



(Michael) Shine I love you so much and I'm willing to do anything or sacrifice anything for you.

(Shine) I love you too Michael but I can't afford to risk my life and yours too, we are in different worlds I'm not sure we can be together.

(Michael) NOOOO!!! Nothing can stop our love Shine NOTHING!!!! I say, I will make sure that I love you till the end of this.

(Shine) ok my love I will be beside you always and we will fight this together I love you Michael.

(Michael) I love you to Shine even if it's the last drop of my blood I will risk it for you.

(Shine) Weeping....😭😭😭, Thank you my love.

knock knock knock knock, oh my god who is that this early morning I said yawning.

I'm sorry to disturb you Ma'am but it's 7:15 a.m. WHAT!!!! and you didn't wake me up early I yelled at my maid while rushing out of bed. I'm sorry Ma'am but this is the 11th time I am waking you up my maid replied. Whatever well thank you for waking me up though I said to my maid. You're welcome Ma'am she said cheerfully, well go get my school uniform ready I don't want to spend a minute here again I said while rushing to the bathroom.

I had a quick bath and rushed out from the bathroom oh my god I didn't even brush my teeth I thought to myself, I rushed in the bathroom again grabbed my brush and toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. Ma'am your food is ready your parents are waiting for you downstairs said my maid, okay what about my school uniform I said asked it's also ready Ma'am she replied, okay tell my parents that I'll be downstairs in a minute, with pleasure Ma'am my maid replied. I went to my bedroom and sat on my chair close to mirror Wow Shine you look so gorgeous today I said while smiling at myself at the mirror, I packed my hair in a very cute ponytail and blinked my eyes a few times, well every girl does that I said laughing at myself and I rushed downstairs to have my breakfast.

Good morning Mom, Good morning Dad, Good morning baby how are you my Mom asked, I'm fine thank you and how about you Dad, oh sweetheart am always fine my Dad replied while smiling. okay good to hear that so Mom what are we having for breakfast I asked.

Well your favourite dish, oh Mom do you mean Toast Omelette and Orange juice, Yeah that's it my Mom said, OMG Mom I love you so much, actually I love taking Toast Omelettes and Oranges juice for breakfast that's my favourite breakfast meal. I ate in a rush, slow down Shine you are going to make it early to school my Dad said, come on Dad I'm already late it's 8:16 a.m. it's okay honey leave her to eat quickly I mean she needs to learn how to get up early in the morning without her maids waking her up Mom said laughing. yes Dad Mom is right, I have to learn how to do things on my own from now on. Wow that's my baby girl she has grown already hahaha my parents laughed. whole story short I had a very amazing breakfast with my parents. Bye Mom, Bye Dad, Bye sweetheart they said while peaking my forehead. Have a nice day at school baby my Mom said, it's okay Mom I will, I love you byee I said while entering my car. Good morning I greeted my driver, Good morning SunShine how are you he asked, I am fine thank you and how about you, I am always okay honey he said okay okay buckle up let's hit it off to school, yeee I said

The Story Continues ♊


Thank you all for reading my novel

(MY OTHER HEART) and I hope you guys enjoy it.

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