stopped walking, and are staring at something huh?" Says Irie as she hunches over before me.

Oh God an even better view than before, but wait does she actually know what I'm looking at specifically here?

"S-Sorry lost my train of thought." I stutter to respond as I begin to walk once more.

Irie gave a bit of a smile because she knew what I looked at but we kept on our way towards whatever was in the south. Hopefully something amazing awaits us there.

We walked for a few hours before finally reaching what appeared to be a small town but it felt kind of empty. Are there even people here?

I looked around at each of the buildings and realized that they had an old look to them, they've been abandoned for quite awhile. Maybe this wasn't recent so I guess no one would be here then.

"Hey that building over there looks interesting." Says Irie as she points towards what appeared to be a small library of some sort.

"Alright let's check it out." I reply while heading towards the building she pointed out.

It was strange because the small library like building appeared to be in rather good shape for the most part. Why would this building be in such good shape while the others look like they could go at any time.

Creek.. Opening the door was annoying but as I could gaze in I noticed a figure behind one of the counters.

"Travelers here. Very Surprising." Says the figure while wiping the counter off.

There's no way someone is actually here. I rub my eyes then open them again, the figure still remained there. What the hell?

"Who are you and why are you still here?" I ask while entering the building.

"My name is Magnis and I'm an old mage of this town." Answers the man as he takes down his hood.

A long Grey beard fell past the counter but wow he's like an actual wizard with a beard like that. This place is bizarre.

"Nice to meet you Magnis, I'm Kamako." I say while introducing myself.

But as Irie introduced herself I noticed behind him was some strange looking books. That must be the books I was looking for.

"Nice to meet you Irie and Kamako." Says Magnis as he notices my glance at the books.