
Magic Books

"Here take a look child." Says Magnis as he hands one of the books to me.

I held the old looking book for a moment before deciding to open it, but oh my God this is amazing!

"Holy shit they are real!!!" I shout while holding the now open book.

"No need to shout boy but yes they are." Responds Magnis as he turns back towards the shelves.

As I began to read the first few pages it was like the knowledge just poured right into my head like I always knew it.


☆Manipulation Magic Learned

☆S-Class Level System Power Granted☆

☆Dragon Power Amplified x3


"All of this stuff sounds crazy, what is a S-Class level system power?" I ask while holding my head for a moment.

"It's a rare power that hasn't been given to anyone in a long time. It's powerful but takes time to get use to. You must also use the command 'Activate' to start using it." Responds Magnis as he twirls the hair in his long beard.

Manipulation Magic also sounds pretty interesting as well, it seems to have quite a few uses to it. I'll make sure to keep it in mind at all times since it will make a lot of things easier.

As I stayed in my thoughts, Magnis gathered a bag of books and handed them over to me.

"What's this for?" I ask with a curious tone while taking the bag.

"You must be special to have been given such a gift." Replies Magnis with a positive tone.

Hmm that could be the case but will this all be enough to be the demon lord I wonder?

It seems quite powerful to have so much to use now, but the most interesting thing so far is this Level System Power.

Will I use it very much? I'm not too sure yet but I have to try it out before leaving this world either way.

"That's my Kamako for you. Getting stronger because of your amazing luck." Says Irie with a happy tone as she praises me.

She called me her Kamako though. Hmm noted.

"Maybe you are destined to conquer a tower." Says Magnis as he glances over an old book with strange symbols all across it.

"I don't know." I reply while looking back towards the door.

"Thank you for the books Magnis, we have to continue on our way for now." Says Irie while noticing I'm not sure what to do.

Thank God I brought her or else I'd probably be stuck here with no clue on what I'm supposed to do or say. But sadly he isn't right, my goal isn't to conquer one of those towers.

My goal is to save the world from the chaos the demon lord intends to bring to it.

I followed Irie out of the library and we continued to travel, who knows what else could be out here. It made sense since we could easily get back whenever we wanted.

We traveled for awhile until we reached yet another strange site, the area felt quite Grim and as if death lingered in the air. That definitely wasn't a good thing to be sensing in this place but we were just passing through.

As we tried to pass through it felt like we had reached some sort of invisible wall that couldn't be breached. Everything around us slowly began to change once more until finally someone was heard walking towards us.

My attention immediately turned towards the person who was slowly getting revealed to us.

"A prophet arrives in this world for what?" Questions the person with a curious tone.

"By accident and to stop the demon lord from creating Chaos." Irie answers as she steps I'm front of me.

I didn't quite get what was going on but Irie seemed to understand it well. What the hell is this?

"I see. It's been awhile so I apologize for this appearance." Says the Person as they take down their hood.

Revealing themselves before us was yet another woman who had black hair and blue colored eyes. She seemed to be quite beautiful as well, I'm honestly shocked with the amount of beautiful women I've met in my life.

"Who are you exactly?" Irie Asks with a cautious tone.

"My name is Lana." Answers the Woman as she stands before us.

Nothing could cross my mind on what she was capable of, or what she was doing here asking us this question. None of it made sense to me but was this good or bad?

Not everything is bad I'm sure but this just feels too strange for me to comprehend it all.

"What is your role here Lana?" I speak up to ask while holding my bag of books.

These are important I can't lose these, lots of valuable knowledge that will help me grow even stronger.

"To aid the prophet on his journey if he is to arrive in our world." Lana Answers as she shifts her gaze towards me.

Yet another person set on helping me throughout my journey to stop the demon lord, how weird.

I really do have plenty of help but I'm not going to turn down yet another beautiful women joining my group. See now this is what I'm talking about, all these amazing girls joining my group.

"How can we trust you?" Irie Asks while remained in front of me.

Nice view of Iries but right now, man my mind wanders so much sometimes. Though I wasn't wrong when I first saw her, she has both great boobs and a great ass.

"This." Lana pulls out a strange amulet with a symbol of a woman holding some sort of artifact.

Irie just moved aside and didn't say anything further, what didn't I know here? What does that amulet have to do with anything?

"So I may accompany you Kamako?" Lana asks with a cute voice.

She seemed to be rather good at making sure she got what she wanted. I didn't plan to turn her down anyway, she could be pretty powerful for all I know. She also knows my name already...

"Yes you may." I reply with a positive tone.

As I say this she begins to walk over to us. This was going to be interesting to explain when we got back to the others.