
Demon Hunter

I woke up to the sight of a weird room with stone walls and it seemed to be ancient. Where am I?

"About time you woke up. How are you feeling?" Asked Leo as he entered the room.

"I feel okay surprisingly." I Answered while sitting up.

It felt like my body didn't even have the damage anymore but it makes me wonder what happened when I passed out.

This place also was completely different from where I last was. It's got me wondering if he brought me to his own base or hideout or whatever they call it.

"Sorry I saw your injuries as pretty serious so I brought you here to patch you up." Says Leo as he takes a seat.

"It's okay I'm just surprised about everything honestly." I respond while looking around once more.

"I see so this was the first time you did this. Well that makes a lot more sense." Says Leo.

"Wait so you know about me already?" I asked with a curious tone.

"Of course. A prophet selected to help stop the demon lord Rin from unleashing chaos." Answers Leo with a confident tone.

"I see. Then what are you exactly?" I question while looking towards him.

"I'm a demon hunter. This place here is known as Sanctuary or at least that's how you humans prefer to call a safe place." Answers Leo as he shrugs.

This place did feel safe so it didn't surprise me to have a name like it did. We do commonly refer to such places as thing for people who flee from any sort of danger.

Demon Hunter? Wait and he referred to me with the others as humans so what is he?

"What are you then?" I ask while slowly getting up from the bed.

"I'm a demon as well. The main difference is we're from a clan that has long since been wiped off the lands of hell." Responded Leo.

"Is that why you're hunting other demons or is it a different reason?" I questioned while making sure I had everything on me.

Clothes still seem to be the same and I don't seem to have lost anything so I guess it's all good for now. This is yet another weird situation to be in.

"Yes. It was my kind that wiped out my clan so it's been this way for centuries. Don't worry we don't feel remorse for them. They all still believe it was smart to do." Says Leo while standing back up.

There's a lot I still don't know but I'm sure in time I'll hopefully understand everything going on soon enough.

"I see that makes sense I guess." I reply with an awkward tone.

I didn't know what to really think about this whole thing but I'm not sure what's true or not just yet. Irie didn't even mention much about these demons yet or even what they'd be capable of so this is the best I got.

I'm also wondering why I wasn't told about the whole order here that kills other demons for a living.

"Well for now just follow me." Says Leo while signaling to follow him.

I didn't say anything I just followed him through the corridor outside my room and after a bit of walking we reached a big room. There was about five to six other people in the room, four women and two guys.

Wow this place really does have me wondering how many demons have gone through this order over the years.

"Hey everyone this is uh." Says Leo before stopping.

"I'm Kamako, apparently I'm a prophet who's going to help deal with the demon lord Rin." I reply while moving next to Leo.

"Ah with that out now. Kamako going from left to right that's Yuki, Kaede, Emiko, Akane, Miro, and Iwazora." Says Leo as he introduces them all.

They all wore different types of kimonos but the first person who stuck out to me was the girl Kaede.

She had short blue hair with horns that were on top of her head, she also seemed to have blue eyes as well and had a big axe on her back. Wow I can only imagine how strong they all are.

Yuki had long blonde hair and green eyes and seemed to have two swords on her. Both sheathed on each side of her.

Before I could even think further I got interrupted by Leo.

"Alright Kaede and Yuki I need you to show him to his actual room." Says Leo while the girls approached me.

I didn't even get a chance to say anything, they both just grabbed my arms and took me to my room. It didn't take very long and all I could focus on was my arms squished in between both of their boobs.

I swear I was never this much of a pervert! I don't understand what's going on with me lately ever since this started.

Though Kaede seemed to be a bit flat it didn't matter, this was amazing and it completely took my focus again.

"This is it." Says Kaede in a soft tone.

"T-thank you both for bringing me here." I respond while standing before the room.

"Kaede will be staying with you Kamako. I apologize but there's not a lot of rooms here." Says Yuki as she gives a smile.

"Ugh I wasn't going to ruin the surprise." Chimes in Kaede.

"Are you guys messing with me?" I asked with a confused tone.

"No we're serious but don't think anything crazy will happen." Answers Kaede

To me this all felt so strange, all these women I'm meeting and just how they happen to go along with things. It's all crazy but shit I need to stop questioning it and just let it happen.

It makes me wonder if Irie will be mad I shared a bed or room with another woman. But for now I'll just go with it and see what's next from here.

These demon hunters will hopefully give me more information later.