
New Magic

After heading inside and getting some well deserved rest I woke up to start the next lesson of the week. This would be where I began to learn of other magic.

"I see you slept well. Then you should be ready for today's lesson." Says Rina while standing at the doorway.

She was standing in the doorway that went outside to the training yard so I know this will definitely be an interesting lesson.

"I did." I respond while waiting to follow her.

Wish she would've slept in my bed with me though. Definitely would've slept a lot better if she did but that's just me so don't go with what I would do.

Lately I noticed my thoughts have changed a lot from before I met Irie, I wonder if it has to do with her succubus powers. I never use to be this bad about things.

Don't get me wrong, I know these feelings and thoughts are normal but it's different to have them sometimes over every time. Which lately seems to be every day I see one of these women.

All Beautiful women with nice bodies and who don't talk to me in a bitchy manner, it's a nice change of pace honestly.

"You coming?" Asks Rina while standing outside.

"Yes sorry I was out of it for a second there." I answer while heading outside.

I also need to watch because I appear younger here for the time being and don't want to push my luck too much.

After heading outside I noticed the area was a bit different, nothing crazy just a lot of the normal obstacles from yesterday had changed. It was setup for something else entirely it seemed.

"Today we will see if you possess any of the unique sets of magic that are rarely seen amongst human beings." Says Rina while gazing upon me.

She was looking at me quite strange but was she possibly trying to read me in some weird way?

"Um what are you doing?" I question while watching her.

"You have quite a bit of magic I didn't expect you to have. You have dragon magic in your bones, something that should be impossible for us humans." Responds Rina while in awe.

"What is Dragon Magic?" I ask with a curious tone.

"Magic that allows the person to use certain features from dragons. Scales for protection, their strength, and so on." Answers Rina.

Dragon magic would kind of explain the reason that demon got its head completely destroyed but why would I take so much damage then?

"Can I still be easily hurt?" I question while leaning against a wall.

"Um if you don't make the scales harden around your body and use the strength at the same time then yes." Replies Rina while making a strange expression at me.

After that I looked towards the dummy and decided to try out this strength once more. I bet I can hold back which is why the effects didn't transfer when fighting back in the dojo.

When the thought drifted I punched the dummy with the intent to kill and all I felt was immense strength go into my fist.

Pow!!!! The dummy completely falls apart almost simulating what could happen to a person. If that's what would happen to someone I feel bad for whomever meets that fate.

"You're such a fast learner." Says Rina with a happy tone.

"Yeah it just comes easy I guess." I reply while looking at my fist.

This kind of strength is something I never thought I'd have in my entire life but here I am with unique powers that most people read about. Is it really this crazy?

"Kamako." Says A Distant Voice.

Hearing my name I began to look around while trying to figure out who could be calling out to me. That's when I realized some sort of light was appearing before my eyes.

I don't want to leave Rina behind though, she's helped me so much and if that's what that light is for, I can't.

"Rina come with me please." I say while looking towards the bright white light.

"What? What is that?" Responds Rina with her questions.

Without letting her say another word I took her hand and brought her through this strange light. I didn't know what would happen to her or if she'd even come through with me.

Fwoooosh! Everything began to change once more and the world started to revert back to what it once was. The room from before made itself appear before me again.

I appeared back in this room and was on the floor but to my surprise Irie and Leo were in here waiting.

"Oh my God Kamako you're okay." Says Irie as a small smile Grows on her face.

Only then did I realize they had shifted their gaze towards something else. looking to my side was the girl from the other world, Rina.

"Where are we Kamako and what happened to you?" Asks Rina in a panicked state.

It took me a moment but then I remembered that I'm probably looking like my old self so this is all pretty shocking for her.

"My real world. I just didn't want to leave you behind Rina." I respond while looking towards her.

Her appearance wasn't the same as Iries anymore, actually she had taken on a completely different look. She had tan skin, Blue hair, and red eyes.

Her outfit seemed to be the same as before, some sort of mages robes that had a bit of spice added to them..

Like before her boobs didn't seem to change and actually were now exposed to me.. Not like that but just able to be seen more clearly.

I felt my face getting hot, I think it was turning red.

"Kamako stop staring." Says Irie as she gets a bit of a annoyed tone.

"I'm s-sorry." I stutter to reply while shifting my gaze back towards Irie.

There was a lot of explaining to do here now.