
My Power

The day was now really about to begin as Rina was about to start teaching me how to use my power.

"So just off your aura alone I can yell you have great magic capabilities." Says Rina while looking closely at me.

This all still seems strange but it could all help me figure out how my power really works.

"That's great, what can I do?" I question while looking at Rina.

"Many things I'm sure. Come with me so we can see how your magic works." Responds Rina while she signals me to follow her.

I followed Rina outside into our courtyard like area and she began to teach me about my magic capabilities.

"Magic has many forms and can be used in many ways in this world." Says Rina as a ball of fire appears from one of her hands.

This honestly was pretty damn awesome to see something like this in person.

"Is it that easy to use?" I ask while looking at the ball of fire.

"It can be if you practice." Responds Rina with a confident tone.

I continued to watch as she used different forms of magic such as fire, water, and some rocks which I'd consider Earth.

"Focus on something you'd like to use." Says Rina while the magic in her hands vanish.

I've got to focus on what I want to use to be able to manifest it huh? That's quite interesting.

I'd love to mix wind and water together to make a sort of water ball which I feel could be quite a powerful move. And as I began to think of what I wanted it began to manifest in my hand.

I quickly reached my hand out and watched as a ball of water formed in my hand. At first I didn't notice the wind but then suddenly mini ripples began to go across the ball of water.

"There you go. That's perfect." Says Rina while in awe.

"This feels incredible." I reply while holding the ball of water in my hand.

What would happen if I tried throwing it somewhere though?

I looked towards a small statute and tried to throw the ball towards it. Suddenly the ball released from my hand and a bit of a kick back happened and pushed me a bit.

Splash!!! Boom!!!! The ball suddenly exploded upon impact of the statue and destroyed most of the statue.

"Oh my God that's way stronger than I expected it to be." Says Rina while her gaze is shifted towards the broken statue.

"I didn't think it'd be that powerful." I reply while realizing I was pushed back quite a bit.

That must've been what happened when I killed that demon back in my world. Except no water just the pressure from the wind maybe?

That'd be my guess but I wonder what else I can do with my power.

"This is a good start. It tells me what you're currently capable of so far." Says Rina as she approaches me.

"What's next then Rina?" I ask while waiting for her.

"We'll be heading away from home for awhile. You need to be able to practice without worry." Answers Rina while waving her hand in word ways.

Almost like making different symbols in the air it was fast but then a portal opened before us.

"What? Where does that go?" I question while gazing upon the portal.

If that's a portal, that's insane.

"To a place to train. Don't worry your parents already know." Respodns Rina before grabbing me and taking me through.

Within a blink of an eye we had appeared in the middle of nowhere except there seemed to be structures around us. One which appeared to be a house and another which seemed to be a sort of training building.

"What is this place?" I ask while looking all around me.

"My home and your training grounds." Answers Rina while letting go of me.

I just realized I'm apparently younger here so did she just abduct a young kid? She said my parents know but isn't this still kind of strange either way?

God I don't understand anything that's going on here.

Regardless moving past that strange thought I was signaled to follow Rina so I did and after bit we made it to the training grounds. The building seemed in perfect condition, almost like a watch tower that looked over a small training yard.

"This is where you can go all out and everything will return to normal each time we leave the yard." Says Rina while showing me the area.

It was a huge training yard filled with all different training dummies and obstacles that magic could be used on. This was kind of nice for a place to train but I wonder what training awaits besides magic.

"You can begin now if you like." Says Rina before walking away.

I didn't really say much and just began to think of how to start training, maybe magic training would be the best thing to start with.

With that in mind I began to think of how I wanted to manifest that water sphere once more, while remembering the wind that surrounded it. It took but a moment for the sphere to reappear in my hand again.

The ripple went all across the sphere and then I quickly threw it towards a training dummy. It destroyed the entire dummy and even did some damage to one next to it.

That explains why the demon was killed so easily in my world but it doesn't explain what exactly my power is. It mostly seems like magic but yet not necessarily at the same time because I didn't use that in the other world.

If the pressure from the wind was what I used then did I do that without realizing it or was that something else entirely?

That'd be something to ask Rina about for sure since maybe she'll have some sort of knowledge on my power.

But hey being able to use magic is also a plus.