
Magic Lessons

About a week and a half passed since Zara showed me a glimpse of what my parents really were doing and what they knew.

My body recovered enough for me to get back to doing my job as a prophet but I can't say that I won't miss laying around. I got to lay on Iries nice soft thighs for that whole time period on and off.

Now it was time for me to find Rina once more so I could ask for her help with magic training again. She is the best person to ask at the moment since she knew back in the other world from the moment she met me.

Rina was the best teacher but enough about that, can't just praise her all the time. Either way I got up and left the room, it seemed Irie had already taken off.

Now was the perfect time to learn more about magic.

I made sure that I had clothes on before wandering the halls. It'd be quite embarrassing if everyone saw me naked but then again maybe the women wouldn't mind.

Ah perverted thoughts always seem to come at the worst moments.

After a few minutes of searching for Rina I had finally found her at the end of the last hallway on the right. She apparently had gotten a different room because of what happened last time.

Knock. Knock.

"Come In." Says Rina on the other side of the door.

Upon entering I saw Rina wearing only underwear and a bra, how lucky am I to get such a sight when coming to see her.

"Did you know I was coming?" I ask while gazing at her body.

"Of Course but I didn't know why you were." Responds Rina as she gives off a happy attitude.

My perverted instincts were trying to kick in once more but I need to practice with magic more before enjoying myself. Damn it Kamako.

"I'm here to learn more about magic." I say while focusing back on her face instead of her body.

"Hmm understandable. Okay follow me through here then." Replies Rina as she opens some strange portal.

Of course I immediately followed right behind her through this portal. Fwoosh! Everything looked like before when we were at that training area of hers.

"How did you do this?" I ask while in awe about the whole thing.

"I'm pretty powerful remember. So let's get started." Responds Rina as a robe covers her somewhat nude body.

There was a lot going on lately that had me feel like I was losing my mind but my goal needed to be at the top of my priorities. Stopping the demon lord Rin no matter what it took.

"Okay focus real hard on your bodies aura." Says Rina as she stands in front of me.

I closed my eyes and began to focus on what she had instructed me to. Before my eyes was some strange lights that I had never seen before inside my body.

Bright White light followed by a blue, red, and even a dark black in the distance. What was all of this?

"Ignore the dark aura Kamako." Instructs Zara as she looks towards the dark aura.

"Why what's wrong with that one?" I ask while glancing over at it.

"It's not one to mess with just yet." Responds Zara with a concerned tone.

I listened because right now all of this revolved around me trusting what my allies told me no matter what. This was all to help better me for my next fight against the demons sent to hunt me by Rin.

Shifting my focus over to the other bright lights I noticed the white one more than the other two auras. It seemed reflective of my dragon power more than anything else.

As I focused in on that I could feel something forming on me once more.

"Perfect Kamako." Says Rina as she watches with an amazed expression on her face.

Scales had started forming on my body once more to form the armor I had made before when I fought Mino and Lina.

That wasn't the only thing I focused on though, I brought my attention towards the blue light and red light. It took a matter of moments but then a new feeling had gone throughout my body that I had never felt before.

The scales turned dark black and the flames had started forming a gauntlet on my right hand. This was definitely new to me.

"Gahhh!" I Screamed in pain for a moment as I grabbed at my face.

Everything began to change before my eyes but then I realized it was like a mask had formed on my face.

"It's a helmet Kamako, shaped in the form of a skull that bares a hood behind us." Says Zara as she tries to use this to calm me down.

Everything is okay, it's just another form of defense to keep me safe. This was the best way to test what my power was capable of but this was all just defensive power combined with magic right?

"Well done Kamako, I'm sure you'll get use to this process." Says Rina as she gives a smile at me.

"Thank you." I reply back with my voice somewhat muffled.

"Interesting, it's harder to hear you with that but no matter." Says Rina with a positive tone.

I looked towards the training dummies and began to focus once more. Charging towards it I quickly gave it a quick jab.

Pow! Boom!!! The dummy was completely destroyed and a bunch of pressure from the wind followed behind it. Sending a Shockwave throughout the distance.

Hmm not bad.

I turned to another one and fired a ball of fire out of my left hand towards the other dummy. Boom!!!

It was completely eviscerated along with two other ones that were standing next to it but was this really from my power and magic combined?

This is all really strong stuff if that's the case, I'd say I'm ready for my next job.

"You're definitely a lot better then you were. I say this confidently Kamako." Says Rina while walking up from behind.

"You move fast." I reply while letting the helmet and scales disappear.

It was time to get back to work, all of this should be fine for now. Rina will always be around so I can always ask her for more lessons over time if needed.

"You completed two lessons today. Better defensive magic combined with your power, and offensive magic." Says Rina with a proud tone while giving me a smile.

"Thank you for the help Rina." I respond while giving her a smile back.

But before we left through a portal I noticed something odd, the gauntlet was still on my wrist but it didn't engulf my hand at the moment. God I could only wonder what this means.