


So Belle you like swimming yeah I do, I normally do it what I have a free time, Belle said. Well I can swim a little but not that much, I said. I don't want to actually think it's a good idea for you to swim today Belle said with a concerned look on her face, well yeah I guess so I answered. Ok let's go change, we went into the girls changing room and changed into our swimming trunks. Wow it's beautiful, what is? Belle asked, I mean the swimming trunks oh yeah it is. I noticed Katie and her gang but I didn't think much of it.

I think I'm going to practice now Belle said with a smile on her face oh I think I know what you're trying to do I said smirking 😏. WHAT!!! she said almost shouting, I mean don't you like one of the four squad members? I asked.

Eww 🤢 no, they are all playboys, and I don't like any of them. Uh huh I know, don't try to hide your feelings honey I said, I know you like Felix. Stop teasing me Shine, she said laughing and I joined her.

Soon I saw Michael and his gang OMG 😳 Michael looks so hot 🥵, I said without knowing Belle was still beside me, ooh really she said almost laughing, Stop teasing me Belle hahaha well you did the same thing to me. Hahaha hahaha 🤣, I laughed till my tummy hurt. The next thing I knew was a hand pushing me into the pool, and everything went black.....


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