
First Job

I entered the room to see Elisa waiting as usual, this was how it was every day of the week. I mean from this week at least that's how it was but I had a lot to figure out.

"Morning Kamako. I know it's going to be weird but Jen told me of a Job already." Says Elisa as she sips a cup of tea.

"A job? What do you mean?" I question with a confused tone.

"It's a weak demon don't worry but come take this." Answers Elisa while holding out a weird paper.

As I go and take the paper it's like everything around me changed once again. Now suddenly I'm in the middle of the woods by myself, what happened?

Also something was coming to my head out of nowhere, does it have to do with the paper?

"Hello Kamako. This demon has been hunting families around this forest. There's a small village not too far away, they aren't as evolved as your normal cities are. Good luck." Says the message.

I guess it's safe to assume that it was probably Jen who gave this job since I remember that she was in charge of this stuff.

(Narrator's View)

Kamako began to make his way through the forest and to no avail he was not seeing any sign of the village mentioned. It took about a good hour of walking around this forest till he finally found it.

The village was outdated compared to the modern world of which Kamako knew before this.

They didn't seem to be a technology reliant place at all and still used the old ways of lighting such as torches, fires, and maybe lanterns. It wasn't uncommon for places like this to exist but this was the way things were.

(Kamako's View) Entering the Village.

I didn't think a place like this was around but then again I'm not quite sure where I am to begin with. Before this all happened places like this didn't even really make headlines anyway so I'd always be in the dark.

"Hello!" I shout while walking into the village.

No response from anybody, typical in a place like this after all.

Splat. Drip. Drip. Some sort of liquid can be heard hitting the floor in the distance.

Am I going crazy or am I actually hearing that right now?

I'm not quite sure I'm ready for this yet but I don't really have much of a choice since I'm already here to begin with. I'll have to fight whatever demon is here.

Going forward I began to notice bodies all around me on the ground, chests ripped open, heads smashed in, and just death every which way. This does not seem like it'll be an easy fight at all, how is this a weak demon?

That was when I turned a corner and all of a sudden was met with a gaze like I've never gotten before. A demon standing above a corpse just slowly turned towards me, it had the appearance of a man but I don't know what it's capable of yet.

It had horns on its head, Claws, and dark red eyes.

"Hmm another human in this place? How did I miss you?" Asks the demon in a sinister tone.

I'm expected to fight this thing with no weapons at all, just my damn fists? This has to be a joke then right?

"S..shut up you monster!" I stutter before shouting with fear in my voice.

I know it can probably tell I'm scared of it but I'll have to push through this. I refuse to get called a coward and I sure as hell am not going to let anyone down.

(Narrator View)

Kamako quickly running in at the demon goes for his first punch on it.

Thud. His punch hit the demon in the face but didn't seem to have much of an effect at first or at least that's how it looked.

"Pathetic Human." Says the demon before giving a hit back its self.

Pow!!! Kamako gets punched right across his face and is sent flying back into one of the houses. Crash!!!!

"Cough. Cough." Kamako coughs up blood.

This doesn't look like the best job for a new guy like Kamako to be doing but he didn't have a choice since he took the paper. Nothing was told in great detail about the demon either.

(Kamako's View) On the ground.

God everything hurts so bad but I can't just give up here or I'll die for sure. That thing just ate my attack though so what the hell am I supposed to do?

That's when I saw out of the corner of my eye a man wearing a kimono came in and was wielding a sword.

"Hey you alright?"Asks the man with a concerned tone.

"B-barely yes." I answer while sitting on the ground.

"Get out of here and I'll handle this." Says the man before dashing towards the demon.

All I could see was the man slashing away at this demon left and right. Blood spilling everywhere and he didn't even get one hit from that thing.

If I was as strong as him this wouldn't have happened in the first place. That demon literally ate my punch and didn't even seem phased whatsoever.

SPLAT!!! All of a sudden a huge pop and liquid being splattered against walls could be heard.

I used the strength I had to get up and see what happened since my view was obstructed for the last bit of the fight. To my surprise the demons head was completely gone like it had just exploded.

The man sheathed his sword and made his way over to me and that's when I heard him speak once more.

"Did you hit this demon at all?" Asks the man.

"I punched it across the face but that was it." I Answered while struggling to stand.

"Holy shit I think you might've did that then." Says the man.

I looked over once more at the demon which was now on the ground dead. Did I really cause that things head to explode though?

"I can't believe that." I respond while leaning against the wall.

This wall was the only thing keeping me from falling back to the ground completely.

"My names Leo and I'll help you out here. I got some questions." Says Leo while taking my arm and picking me up.

This was a wild first job as it's called but at least if that was me I can officially say I killed a damn demon.

My thoughts began to leave me and my vision darkened as this guy Leo helped me get away from this village. It was like I was dying but this also seemed different.

If I'm dying will I see my mom or.. even my dad?

That's something I'm curious about more than anything. Everything disappeared before my eyes as I passed out from the damage i sustained.

Hopefully this guy isn't evil too.

Feel free to ask questions in my discord!


Kota_Samacreators' thoughts