
My Recovery

I slowly began to wake up from that weird state of which I was in before with the woman who held me close. Zara the one behind my power and quite uh.. attractive.

This was the last thing I thought about before waking up to the real world. Everything has something behind it I'm sure but for now it's time to get back into things.

"Kamako You're awake." Says Irie with a worried tone as she stands next to me.

"Yeah and don't worry I'm okay." I respond while slowly sitting up.

The worst was yet to come but there was a lot that needed to get done. I'm not even close to done with killing the demons behind the potential chaos.

This demon lord still remains as the highest priority while his demons below come as my next target. I'll make sure there is no chance of them destroying my world.

"You need time to recover Kamako." Expresses Irie with a concerned tone.

It would take time to recover but that's time I'm not even sure I have. The demon lord could be making more and more moves with each second that passes by.

Am I really able to just sit back and recover?

As the thought crosses my mind Rina comes into the room and immediately gives me a hug. It wasn't hard to notice that it made Irie a bit jealous but at the end of the day they both were important to me.

I lost all thought when I noticed Rina's boobs were in my face though, the big double ds I saw in the previous world the first time. The boobs I also saw in bed before when we had sex, yeah they were nice.

"ahem." Irie clears her throat to get our attention.

Rina backs up after hearing that and is blushing a bit but she seems relieved to see I'm okay.

"Sorry I was just happy to see he was alive." Says Rina as she let's out a sigh of relief.

"It's okay. We're all quite happy he's alive." Responds Irie with a bit of an attitude.

Irie is quite protective as usual but I'm glad nothing happened to me and that I'm able to be here today. That was all a lot worst than I had anticipated when it came down to the demons who showed up.

They were strong yet it felt like the demon Mino held back at the end of that fight. It just didn't seem right for him to all of a sudden disappear from everything.

Regardless I began to get up and look towards the door once more.

"No Kamako, rest for a little bit please." Says Irie with a worried tone as she holds onto my shirt.

"Fine." I reply while sitting back on the bed.

The thing I didn't expect was for Irie to join me on the bed as well, Rina didn't look happy about it but at the end of the day I met Irie first. Though I wouldn't complain about being in bed with both of them.

"Lay on my lap if you like." Says Irie as she pats her lap.

How could I resist those soft looking thighs to lay on? Ah the perverted side of me comes out once again when around these women.

"If you say so." I reply while putting my head back onto her lap.

I instantly was met with the softness of her thighs and her fingers running through my hair, almost like the first time I slept on the couch. The only difference was I laid on her this time around instead.

Or did I lay in her? Everything gets fuzzy here and there as I get further along in this new life of mine.

It didn't take very long for me to fall asleep on the nice pillows below my head but what kept going through my mind was something Zara said awhile ago.

The power I got is from my generation of family members so how come I was never told anything about this. That's what has me concerned more than anything since it's quite a big secret to hold from someone.

Yet alone being a prophet is a big deal so why didn't anyone say anything to me?!?!

"Do you really want to know why Kamako?" Asks Zara as she slowly appears from the dark abyss.

"Yes I do." I respond while looking towards her.

It was this beautiful woman who gave me my power and allowed me to fight those powerful demons in the first place. But why would she know anything else?

"Come to me then." Says Zara as she opens her arms up.

I began to move towards her in this dark abyss of a world that seemed to be my dream scape. After only but a few moments I'm met by the warmth of Zara's naked body once again.

"Be prepared for something weird." Says Zara as she wraps her arms around me.

Everything began to change around me in this abyss becoming lighter and lighter. Soon revealing my parents to me once again.

(Renjan Hirigia) Kamako's Father.

"We can't keep this a secret forever." Said a woman as she washed the dishes.

My son holds great power yet I'm afraid of what will come of everything in his path. If he is to save a world or not isn't something that a child should ever know.

"I know but Kamako deserves to live his life." I reply with a concerned tone.

"I get that but he will hate us if he ever finds out." Says The woman as she turns away from the sink.

My wife Elizabeth wasn't entirely wrong about telling our son of his gift but it didn't feel right for him to take on such a burden. Even when he becomes an adult he shouldn't have to deal with problems our ancestors failed to destroy forever.

I'll have to deal with it myself so my family can have a life of peace.

"I love you Elizabeth." I say while exiting the kitchen.

The portal was the best way to enter hell but it took a lot to make it. You can do this Renjan.

A portal began to form before my eyes, taking on a dark red hue and finally coming to its completion. Time to stop this all for good.

(Kamako's View) Watching.

"Dad no!!" I shout while floating in the abyss.

My mom never really did explain what really happened to dad so this all makes sense now. But why couldn't this have been told to me before everything happened...

"To protect you." Says Zara while holding me closely.