
Different World

I walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed one of the books off the shelf. "Age of Saviors" An interesting title for a book but yet I'm curious about the story now.

Opening the book a sudden surge of knowledge began to fill my head.

"Let's start here." Says a strange voice.

"No we can't start there." Responds another voice.

Light became to engulf the room and I couldn't understand what was going on here. Then poof.

Everything felt like it was a dream but I felt like I had just passed out the moment the light engulfed the room. What even happened to me in the first place?

(Meanwhile Irie's View) Outside the door.

"Leo what was that Light?" I questioned while looking behind him.

"Shit I hope he did not open that book. That's going to be a problem." Answers Leo while beginning to open the door.

I watched as Leo opened the door and then realized Kamako was gone, he wasn't in the room anymore. A book was then on the floor before us.

"Age of Saviors" I remember hearing about this book as a kid but most talked about how it was imbued with magic. The Era the world was from itself had done something to preserve the world for centuries.

It was written about and titled this way because the prophet of that world stopped the demon lord but then he disappeared. It's strange how it all is but I hope the stories weren't true about what happened when people opened it.

"It's going to be a bit complicated to bring him back." Says Leo as he picks up the book.

"Wait he got brought there after all?" I ask with an angry tone.

"Yes but it's different from being reincarnated. We should be able to bring him back a bit easier." Answers Leo as he holds the book.

"How do we bring him back then?" I question while calming down a bit.

"We wait a few days then Kaede will use her magic to find him within the world." Responds Leo before heading back towards the door.

Kamako is going to be stuck there a few days?!?! I really regret letting him do so much of this stuff by himself.

(Kamako's View) Hours after the blinding light engulfed him.

I woke up to the sight of an old room that you'd see in the medieval times but that doesn't make any sense. Paintings of what appeared to be the family of the home were on the walls of the room.

How the hell did I end up in a noble home? This is all really weird.

After that I quickly got out of the bed and looked around for some sort of mirror. Luckily I noticed one right across the room by a desk.

I walked over and looked at the mirror to see I was my younger self again. 17 year old me, long black hair that almost covered my eyes, and clothes I never wore before.

I was dressed as a noble boy, this is all even weirder than the other shit! What the hell is going on?!?!

This doesn't make any sense at all, why the hell am I my younger self?

"You must learn of your power so pay attention young one." Says a voice before fading away.

I really hope this isn't the way I'm going to learn how to use my power because this is the weirdest shit ever. After that a man in a nice tuxedo comes in with his blonde hair slicked back.

"Hey son did you sleep alright?" Asks the man.

There's no way that's my dad because my mom showed me pictures, that looks nothing like him. This is just getting weirder and weirder.

"I slept alright." I Answered while looking at the man.

So he'd be my dad here then?

"Well you seem to be dressed already, why don't you come downstairs when you're ready. The woman we talked about is here to see you." Says Dad before leaving my room.

I didn't even say anything back and just looked around once more, maybe I should take a look outside. Walking over to the window my eyes were immediately met with an amazing view of the distant lands ahead of me.

Nice green hills followed by some distant houses but below was our courtyard area followed by a gate, this family really is rich. But none of this makes any sense still.

Leaving the thought of these things behind for the time being I decided to head downstairs to see the woman dad talked about.

As I left my room I noticed the hallways were a lot fancier than I've ever seen in my life. My family was never rich so being in a place like this was brand new to me.

After getting the end of the hallway I saw the stairs and leaned over the railing to see below. To my surprise the woman below looked almost identical to Irie.

Red hair, red eyes, and she wore a dress. This was the opposite of what she wore in the previous world. Is she even the same person or is that a whole different person?

"Hey there's Kamako now." Says Dad as he stands next to the woman.

I walk down the steps and after a few moments I'm standing before the woman.

"Hi Kamako I'm Rina, I'm here to help you learn how to use your magic." Says Rina as she looks at me.

She was almost exactly like Irie, double d boobs, a nice ass that you could just barely notice with the dress, and beautiful red eyes.

"N-nice to meet you. I'm excited to learn all about magic." I studder to reply at first.

This feels completely different from before and I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.

I wonder how long I'll be in this new world though. Hopefully it'll show me how to use the power I possess unless it's just magic like she's talking about.

That'll be interesting to find out.